August 22nd, 2022- LANCASTER, PENNSYLVANIA– Amos Miller, an Amish farmer in Lancaster County Pennsylvania faces potential jail time for preparing food in accordance with his religious beliefs. An act which attorneys purporting to work for the US government have taken issue with.
In 2022, the owner of Millers Organic Farms was fined a total of $303,065 by the US federal government after a 3 year long legal battle stemming back to charges from 2019. Worse still, attorneys representing the federal government are pushing for Miller to spend time in jail for failing to pay the fines.
It gets worse, the government’s agents want to add Miller’s wife as a defendant, as they co-own the farm together. A hearing has been set for September 26th by U.S. District Judge Edward G. Smith.
But that is only part of the story…

Miller’s 2019 Charges
In 2019, the government filed a new complaint against Miller. Since then Miller has been in a lengthy legal battle with the US federal government. Further, the government has sued his property in 2 different suites.
Miller’s business was charged for violating the Meat Act and the Poultry Act for failing to allow the USDA to inspect his meat, and for failing to properly label his products.
This complaint in particular was filed in November of 2019, and Miller was charged with selling food without meeting proper selling requirements.
Amos Miller Has a Past with Federal Charges Related to Farming
Get this, this isn’t Millers first round with the US federal government either. Miller’s faced charges in 2016 for selling raw milk. Charges many Amish farmers have faced. However, that case against Miller was dismissed in 2017, but a new affidavit was added to the case in 2022 after 5 years of inactivity.
This affidavit appears to be a mixture of an attempt to target the surety bonds of public officials, as well as other language that is common in suits brought forth by “sovereign citizens”.

So, that is a summary of the circumstances surrounding Millers Case. If you want to take a deeper dive, check out our article “What the Case of Amos Miller Vs. US Shows Us About the People, the Law and Government“.
Stories like Miller’s were the foundation of And we will be watching to see how Miller’s case turns out. Afterall, actions like this by actors pretending to be the US government are what allowed the blatant overreach of power we have seen over the last few years. Such as NY’s proposed quarantine camps.
Really the medical industry has been hijacked since it became a corporatized, profit-oriented industry after the works of David Rockefeller and what has become known as Rockefeller Medicine.