When the average person thinks of rights, they likely think of the Bill of Rights and the US Constitution.
But there are actually many other types of “rights”such as; civil rights, human rights, natural rights and even divine rights.
However, today I wanted to compare to forms of rights that are similar in popularity and find which is more popular.
Natural Rights or Constitutional Rights.
Further, let’s take a look at where rights in the Constitution come from, and what this trend can teach us.

Natural Rights Searches Since 2004
Since 2004, it appears that searches for natural rights have grown. From 2004 to 2020 there appears to be a steadily growing interest, with the largest peak occurring in September of 2020 the year Biden was elected. Searches for natural rights peak every year near September. However, since September of 2020 it appears that searches for natural rights have dropped again. Which is illustrated more clearly by looking at a 3 year window.

As you can see from the 3 year window from July 31st, 2019- July 31st, 2022 that interest in natural rights dropped significantly following its peak in September of 2020.

Constitutional Rights Searches Since 2004
Since 2004, searches for “Constitutional Rights” have remained fairly steady over time. With the peak being in November 0f 2004 when George W. Bush was elected for a second term in office. After which interest appears to have dropped until 2020, with the second biggest peak in September of 2020. During the same period of time in which searches for natural rights reached their all time peak.

Much like in our research into the difference in searches between natural and constitutional law, there is not as clear of a pattern that emerges with searches for constitutional rights, as there is when looking at natural rights. For example in the 5 year window we can see that searches for constitutional rights are more steady, and don’t have quite the peaks and valleys we see in searches for natural rights. Let’s take a look at the side by side to see which is the more popular search term over time.

So, Which is more popular?
Ok, so lets get tot the bottom of this, which is more popular natural rights or constitutional rights? Well, when we look at the data since 2004, constitutional rights take quit the lead over natural rights searches. When we look at the state by state searches we can see that searches for natural rights out-compete searches for constitutional rights in; North Carolina, Ohio, Vermont, Florida and Rhode Island.

However, as constitutional rights seem to be becoming a less popular search term over time, and natural rights appear to be gaining in popularity. The large gap between the two begins to diminish when we look at the 5 year window. As we can see with this map of searches in the US from August 2017 to July 2022.

As you can see from the 5 year window of data there appears to have been an uptick in searches for natural rights as compared to constitutional rights. With California, New Mexico, Arizona, South Carolina and New Hampshire joining the former states in a trend which lead to more searches for natural rights. However, this pattern was very short lived as we can see in the next image.

Over the course of the last year, there appears to be yet again a swing toward searches for constitutional rights again. And the short lead natural rights appeared to be taking was short lived.
What do search results of natural rights vs. constitutional rights suggest?
According to this research we can see that there was a resurgence in the popularity of natural rights. Which may suggest that people were becoming more informed about the source of their rights. Our rights do not come from the Constitution or the Bill of Rights, so the term constitutional rights is sort of a misnomer. Which i+s really a shame, because the intention of most searching for “constitutional rights” is to arrive at the truth of law, but truly our rights are self-evident, and natural occurrences. Granted to us by the Creator.
Further, the belief that constitutional rights exist leads to other ideas which branch out farther and farther from the tree of life and liberty. Namely, “human rights” and “civil rights”. Both of which are far more popular than either natural or constitutional rights.

Which shows a major divide in the understanding of where our rights come from, and the natural inherent truth. That our rights are as The Declaration of Independence states “granted to us by our Creator”. Further the government derives it’s just powers from the consent of the governed.
In Conclusion: Which is more popular?
By far constitutional rights are more popular according to this research, which is unfortunate as it suggest that many believe their rights are formed by some sort of democracy or agreement with others, when they are much deeper. However, the belief in constitutional rights is more closely tied to the truth than “human” or “civil” rights which are entirely fabrications of man. Meaning that they can be granted or taken based on public consensus.
Fortunately, the truth and order of law runs through our society as a lifeblood. Should the truth be exposed and not addressed, the rest of the creation of man would follow. Therefore there is power in the knowledge of truth, and the wisdom that arises thereof.