July 11th, 2022- LITTLE VALLEY, NY– A court has determed that New Yorks bill violated the seperation of powers. In a lawsuit Senator George Borrello, challenged the constitutionality of Rule 2.13 entitled “Isolation and Quarantine Procedures”. The court determined that the rule indeed violated the Constitutional powers vested in the state.
This rule is similar to one previously presented by Senator Perry in response to Ebola, but was never pursued but remained on the senate floor for 3 sessions. Perry’s bill went viral last year, while it was not being pursued. Meanwhile this rule, essentially giving the state slipped through largely unnoticed.
However, despite sliding by unnoticed by most, Senator Borrello successful challenged the bill in court.
In the ruling it was noted that:
“is a severe deprivation of individual liberty, far more egregious than other health safety measures.”
And that:
“Rule 2.13 merely gives ‘lip service’ to Constitutional due process.”
The ruling comes a few weeks after the overturning of Roe v. Wade.