Live in Elizabeth City, North Carolina?
Do you get electric through the Elizabeth City utility?
Let’s work together to create an opt out program for Elizabeth City, NC!

Laws on Opting-out of a Smart Meter in Elizabeth City
In Elizabeth City, North Carolina, there is currently no smart meter opt-out option.
Though the laws on the topic of opting out of smart meters are confusing and unsettled at best, you can see all laws pertaining to the laws in this article:
Re: Smart Meters in Municipalities; North Carolina
Or I can keep this short.
Currently the only way to opt out of smart meters in Elizabeth City is to push the city to adopt an opt-out program.
Which is exactly what I am trying to do, but I need your help!
If you want to help create an opt-out for smart meters in Elizabeth City, North Carolina…. Reach out below:
The Bottom Line on Creating a Smart Meter Opt-Out
The only way to get rid of your smart meter is to work with he city to create an opt-out policy.
If you want to help, let us know!