Contents of the Coronavirus Law Tracker
Covid-19 Laws By State
Alabama executive orders passed due to coronavirus:
- State of Emergency declared
- Gov. Kay Ivey establishes Coronavirus Task Force
- Department of Public Health Order
- Supplemental State of Emergency: Coronavirus COVID-19
- Governor Ivey Issues Statement on Updated Public Health
- Precautionary Guidelines
- Governor Ivey Issues Statement on Statewide Public Health Order
- Second Supplemental State of Emergency
- Third Supplemental State of Emergency
- Executive Order 2020-15 Expansion of Telemedicine
- Fourth Supplemental State of Emergency
- Gov. Ivey awards $9.5 million in broadband extension grants
- Sixth Supplemental State of Emergency
- Gov. Ivey Issues Stay at Home Order
- Seventh Supplemental State of Emergency
- Safer At Home Order
- Order of the State Health Officer Regarding Non-Congregate Sheltering
- Order of the State Health Officer Suspending Certain Public Gatherings
- Emergency Order of the State Health Officer
- Eighth Supplemental State of Emergency
- Ninth Supplemental State of Emergency
- Order of the State Health Officer Suspending Certain Public Gatherings Due to Risk of Infection by COVID-19
- Tenth Supplemental State of Emergency
- Eleventh Supplemental State of Emergency
- Twelfth Supplemental State of Emergency
- Thirteenth Supplemental State of Emergency
- Order of the State Health Officer Suspending Certain Public Gatherings
- Fourteenth Supplemental State of Emergency
- Amended Safer at Home Order
Passed Covid-19 Alabama legislation:
HB 186 Makes appropriations for funding corona virus preparedness. This includes a $5,000,000 budget for the Department of Public Health.
SR 49 Requests rental assistance funding from Congress in response to coronavirus.
SJR 40 A bill that urges people to fist bump instead of shake hands. Awaiting governor approval.
Pending Covid-19 bills and legislation in Alabama:
HB 447 Extends the medicare program in general, but includes language to cover potential health impacts and economic hardships caused by coronavirus.
HJR 121 Bill urges Alabama Governor to expand Medicaid coverage specifically for new mothers.
HR 107 Bill to promote the posting and sharing of practices to reduce spread of infectious disease.
Shelter in Place in Alabama
State Stay At Home order Effective April 4th
Alaska executive orders passed due to coronavirus:
- State of Emergency declared
- Administrative Order No. 315 directs the Department of Health and Social Services regarding COVID-19
- COVID-19 Health Mandate
- Health Mandate Issued on March 16: Libraries, Archives and Museums, Residential Schools
Gov. Dunleavy announces Alaska Economic Stabilization Team - Health Mandate 003: Statewide Closure Restaurants, Bars, Entertainment
- Health Mandate 004: Travel
- Health Mandate 005: Elective Medical Procedures
- Health Mandate 006 – Elective Oral Health Procedures
- Health Mandate 007 Fairbanks North Star Borough & Ketchikan Gateway Borough – Personal Care Services and Gatherings
- Health Mandate 008 Public and Private Schools
- Alaska COVID-19 Economic Stabilization Plan Released
- Health Mandate 009 Personal Care Services and Gatherings
- Health Mandate 010 International and Interstate Travel – Order for Self-Quarantine
- Governor Signs Legislation Expanding Unemployment Benefits and Increasing Internet Speeds for Alaska’s Schools
- Health Mandate 011 Social Distancing
- Health Mandate 012 Intrastate Travel – Limiting travel between communities to critical infrastructure or critical person needs
- Governor Ducey, Superintendent Hoffman Announce Extension of School Closures Through End of School Year
- Governor Ducey Announces New Steps to Protect Families and Small Businesses from Foreclosure
- Governor Ducey Announces $6.7 Million in Funding to Support Vulnerable Arizonans
- Governor Extends COVID-19 Health Mandate 002, 002
- Governor Issues Update to COVID-19 Health Mandate 005 – Attachment C
- Health Mandate 013 – K-12 Public and Private Schools
- COVID-19 Disaster Order of Suspension No. 2 Appendix A – Amendment 2 Relating to the Suspension of Sections of Alaska Administrative Code and Sections of Alaska Statutes
- Health Mandate 014 – Non-Congregate Sheltering Order
- COVID-19 Disaster Order of Suspension No. 2 Appendix A – Amendment 3 Relating to the Suspension of Sections of Alaska Administrative Code and Sections of Alaska Statutes
- Health Mandate 015 Supercedes Mandate 005 on Elective Medical Procedures, Mandate 006 on Elective Oral Health Procedures, and affects health care providers directly addressed in Mandate 009 on Personal Care Services and Gatherings
- Health Mandate 16 – Reopen Alaska Responsibly Plan – Phase 1-A
- Health Mandate 17 Protective Measures for Independent Commercial Fishing Vessels
- Health Mandate 18: Intrastate Travel
- Updated: Health Mandate 10 International and Interstate Travel
- Updated: Health Mandate 17 Protective Measures for Independent Commercial Fishing Vessels
- Updated: Health Mandate 10 International and Interstate Travel – Order for Self-Quarantine
Arizona executive orders passed due to coronavirus:
- State of Emergency declared
- 2020-07 Proactive Measures to Protect Against COVID-19
- Governor Doug Ducey, Boys & Girls Clubs Announce Partnership to Help Address Impacts of COVID-19
- Executive Order 2020-08 Limiting In-Person Motor Vehicle Division Visits for Driver License Renewals
- Executive Order 2020-09 Limiting the Operations of Certain Businesses to Slow the Spread of COVID-19
- Executive Order 2020-10 Delaying Elective Surgeries to Conserve Personal Protective Equipment Necessary to Test and Treat Patients with COVID-19
- Executive Order 2020-11 Ensuring Individuals Whose
- Employment Is Affected by COVID-19 Have Access to Unemployment Insurance
- Governor Ducey Expands Access to Unemployment Insurance and Extends Income Tax Deadline
- Governor Ducey Signs Legislation to Increase Resources for Arizona Hospitals
- Executive Order 2020-12 Prohibiting the Closure of Essential Services
- Executive Order 2020-13 Enhanced Surveillance Advisory
- Executive Order 2020-14 Postponement of Eviction Actions
- Governor Ducey and Superintendent Hoffman Announce Childcare For COVID-19 Frontline Workers
- Governor Ducey Takes Steps to Free Up More Physicians To Address COVID-19
- Governor Ducey Announces Public-Private Partnership to Secure Additional Medical Equipment
- Governor Ducey Announces Arizona Together Initiative, Linking Arizonans To Resources During COVID-19 Outbreak
- Executive Order 2020-16 Increasing Hospital Capacity for COVID-19 Preparedness
- Executive Order 2020-17 Continuity of Work
- Governor Ducey Announces Electric Utility Relief Package
- Arizona Waives Emissions Testing for Seniors to Reduce COVID-19 Risk
- Governor Ducey Signs Legislation to Support Schools, Teachers and Families
- Governor Ducey Announces New Dollars for Rental Assistance
- Governor Ducey Signs Legislation to Expand Access to Unemployment Benefits
- Governor Ducey Signs Bipartisan State Budget Agreement
- Executive Order 2020-18 Stay Home, Stay Healthy, Stay
- Governor Ducey, Superintendent Hoffman Announce Extension of School Closures Through End of School Year
- Governor Ducey Announces 90-Day Fee Relief for Restaurants, Bars Impacted by COVID-19
- Executive Order 20-19 Telemedicine for Pets and Animals
- Executive Order 20-20 Expanding Access to Pharmacies
- Executive Order 20-21 Prohibiting Small Business Evictions
- Executive Order 20-22 Protection of Vulnerable Residents at Nursing Care Institutions, Residential Care Institutions, ICF-IIDs and DD Medical Group Homes from COVID-19
- Executive Order 20-23 Enhanced Surveillance Advisory
- Executive Order 20-24 Requirements for Individuals Traveling to Arizona
- Executive Order 20-25 Flexible Food Item & Sale of Goods at Restaurants
- Governor Ducey Announces $6.7 Million in Funding to Support Vulnerable Arizonans
- Governor Ducey Announces New Steps to Protect Families and Small Businesses from Foreclosure
- Executive Order 20-26 Remote Online Notarization
- Executive Order 20-27 The “Good Samaritan Order” Protecting Frontline Healthcare Workers Responding to the COVID-19 Outbreak
- Executive Order 20-28 On the Job Training for Assisted Living Facility Caregivers
- Executive Order 20-29 Increased Telemedicine Access for Workers’ Compensation
- Executive Order 20-30 Enhanced Surveillance Advisory
- Executive Order 20-31 Expanding Food Options for Commercial Vehicle Drivers
- Executive Order 20-32 – Requesting Exemption from EO 20-10
- Executive Order 20-33 Return Stronger – Amending the Stay Home, Stay Healthy, Stay Connected Order
- Executive Order 2020-34 Resuming additional business operations for barbers, cosmetologists and dine-in restaurants
- Executive Order 2020-35 Reporting by Nursing Care Institutions, Residential Care Institutions, ICF-IIDs and DD Medical Group Homes to Residents and Families Regarding COVID-19
- Executive Order 2020-36 Stay Healthy, Return Smarter, Return Stronger
Passed Covid-19 Arizona legislation:
SB 1051 Bill appropriates $55 million to the public health emergencies and pay the expenses of emergency responses for public health. Bill passed after State of emergency issued by Governor due to COVID-19.
HB 2910 Updates procedures and requirments for public school closures which are a result of coronavirus. Pending governor signature.
Pending Covid-19 bills and legislation in Arizona:
SB 1694/HB 2911 Emergency bill which allows the Arizona Department of Economic Securityto develop an alternative unemployment insurance program for individuals impacted by coronavirus.
SB 1028 Bill which enhances surveillance during a state of emergency. Which includes events arriving from an health threat.
Stay-at-home order in Place in Arizona
State-wide stay-at-home order Starting March 31st
Arkansas executive orders passed due to coronavirus:
- State of Emergency declared
- EO 20-04 Authorizes funds from Governor’s Disaster Fund to be used at discretion of Arkansas Division of Emergency Management
- EO 20-05 Suspends telemedicine provisions
- Executive Order 20-06 To Amend Executive Order 20-03 Regarding the Public Health Emergency
- Governor Hutchinson Expedites Unemployment Benefits For Those Impacted by COVID-19
- Governor Hutchinson Announces Relief for Businesses, Child-care Providers to Ease COVID-19 Impact
- EO 20-08 Ordering Funds Released to Defray Program and Administrative Costs Associated with COVID-19
- EO 20-09 To amend EO 20-03 for the purpose of extending the state individual tax filing deadline as a result of COVID-19
- Proclamation: Governor Issues Call for Special Legislative Session of the 92nd General Assembly
- EO 20-10 To Amend EO 20-03 for the Purpose of Restricting Gatherings to Prevent the Spread of COVID-19
- Governor Hutchinson Announces Proposal to Protect and Support Health Care Professionals, Public, an Providers
- EO 20-11 To Establish the Arkansas Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act Steering Committee
- Governor Allocates Additional $45 Million for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- EO 20-12 Suspending Provisions Requiring In-Person Witnessing and Notarization of Legal Documents in the State of Arkansas
- Governor Hutchinson Directs State Parks to Implement New Measures for Public Health
- EO 20-13 Requiring New Protocols for Commercial Lodgings, Short-Term Rentals
- EO 20-14 To Amend EO 20-03 for the Purpose of Suspending Provisions Requiring In-Person Witnessing and Notarization of Legal Documents in the State of Arkansas
- EO 20-15 to Amend EO 20-03 for the Purpose of Suspending Provisions that Prohibit Arkansas Corporations and Banks from Holding Shareholder Meetings Solely or Partially by Remote Communication
- EO 20-16 to Amend EO 20-03 Regarding the Public Health Emergency Concerning COVID-19 for the Purpose of Extending EO 20-06 to Assist State Agencies in Rendering Maximum Assistance to the Citizens of Arkansas
- EO 20-17 To Establish the Governor’s Medical Advisory Committee for Post-Peak COVID-19 Response
- EO 20-18 To Amend EO 20-03 Regarding the Public Health Emergency Concerning COVID-19 for the Purpose of Equipping Health Care Professionals with the Tools Necessary to Combat the COVID-19 Emergency
- EO 20-19 To Amend EO 20-3 for the Purpose of Suspending Provisions Regarding Workers Compensation Qualifications in the State of Arkansas for First Responders and Front-Line Health Care Workers
- EO 20-20 To Establish the Governor’s Economic Recovery Task Force
- EO 20-21 To Establish the Governor’s COVID-19 Testing Advisory Group
- EO 20-22 Suspending Provisions Regarding Workers Compensation Qualifications in the State of Arkansas for First Responders
- Department of Health Directive on Resuming Restaurant Dine-In Operations
- Department of Health Directive on Resuming Elective Surgery Procedures
- Department of Health Directive for Camps, Including Day and Overnight, and Faith-based Organizations
- Department of Health Directive for Gym, Fitness Center, Athletic Club and Weight Room Reopening
- Department of Health Directive for Barber Shops, Body Art Establishments, Cosmetology Establishments, Massage Therapy Clinics/Spas, and Medical Spas
- Department of Health Directive on Resuming Restaurant Dine-In Operations
- Executive Order 20-23 To Amend EO 20-31 for the Purpose of Observing Social Distancing Guidelines Associated with COVID-19 in Special Elections Held on May 12, 2020
- Executive Order 20-24 To Declare an Emergency, as Authorized by Ark. Code Ann. 12-75-114, and Order the Arkansas Oil and Gas Commission to Take Immediate Action to Prevent the Waste of Oil and Gas Resources
- Department of Health Directive Regarding Large Indoor Venues
- Executive Order 20-25 To Amend EO 20-03 Regarding the Public Health Emergency Concerning COVID-19, for the Purpose of Renewing the Disaster and Public Health Emergency to Prevent the Spread of and Mitigate the Impact of COVID-19
- Department of Health Guidance for Faith-Based Organizations
- Directive on Resuming Elective Dental Services
- Department of Health Directive on Resuming Elective Procedures, Phase II
- Department of Health Directive for Reopening of Casinos
- Department of Health Directive for Recreational Pool Reopening Proposal
- Executive Order 20-26 To amend EO 20-03 for the purpose of observing social distancing guidelines associated with COVID-19 in special elections held on May 12, 2020
- Directive for Large Indoor Venues
- Directive on Business Limitations
- Directive on Large Outdoor Venues
- Directive for Travelers from “Hot Spot” and International Locations
Passed Covid-19 Arkansas legislation:
Pending Covid-19 bills and legislation in Arkansas:
California executive orders passed due to coronavirus:
- State of Emergency declared
- Executive Order N-25-20 Further Enhancing State and Local Government’s Ability to Respond to COVID-19 Pandemic
- Executive Order N-26-20 Ensuring State Funding for Schools Even in Event of Physical Closure
- Executive Order N-27-20 To Protect the Health and Safety of Californians Most Vulnerable
- Department of Public Health Issues Guidance on Closure of Restaurants/Bars/ Wineries
- Executive Order N-28-20 To Protect Renters and Homeowners During COVID-19 Pandemic
- Executive Order N-31-20 To Allow Timely Delivery of Vital Goods During COVID-19 Outbreak
- Gov. Newsom Signs Emergency Legislation to Fight COVID-19
- Executive Order N-29-20 To Protect Ongoing Safety Net Services for Most Vulnerable Californians During COVID-19 Outbreak
- Executive Order N-30-20 To Suspend Standardized Testing for Students in Response to COVID-19 Outbreak
- California Launches New Comprehensive, Consumer-Friendly Website and Public Service Announcements to Boost COVID-19 Awareness
- Governor Newsom Takes Emergency Actions & Authorizes $150 Million in Funding to Protect Homeless Californians from COVID-19
- Executive Order N-32-20 Local Flexibility
- Executive Order N-33-20 Stay at Home Order
- Executive Order N-34-20 To Protect Public Health by
- Expanding Vote-by-Mail Options and Extending Deadlines for Presidential Primary Canvass
- Executive Order N-35-20 Expands the State’s Response to the COVID-19 Outbreak
- California Secures Presidential Major Disaster Declaration to Support State’s COVID-19 Emergency Response
- Governor Newsom Takes Action to Strengthen California’s Health Care Delivery System to Respond to COVID-19
- Executive Order N-36-20 State Prisons and Juvenile Facilities
- Governor Newsom Announces Major Financial Relief Package: 90-Day Mortgage Payment Relief During COVID-19 Crisis
- Executive Order N-37-20 To Establish a Statewide Moratorium on Evictions
- Executive Order N-38-20 Judicial Council Emergency Authority
- Executive Order N-39-20 To Expand Health Care Workforce and Recruit Health Care Professionals to Fight COVID-19
- Executive Order N-40-20 Providing Relief to California Small Businesses
- Governor Newsom Launches Campaign to Protect Health and Well-Being of Older Californians During COVID-19 Pandemic
- Executive Order N-41-20 Expedited Resources for COVID-19 Response
- Governor Newsome Announces Agreement Between Teachers, Classified Employees and School System Management to Support Student Instruction During COVID-19 Outbreak
- Executive Order N-42-20 Protecting Homes, Small Businesses from Water Shutoffs
- Governor Newsom Announces New Help for Small Businesses & Workers Displaced by COVID-19
- Executive Order N-44-20 To Protect Consumers from Price Gouging
- Executive Order N-43-20 To Expand Telehealth Services
- Executive Order N-45-20 To Provide Expanded Access to Child Care for Essential Workers During COVID-19 Response
- Executive Order N-46-20 to Help the State Procure Necessary Medical Supplies
- Executive Order N-47-20 to Expand Support for Vulnerable Populations
- Executive Order N-48-20 Upcoming Local Elections
- Executive Order N-49-20 Division of Juvenile Justice Discharge an Reentry Process
- Executive Order N-50-20 New Initiatives to Support California Workers Impacted by COVID-19
- Executive Order N-51-20 Paid Sick Leave Benefits for Food Sector Workers Impacted by COVID-19, Additional Protection for Consumers
- Executive Order N-52-20 Upcoming Admissions Criteria for the CSU System, Background Checks for Essential Workers, and Deadline Extensions to Real Estate Licenses
- Executive Order N-53-20 Foster Youth Services
- Executive Order N-54-20 Addressing a variety of issues in response to COVID-19
- Executive Order N-55-20 Provides flexibility to Medi-Cal providers and the Department of Health Care Services for Continuity of Service Amidst COVID-19
- Executive Order N-56-20 Empowering schools to focus on COVID-19 response and transparency
- Executive Order N-57-20 Additional Relief for California Impacted by COVID-19
- Executive Order N-58-20 Allowing adults to obtain marriage licenses via videoconferencing
- Executive Order N-59-20 CalWORKS
- Executive Order N-60-20 Directing the State Public Health Officer to Establish Criteria to determine whether and how local health officers may implement public health measures less restrictive that the statewide public health directives
- Executive Order N-61-20 Waives penalties for property taxes paid after April 20 for taxpayers who demonstrate they have experienced financial hardship
- Executive Order N-62-20 Creates a time-limited rebuttable presumption for accessing workers’ compensation benefits applicable to Californians who must work outside of their homes during the stay at home order
- Executive Order N-63-20 Extends some critical deadlines that have been impacted
- Executive Order N-64-20 To Protect Public Health by Mailing Every Registered Voter a Ballot Ahead of the November General Election
Passed Covid-19 California legislation:
SB 89 Budget Act of 2019
SB 117 Education finance: average daily attendance and timeline waivers: protective equipment and cleaning appropriation: COVID–19.
Pending Covid-19 bills and legislation in California:
AB 3216 Updates required workforce protections for medical and family leave due to Covid-19.
Stay-at-home order in Place in California
State-wide stay-at-home order Starting March 19th
Colorado executive orders passed due to coronavirus:
- State of Emergency declared
- D 2020 003 Declaring a Disaster Emergency Due to the Presence of Coronavirus Disease 2019 in Colorado
- Notice of Public Health Order 20-22 Closing bars, restaurants, theaters, gymnasiums, and casinos statewide
- Executive Order 2020-004 Ordering Closure of Downhill Ski Resorts Due to the Presence of COVID-19 in the State of Colorado
- Executive Order 2020-005 Directing State Parties and Secretary of State to Amend Rules Regarding In-Person Gatherings to allow the 2020 Primary Election to Proceed without Interruption, in light of the Disaster Declaration set forth in Executive Order D 2020 003
- 2020-007 Ordering Suspension of Normal In-Person Instruction at All Public and Private Elementary and Secondary Schools in the State of Colorado Due to the Presence of COVID-19
- Gov. Polis, Coloradans, Launch COVID Relief Fund
Executive Order 2020-006 Amending Executive Order 2020-004 - Executive Order 2020-008 Amending Executive Order 2020-005
- Executive Order 2020-009 Ordering the Temporary Cessation of All Elective and Non-Essential Surgeries and Procedures and Preserving Personal Protective Equipment and Ventilators
- Executive Order 2020-010 Ordering the Suspension of Statute to Extend the Income Tax Payment Dealines Due to the COVID-19 Disaster Emergency
- Executive Order 2020-011 Ordering the Temporary Suspension of Regulatory Statutes Due to the Presence of COVID-19
- Executive Order 2020-012 Ordering Limiting Evictions, Foreclosures, and Public Utility Disconnections an Expediting Unemployment Insurance Claim Processing to Provide Relife to Coloradans Affected by COVID-19
- Polis Announces Emergency Economic Advisory Council to Shepherd Colorado’s Post-Coronavirus Recovery
- Executive Order 2020-013 Ordering Colorado Employers to Reduce In-Person Workforce by Fifty Percent Due to the Presence of COVID-19 in the State
- Executive Order 2020-17 Ordering Coloradans to Stay at Home Due to the Presence of COVID-19 in the State
- Executive Order 2020-15 Authorizing the Executive Directors of Certain State Agencies to Promulgate and Issue Emergency Rules Extending the Expiration Date of Licenses and Other Documents Due to the Presence of COVID-19
- Executive Order 2020-16 Temporarily Suspending Certain Regulatory Statutes Concerning Criminal Justice
- Updated Public Health Order 20-24 Implementing Stay at Home Requirements
- Executive Order 2020-14 Ordering the Temporary Suspension of Certain Requirements Preventing Issuance of Marriage Licenses due to the Presence of COVID-19
- Executive Order 2020-18 Amending Executive Order 2020-003 to Provide Additional Funds for Response Activities Due to the Presence of COVID-19
- Executive Order 2020-19 Ordering the Temporary Suspension of the Personal Appearance Requirement for Notarization due to the Presence of COVID-19
- Executive Order 2020-20 Ordering the Temporary Suspension of Certain Statutes to Expand the Use of Telehealth Services Due to Presence of COVID-19
- Executive Order 2020-21 Amended EO Order D 2020-007 to Extend the Suspension of Normal In-Person Instruction at All Public and Private Elementary and Secondary Schools
- COVID-19 Special Enrollment Period for Health Insurance Extended to April 30
- Executive Order 2020-22 Ordering the Temporary Suspension of Certain Statutes Concerning Taxpayer Filing Requirements for Certain Taxable Property due to the Presence of COVID-19
- Executive Order 2020-23 Ordering a One-Month Extension for Filing and Remitting State and State-Administered Local Sales Tax Due to the Presence of COVID-19 in Colorado
- Executive Order 2020-24 Amending and Extending Executive Order D 2020-17 Ordering Coloradans to Stay at Home Due to the Presence of COVID-19
- Executive Order 2020-25 Rescinding EO D 2020-13 Concerning Colorado Employers Reducing In-Person Workforce by Fifty Percent Due to the Presence of COVID-19 in the State
- Executive Order 2020-26 Amending EO D2020-004 and 2020-006 to Extend the Closure of Downhill Ski Areas Due to the Presence of COVID-19 in the State of Colorado
- Executive Order 2020-27 Amending EO D 2020-009 to Extend the Temporary Cessation of All Elective and Non-Essential Surgeries and Procedures and Preserving Personal Protective Equipment and Ventilators in Colorado Due to the Presence of COVID-19
- Executive Order 2020-28 Extending EO D 2020-14 Concerning the Temporary Suspension of Certain Requirements Preventing Issuance of Marriage Licenses Due to the Presence of COVID-19 in Colorado
- Executive Order 2020-29 Amending and Extending EO D 2020-11 Ordering the Temporary S
- Executive Order 2020-30 Extending EO D 2020-19 Concerning the Temporary Suspension of the Personal Appearance Requirement for Notarization due to the Presence of COVID-19
- Executive Order 2020-31 Amending an Extending CO D 2020-12 Limiting Evictions, Foreclosures, and Public Utility Disconnections and Expediting Unemployment Insurance Claim Processing to Provide Relief to Coloradans Affected by COVID-19
- Executive Order 2020-32 Amending and Extending EO D 2020-003 Declaring a Disaster Emergency
- Executive Order 2020-33 Ordering the Temporary Suspension of Certain Statutes to Provide a One-Month Extension for Filing and Remitting State Severance Tax Due to the Presence of COVID-19 in Colorado
- Executive Order 2020-34 Ordering the Temporary Suspension of Certain Regulatory Statutes Concerning Juvenile Justice, Regional Centers, and Behavioral Health Due to the Presence of COVID-19
- Executive Order 2020-35 Amending EO 2020-007 and 2020-021 to Promote the Provision of Emergency Child Care for Essential Workers and to Temporarily Suspend Certain Statutes to Enable Schools to Focus on Student Services During the COVID-19 Outbreak
- Executive Order 2020-36 Extending EO 2020-005 Concerning Limiting In-Person Contact for the 2020 Elections and the Secretary of State’s Operations Due to the Presence of COVID-19 in Colorado
- Executive Order 2020-37 Ordering the Temporary Suspension of Statute Concerning Bans on Open Burning Due to the Presence of COVID-19
- Executive Order 2020-38 Ordering the Temporary Suspension of Certain Statutes and Rules to Expand the Healthcare Workforce for Hospitals and Other Inpatient Treatment Facilities Due to the Presence of COVID-19
- Executive Order 2020-39 Ordering Workers in Critical Businesses and Critical Government Functions to Wear Non-Medical Face Coverings
- Executive Order 2020-40 Amending and Extending EO 2020-10 Concerning the Suspension of Statute to Extend the Income Tax Payment Deadlines Due to the COVID-19 Disaster Emergency
- Executive Order 2020-41 Amending EO 2020-7, 2020-21 and 2020-35 to Suspend Normal In-Person Instruction at All Public and Private Elementary and Secondary Schools in the State of Colorado Until the End of the School Year Due to the Presence of COVID-19
- Executive Order B 2020-002 Creating the Governor’s New Normal Advisory Board
- Executive Order 2020-42 Extending CO 2020-15 Authorizing the Executive Directors of Certain State Agencies to Promulage and Issue Emergency Rules Extending the Expiration Date of Licenses and Other Documents
- Executive Order 2020-43 Amending and Extending EO 2020-16 Temporarily Suspending Certain Regulatory Statutes Concerning Criminal Justice
- Executive Order 2020-44 Safer at Home
- Executive Order 2020-45 Permitting the Limited Recommencement of Voluntary or Elective Surgeries and Procedures in Colorado
- Public Health Order 20-28 Safer at Home
- Executive Order 2020-46 Extending EO 2020-20 Concerning the Temporary Suspension of Certain Statutes to Expand the Use of Telehealth Services Due to the Presence of COVID-19
- Executive Order 2020-48 Extending EO 2020-14 and 2020-28 Concerning the Temporary Suspension of Certain Requirements Preventing Issuance of Marriage Licenses Due to the Presence of COVID-19
- Executive Order 2020-49 Amending EO 2020-04 and 2020-06 to Extend the Closure of Downhill Ski Areas Due to the Presence of COVID-19 in the State of Colorado
- Executive Order 2020-50 Declaring Insufficient Revenues Available for Expenditures and Ordering Suspension or Discontinuation of Portions of Certain State Programs and Services to Meet a Revenue Shortfall Due to the Presence of COVID-19 in the State of Colorado
- Executive Order 2020-51 Amending and Extending EO 2020-12 and 2020-31 Limiting Evictions, Foreclosures, and Public Utility Disconnections and Expediting Unemployment Insurance Claim Processing to Provide Relief to Coloradans Affected by COVID-19
- Executive Order 2020-52 Extending EO 2020-11 and 2020-29 Concerning the Temporary Suspension of Certain Regulatory Statutes Due to the Presence of COVID-19
- Executive Order 2020-53 Ordering the Temporary Suspension of Certain Regulatory Statutes Concerning Petition Gathering for Unaffiliated and Independent Candidates for Office Due to the Presence of COVID-19
- Executive Order 2020-54 Ordering the Suspension of Certain Statutes and Directing the Department of Health Care Policy and Financing to Provide Additional Funds to Nursing Homes and Other Congregate Care Facilities Due to the Presence of COVID-19
- Executive Order 2020-55 Extending EO 2020-22 Ordering the Temporary Suspension of Certain Statutes Concerning Taxpayer Filing Requirements for Certain Taxable Property due to the Presence of COVID-19 in the State of Colorado
- Executive Order 2020-56 Ordering the Suspension of a Relevant Statute to Allow Food Trucks to Operate at Colorado’s Rest Areas to Support the Movement of Commercial Vehicle Activities Due to the Presence of COVID-19 in Colorado
- Executive Order 2020-57 Extending EO 2020-23 Ordering a One-Month Extension for Filing and Remitting State and State-Administered Local Sales Tax Due to the Presence of COVID-19 in Colorado
- Executive Order B 2020-003 Amending EO B 2020-002 to Rename the Governor’s New Normal Advisory Board to the Governor’s Advisory Committee for Cooperation and Implementation
- Executive Order 2020-58 Amending and Extending EO 2020-003, 2020-18 and 2020-32 Declaring a Disaster Emergency Due to the Presence of Coronavirus Disease 2019 in Colorado
- Executive Order 2020-59 Extending EO 2020-33 Ordering the Temporary Suspension of Certain Statutes to Provide a One-Month Extension for Filing and Remitting State Severance Tax Due to the Presence of COVID-19 in Colorado
- Executive Order 2020-60 Amending and Extending EO 2020-34 Ordering the Temporary Suspension of Certain Regulatory Statutes Concerning Juvenile Justice, Regional Centers, and Behavioral Health Due to the Presence of COVID-19
- Executive Order 2020-061 Extending EO 2020-005, 2020-008 an 2020-036 Concerning Limiting In-Person Contact for the 2020 Elections and the Secretary of State’s Operations Due to the Presence of COVID-19 in Colorado
- Executive Order 2020-62 Extending EO 2020-37 Ordering the Temporary Suspension of Statute Concerning Bans on Open Burning Due to the Presence of COVID-19
- Executive Order 2020-63 Extending EO 2020-38 Ordering the Temporary Suspension of Certain Statutes and Rules to Expand the Healthcare Workforce for Hospitals and Other Inpatient Treatment Facilities Due to the Presence of COVID-19
Passed Covid-19 Colorado legislation:
HJR 1006 Request For Interrogatories Regarding Calendar Day
Pending Covid-19 bills and legislation in Colorado:
Stay-at-home order in Place in Colordo
State-wide stay-at-home order Starting March 26th
Connecticut executive orders passed due to coronavirus:
- State of Emergency declared
- Executive Order No. 7 Protection of Public Health and Safety During COVID-19 Pandemic and Response
- Executive Order No. 7A Protection of Residents of Nursing Home Facilities, Residential Care Homes and Chronic Disease Hospitals During COVID-19 Pandemic
- Executive Order 7B Protection of Public Health and Safety During COVID-19 Pandemic and Response Suspension or Modifications of Statutes
- Executive Order No. 7C Protection of Public Health and Safety during COVID-19 Pandemic and Response – Further Suspension or Modification of Statutes
- Executive Order No. 7D Protection of Public Health and Safety During COVID-19 Pandemic and Response – Crowd Reduction and Social Distancing
- Executive Order No. 7E Takes several emergency actions in response to the COVID-19 outbreak and the governor’s civil preparedness and public health declarations
- Executive Order No. 7F To Mitigate the Spread of COVID-19
- Executive Order No. 7G Takes Several Emergency Actions
- Executive Order No. 7H Restrictions on Workplaces for Non
- Executive Order No. 7I Municipal Operations and Availability of Assistance and Healthcare
- Executive Order No. 7J Clarifying EO No. 7H Regarding Operations at Non-Essential Businesses and Providing for Rapid State Government Emergency Response
- Governor Lamont Uses CT Alert System to Urge Connecticut Resients to ‘Stay Safe, Stay Home’
- Executive Order No. 7K Remote Notarization, Suspension of Non-Critical Probate and Workers’ Compensation Operations, and Various Public Health Measures
- Executive Order No. 7L Extension of School Cancellation, Municipal Retiree Reemployment, Open Fishing Season and Additional Public Health Measures
- Executive Order No. 7M Extension of Agency Administrative Deadlines
- Governor Lamont Launches Emergency No-Interest Loan Program for Connecticut Small Businesses and Nonprofits Impacte by COVID-19
- Executive Order No. 7N Increased Distancing, Expanded Family Assistance, and Academic Assessment Suspension
- Executive Order No. 7O Flexibility in DPH Licensing Renewal Requirements and Provider Assignment, Expanded Han Sanitizer Production, Waiver of Birth-to-Three Fees
- Executive Order No. 7P Safe Housing for People Experiencing Homelessness, First Responders, and Healthcare Workers
- Executive Order No. 7Q Childcare Safety, Remote Notarization Update
- Governor Lamont Announces Governor’s Health System Response Team
- Executive Order No. 7R Education Workforce Sustainability, State Parks Capacity Control, and Curbside Liquor Pickup
- Governor Lamont Announces Mortgage Payment Relief During COVID-19 Crisis
- Executive Order No. 7S Safe Stores, Relief for Policyholders, Taxpayers, and Tenants
- Executive Order No. 7T Safe Lodging, Liquor Delivery, Additional Flexibility for Victims of Domestic Violence, Other Measures
- Executive Order No. 7U Protections from Civil Liability for Healthcare Providers and Financial Protections for Patients
- Executive Order No. 7V Safe Workplaces, Emergency Expansion of the Healthcare Workforce
- Executive Order No. 7W Municipal Tax Relief Clarifications, Unemployment Experience Ratings, Administrative Requirements for Liquor Permittees
- Executive Order No. 7X Renter Protections, Extended Class Cancellation and Other Safety Measures, Educator Certification, Food Trucks for Truckers
- Executive Order No. 7Y Nursing Home Surge Plan
- Executive Order No. 7Z Emergency Procurement, Remote Conduct of Assessment Appeal Hearings, Out-of-State Security Officers
- Executive Order No. 7AA Temporary Additional Nursing Home Beds
- Executive Order No. 7BB Use of Facemasks or Cloth Face Coverings, Rescheduling of Presidential Preference Primary to August 11
- Executive Order No. 7CC Municipal Fiscal Authority, Benefits Protection, Access to Courts Without Certain In-Person Actions
- Executive Order No. 7DD Expansion of Healthcare Workforce
- Executive Order No. 7EE Mandatory Reporting for Nursing Homes and Assisted Living Facilities, Medicaid Administrative Waivers
- Executive Order No. 7FF Expansion of Telehealth Availability
- Executive Order No. 7GG Emergency Procurement of Essential Services, Other Public Health Measures
- Executive Order No. 7HH Municipal Budget Adoption, Common-Interest Community Meetings
- Executive Order No. 7II Extension of School Cancellation, Home Health Care Coverage, and Food Assistance Measures
- Executive Order No. 7JJ Municipal Governance Measures and Authorization for DEEP to Conduct Programs Through Distance Learning
- Executive Order No. 7KK Pharmacists Authorized to Order COVID-19 Tests
- Executive Order No. 7LL Changes to petitioning process for ballot access
- Executive Order No. 7MM Expedited Approval and Permitting for Expanded Outdoor Dining
- Executive Order No. 7NN Remote Meetings of Nonprofit Organizations, Various Relief Measures, Coronavirus Relief Funds
- Executive Order No. 7OO Procedures for Local Appointments and Elections Requiring In-Person Vote
Passed Covid-19 Connecticut legislation:
Pending Covid-19 bills and legislation in Connecticut:
Stay-at-home order in Place in Connecticut:
State-wide stay-at-home order Starting March 23rd
Stay-at-home order in place
Delaware executive orders passed due to coronavirus:
- State of Emergency declared
- Governor Modified March 12 emergency declaration to limit Delaware restaurants, taverns and bars to take-out and delivery only and also bans public gatherings of 50 or more people
- Governor Carney Announces HELP Program to Support Delaware Small Businesses
- Governor Carney Issues Second Update to Emergency Declaration
- Executive Order No. 38 Child Care
- Governor Carney Issues Third Update to State of Emergency
- Fourth Modification of the Declaration of a State of Emergency (closing non-essential businesses)
- Fifth Modification of the Declaration of a State of Emergency (Stay-at-Home Order)
- Governor Carney Declares Public Health Emergency
- Sixth Modification of the Declaration of a State of Emergency
- Governor Carney Closes Delaware Schools Through May 15
- Governor Carney Announces Request for Assistance from Vendors
- Governor Carney Expands Hospital Emergency Loan Program
- Governor Carney and DSHA Announce Housing Assistance Program
- Seventh Modification: Declaration of a State of Emergency
- Eighth Modification: State of Emergency Declaration
- Ninth Modification – State of Emergency Declaration
- Tenth Modification of the Declaration of a State of Emergency
- Eleventh Modification – State of Emergency Declaration
- Eleventh Modification – State of Emergency Declaration
- Twelfth Modification – State of Emergency Declaration
- Thirteenth Modification – State of Emergency
- Fourteenth Modification: State of Emergency Declaration
- Fifteenth Modification: State of Emergency Declaration
- Second Extension of the Declaration of a State of Emergency
- Sixteenth Modification: State of Emergency Declaration
- Seventeenth Modification of the Declaration of a State of Emergency
Passed Covid-19 Delaware legislation:
Pending Covid-19 bills and legislation in Delaware
Stay-at-home order in Place in Delaware
State-wide stay-at-home order Starting March 24th
Florida executive orders passed due to coronavirus:
- Executive Order 20-51 re: Public Health Emergency
- Executive Order 20-52 re: Public Health Emergency
- Executive Order Number 20-68 re: Emergency Management – COVID-19 regarding bars, beaches, and restaurants
- Executive Order Number 2020-69 Local Government Public Meetings
- Executive Order Number 20-70 Broward and Palm Beach County Closures
- Executive Order 20-71 Alcohol Sales, Restaurants, and Gyms
- Executive Order Number 20-72 Non-essential Elective Medical Procedures
- Governor DeSantis Announces First Two Emergency Bridge Loans for Small Businesses Impacted by COVID-19
- Executive Order Number 20-80 Airport Screening and Isolation
- Executive Order Number 20-82 Isolation of Individuals Traveling to Florida
- Executive Order 20-83 Protective Measures for Vulnerable Populations, Gatherings of Private Citizens and Density of the Workforce
- Florida border checkpoint on I-95 will screen for New York City drivers
- Executive Order 20-85 Telehealth and Immunizations for State Group Insurance
- Executive Order 20-86 Additional Requirements of Certain Individuals Traveling to Florida
- Executive Order 20-87 Vacation Rental Closures
- Executive Order 20-88 Re-employment of Essential Personnel
- Executive Order 20-89 Miami-Dade County, Broward County, Palm Beach County, Monroe County Public Access Restrictions
- Executive Order 20-90 Broward and Palm Beach County Closures
- Executive Order 20-91 Essential Services and Activities During COVID-19
- Executive Order 20-92 Amending EO 20-91
- Executive Order 20-93 Reemployment Assistance Program
- Executive Order 20-94 Mortgage Foreclosure and Eviction Relief
- Executive Order 20-95 Documentary Stamps for SBA Loans
- Executive Order 20-97 Municipal Elections in Pasco County
- Executive Order 20-103 Extending Executive Order 20-87 on Vacation Rental Closures
- Executive Order 20-104 Unemployment Compensation
- Executive Order 20-111 Limited Extension of Essential Services and Activities and Vacation Rental Prohibition
- Executive Order 20-112 Phase 1: Safe, Smart, Step-by-Step. Plan for Florida’s Recovery
- Executive Order 20-114 Emergency Management – Extension of EO 20-52
- Executive Order 20-120 Expanding Phase 1: Safe. Smart. Step-by-Step Plan for Florida’s Recovery
- Executive Order 20-121 Limited Extension of Mortgage Foreclosure and Eviction Relief
- Executive Order 20-122 Broward and Miami-Dade Counties to Phase 1: Safe. Smart. Step-by-Step. Plan for Florida’s Recovery
More information on Florida Bridge Loans
Passed Covid-19 Florida legislation:
SR 1934 Legislation regarding Florida State University Seminoles basketball team due to concerns raised by the spread of the novel coronavirus COVID-19. Adopted.
Pending Covid-19 bills and legislation in Florida
Stay-at-home order in Place in Florida:
State-wide order Effective April 3rd
Georgia executive orders passed due to coronavirus:
- State of Emergency declared
- March 14th Declaration of Public Health State of Emergency
- March 14th Authorizing the call of the Georgia National Guard to State Active Duty for preparation and response for Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- March 16th Closing public elementary, secondary, and post-secondary schools from March 18, 2020 to March 31, 2020 to stop the spread of COVID-19
- Gov. Kemp Announces Coronavirus Task Force Subcommittees
- Reducing Regulations to Assist the State’s Response to the Spread of COVID-19
- Authorizing a Transfer from the Governor’s Emergency Fund
- Expanding temporary licensing of certain medical professions to assist State’s response to the spread of COVID-19
- Limiting large gatherings statewide, ordering “shelter in place” for specific populations, and closing bars and nightclubs in Georgia for fourteen days
- Reducing restrictions for Child Care Learning Centers and Family Child Learning Homes to assist in the State’s response to COVID-19
- Regarding Georgia’s driver’s licenses and identification cards, ignition interlock device requirements
- Closing public elementary and secondary schools through April 24, 2020 to stop the spread of COVID-19
- Regarding unemployment insurance claims to assist in the State’s response to COVID-19
- Authorizing the State Board of Education to waive certain rules, regulations, policies, procedures, and provisions to assist in the State’s response to COVID-19
- Authorizing a transfer from the Governor’s Emergency Fund
- Amending EO to allow for the use of “private professional provider(s)” to conduct required plan reviews or inspections
- Authorizing a transfer from the Governor’s Emergency Fund
- Gov. Kemp: DCA Launches New Resources for Georgians to Access High-Speed Internet
- Providing pharmacy technicians and pharmacists with options for handling the computer-based processing of prescriptions during the COVID-19 Public Health State of Emergency
- Directing the Commissioner of Revenue to implement waivers related to Conservation Use Value Assessment and Forest Land Use Protection Act applications during the COVID-19 Public Health State of Emergency
- Authorizing the State Treasurer to act as “prudent investor” during the COVID-19 Public Health State of Emergency
- Authorizing the use of real-time audio-visual communication technology to assist in notarizing real estate documents
- Gov. Kemp, University System of Georgia Announce COVID-19 Testing Ramp-Up
- Closing public elementary and secondary schools through the end of the 2019-2020 school year to stop the spread of COVID-19
- Issuing a statewide shelter in place to stop the spread of COVID-19
- Renewing the Public Health State of Emergency to assist with the state’s response to COVID-19
- Ensuring the safety of employees and residents of nursing homes and long-term care facilities in response to COVID-19
- Regarding the suspension of short-term rentals to stop the spread of COVID-19
- 0408.20.05 Calling up additional Georgia National Guard troops to assist in the state’s response to COVID-19
- Temporarily Allowing Remote Notarization and Attestation of documents during the COVID-19 Public Health State of Emergency
- Regarding the use of face masks/coverings to help prevent the spread of COVID-19
- Designating Auxiliary Emergency Management Workers and Emergency Management Activities
- Authorizing a transfer from the Governor’s Emergency Fund
- Providing flexibility for healthcare practices, moving certain businesses to minimum operations, and providing for emergency response
- Regarding the Peace Officers Standards and Training Council certification of jail officers and juvenile correctional officers
- Providing guidance for reviving a healthy Georgia in response to COVID-19
- Providing additional guidance for food service establishments, bowling alleys, and theaters in response to COVID-19
- Renewing the Public Health State of Emergency issued on March 14 and renewed on April 8 to assist with the state’s response to COVID-19
- Temporarily extending the 30-day renewal requirement for Georgia Weapons Carry Licenses
- Day camps and restaurants
- Regarding the Department of Driver Services and on-the-road driving exams
Passed Covid-19 Georgia legislation:
HB 792 Budgets $100 million from the Revenue Shortfall Reserve to respond to coronavirus.
SR 5 Reinforces the Governor’s Executive Order which declares state of emergency.
Pending Covid-19 bills and legislation in Georgia
Stay-at-home order in Place in Georgia:
State-wide order effective April 3rd
Hawaii executive orders passed due to coronavirus:
- State of Emergency declared
- Gov. Ige Issues Supplemental Emergency Proclamation to Fight COVID-19
- Gov. Ige Announces State Actions to Slow the Spread of COVID-19
- Gov. Ige urges visitors to stay away for 30 days; all non-essential state workers to stay home
- Gov. Ige Announces Measures to Address Economic Impact of COVID-19
- Second Supplementary Proclamation
- Gov. Ige Orders Mandatory 14-Day Quarantine for All Individuals Arriving or Returning to the State of Hawaii
- Third Supplementary Proclamation
- Executive Order 20-01
- Executive Order 20-02
- Governor Ige puts 14-Day quarantine on interisland travelers
- Fourth Supplementary Proclamation
- Governor Ige puts 14-Day quarantine on interisland travelers
- Fourth Supplementary Proclamation
- Executive Order 20-03
- Executive Order 20-04
- Executive Order 20-05
- Fifth Supplementary Proclamation
- Sixth Supplementary Proclamation – Amending and Restating Prior Proclamations and Executive Orders Related to the COVID-19 Emergency
- Seventh Supplementary Proclamation Related to the COVID-19 Emergency
Passed Covid-19 Hawaii legislation:
HR 54 Sets up a select house committee on COVID-19 to look into economic and financial preparedness.
SR 166 Requests executive branch departments to inform the legislative when implementing any plans relating to the COVID-19 response.
Pending Covid-19 bills and legislation in Hawaii
HB 2459 Directs the department of Health to conduct a study which relates to vaccination development and disbursement in response to modern disease outbreaks.
HB 1629 Sets appropriations to support the Department of Health and the DOD activities to detect, contain, mitigate, and respond to coronavirus..
SB 75 Appropriates $10.5 million to the Department of Health, as well as the Department of Transportation, and the Department of Defense for the public health response to COVID-19. It authorizes the governor to transfer funds between departments as needed.
HCR 74 & HR 57 Asks the Department of Health to set priorities the containment and control of COVID-19 to those with a high probability of contracting and dying from the virus.
HR 64 Pushes commercial airlines operating in Hawaii to disinfect their aircraft between flights.
SCR 152 Asks state and private health care to allow sick employees to take time off to prevent the spread of coronavirus.
SR 146 Urges the creation of a color coded system to address the rapid onset of Covid-19.
HR 171 Urges the Governor to take additional precautions to prevent a coronavirus outbreak in Hawaii.
HCR 127 Requests federal government to fully support Hawaii in the screening, prevention and containment of Covid-19.
Stay-at-home order in Place in Hawaii
Stay at home, starting March 25 at 12:01 p.m.
Idaho executive orders passed due to coronavirus:
- State of Emergency declared
- Governor, Legislature advance additional $1.3 million to ensure continuity of essential government services amid coronavirus concerns
- Proclamation Waiving 125 Agency Rules
- Proclamation Extending State Income Tax Filing Deadline
- Governor Little signs extreme emergency declaration
- Governor Little issues statewide stay-home order
- Executive Order 2020-05 Temporary Reduction of General Fund Spending Authority
- Executive Order 2020-06 Directs $39.3 million to the Disaster Emergency Account & Proclamation to help Idahoans who are temporarily unable to work through no fault of their own because of illness, quarantines, layoff or reduction of work related to coronavirus
- Executive Order 2020-06 Authorizing the Transfer of Funds to the Disaster Emergency Account
- Governor Little suspends more rules to increase telehealth access, ease licensing for medical professionals fighting coronavirus
- Executive Order 2020-07 Establishing a Process to Evaluate and Implement Federal Coronavirus Funding
- Amended Stay at Home Order
- Proclamation – Extension of Emergency Declaration
- Proclamation – Waiving additional regulations
- Executive Order 2020-08 Establishing Idaho Rebound Cash Grants for Small Businesses
Passed Covid-19 Idaho legislation:
Pending Covid-19 bills and legislation in Idaho:
Stay-at-home order in Place in Idaho
Stay at home, starting March 25 at 1:30 p.m.
Stay-at-home order in place
- Governor to issue a stay at home order for Illinois “The order is expected to begin at 5 p.m. and continue until the end of April 7. “
Illinois executive orders passed due to coronavirus:
- State of Emergency declared
- Executive Order 2020-03 Executive Order to Extend Application Deadline for Adult-Use Applications Due to COVID-19
- Executive Order 2020-04 Cancelling of Large Gatherings
- Executive Order 2020-05 Order Closing Public and Private Schools
- Executive Order 2020-06 Closure of Schools
- Executive Order 2020-07 Closure of Restaurants and Bars through March 30
- Executive Order 20-08
- Executive Order 20-09
- Gov. Pritzker waives overweight permit fees for transportation of emergency relief supplies
- Gov. Pritzker Announces Series of New Measures to Help Illinoisans Affected by COVID-19
- Executive Order 20-10 Stay at Home Order
- Executive Order 20-11 Essential Human Services Operations
- Executive Order 20-12 Suspends Healthcare Worker’s Background Checks
- Gov. Pritzker Announces Income Tax Filing Extension, More Than $90 Million in Small Business Aid
- Executive Order 20-13 Suspends Admissions to IDOC From County Jails
- Executive Order 20-14 Notary and Witness Guidelines
- Gov. Pritzker Partners with United Way of Illinois, Alliance of Illinois Community Foundations to Launch Illinois COVID-19 Response Fund
- Executive Order 20-15 Suspends Provisions in the Illinois School Code
- Executive Order 20-16 Suspends Provisions in the Illinois Vehicle Code
- Executive Order 20-17 Extends Cannabis Applications
- Gov. Pritzker Announces Measures to Continue Supporting Families, People Experiencing Homelessness and Child Care Providers
- Gov. Pritzker Announces Efforts to Expand and Expedite Medicaid Coverage for Uninsured and Insured Illinois Residents
- Governor Pritzker and Maylor Lightfoot Announce Plans for 3,000-Bed Alternate Care Setting at McCormick Place to Treat COVID-19 Patients
- Gov. Pritzker Announces Extension of Stay at Home Order, Suspension of On-Site Learning in Schools Through April
- Executive Order 20-18 Stay at Home Order Extension
- Executive Order 20-19 Health Care Facilities, Professionals, and Volunteers
- Gov. Pritzker Kicks Off “All in Illinois” to Reinforce State’s Stay at Home Message
- Pritzker Administration Expanding Available Services for Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault Survivors
- Executive Order 20-22 Various Provisions
- Executive Order 20-23 Professional Regulation Law
- Executive Order 20-24 Forensic Services
- Executive Order 20-25 Civil Procedure
- Executive Order 20-26 Hospital Capacity
- Executive Order 20-27 Medical Science Institutions
- Executive Order 20-28 Radiology Certifications
- Executive Order 20-29 Illinois Insurance Code
- Executive Order 20-30 Clarifies Ceasing Evictions
- Executive Order 20-31 Amends Provisions in the Illinois School Code
- Disaster Proclamation
- Executive Order 20-32 Stay at Home Order Extension
- Executive Order 20-33 Reissues Executive Orders
- Executive Order 20-34 Cannabis Requirements
- Executive Order 2020-35 Suspends Various Provisions
- Executive Order 2020-36 Marriage Licenses
- Executive Order 2020-37 Revises Elective Surgeries
Passed Covid-19 Illinois legislation:
Pending Covid-19 bills and legislation in Illinois
HB 5607 Makes an amendment to the Department of Public Health Powers and Duties Law of the Civil Administrative Code. Directs the Department of Public Health to conduct a study on the state’s preparedness against coronavirus.
Stay-at-home order in Place in Idaho
Stay at home, starting March 21 at 11:59 p.m.
Indiana executive orders passed due to coronavirus:
- Executive Order 20-02 Declaration of Public Health
- Executive Order 20-03 Waiver of Hours of Service Regulations Relating to Motor Carriers and Drivers of Commercial Vehicles Transporting Good to Indiana Business
- Restaurants and bars closed to in-person customers
- Executive Order 20-04 Further Orders and Directives in Response to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Epidemic
- Executive Order 20-05 Helping Hoosiers During the Public Health Emergency Delclared for the Coronavirus 2019 Disease Outbreak
- Executive Order 20-06 Temporary Prohibition on Eviction and Foreclosures
- Executive Order 20-07 Rescheduling the Primary Election Due to Public Health Emergency
- Executive Order 20-08 Directive for Hoosiers to Stay at Home
- Executive Order 20-09 Relating to the Continuity of Operation of Government
- Executive Order 20-10 Enforcement Directive Regarding Prohibition of In-Person Dining
- Executive Order 20-11 Relating to Carryout Consumption of Alcohol
- EO 20-12 Further Directives Helping Hoosiers
- Executive Order 20-13 Medical Surge
- Executive Order 20-14 Continuation of Restaurant Alcohol EOs
- Executive Order 20-15 Additional Directives Regarding Governmental Functions
- Executive Order 20-16 Education Matters and COVID-19
- Executive Order 20-17 Renewal of Public Health Emergency Declaration for COVID-19 Outbreak
- Executive Order 20-18 Continued Directive for Hoosiers to Stay at Home; Extension of Continuity of Operations of Government; and Extension of Executive Orders Pertaining to Restaurants and Alcoholic Beverages
- Executive Order 20-19 Additional Directives to Manage Indiana’s Health Care Response During the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency
- Executive Order 20-20 Additional Education Matters and COVID-19
- Executive Order 20-21 To Implement the Cares Act and to Extend Other Portions of County Property Tax Bills
- Executive Order 20-22 Extension of Directive for Hoosiers to Stay at Home; Continuity of Operations of Government; and Executive Orders Pertaining to Restaurants an Alcoholic Beverages
- Executive Order 20-23 Additional Relief for the Business Community and Additional Health Directives in Response to the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency
- Executive Order 20-24 Resumption of Elective and Non-Urgent Medical Procedures
- Executive Order 20-25 Renewal of Public Health Emergency Declaration for the COVID-19 Outbreak
- Executive Order 20-26 Roadmap to Reopen Indiana for Hoosiers, Businesses and State Government
- Executive Order 20-27 Additional directives in response to the COVID-19 public health emergency
Passed Covid-19 Indiana legislation:
Pending Covid-19 bills and legislation in Indiana:
Iowa executive orders passed due to coronavirus:
- Proclamation of Disaster Emergency – Suspending Provisions Restricting the Movement of Oversize and Overweight Loads of Food, Medical Supplies, Cleaning Products, etc.
- Gov. Reynolds signs legislation to fund key services, combat COVID-19 Spread
- Gov. Reynolds signs legislation expanding roles for physican assistants
- Gov. Reynolds signs additional State Public Health Emergency Declaration
- Gov. Reynolds Signs New Proclamation Continuing State Public Health Declaration
- Gov. Reynolds signs new proclamation continuing State Health Emergency Declaration
- Gov. Reynolds signs new proclamation continuing State Public Health Emergency Declaration
- Gov. Reynolds signs new proclamation continuing State Public Health Emergency Declaration
- Gov. Reynolds signs new proclamation continuing State Health Emergency Declaration
- Gov. Reynolds signs new proclamation continuing State Public Health Emergency Declaration
- Proclamation continuing State Public Health Emergency Declaration, ordering additional closures
- Proclamation continuing State Public Health Emergency Declaration
- Proclamation continuing the State Public Health Emergency Declaration
- New proclamation continuing the State Public Health Emergency Declaration
- Gov. Reynolds signs new proclamation continuing the State Public Health Emergency Declaration
Passed Covid-19 Iowa legislation:
SB 2408 Relates to state and local finances and waives a time requirement for schools that close in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Pending Covid-19 bills and legislation in Iowa
Kansas executive orders passed due to coronavirus:
- State of Emergency declared
- Executive Order No. 20-03 Extending states of local disaster emergency relating to COVID-19
- Executive Order No. 20-04 Temporarily prohibiting mass gatherings to limit the spread of COVID-19
- Executive Order No. 20-05 Temporarily prohibiting utility and internet disconnects
- Executive Order No. 20-06 Temporarily prohibiting evictions and foreclosures
- Executive Order 20-07 Temporarily closing K-12 schools to slow the spread of COVID-19
- Governor signs bipartisan bills to help Kansans during COVID-19 Pandemic
- Governor Laura Kelly announces disaster assistance for Kansas businesses and discusses banks, unemployment
- Executive Order 20-08 Temporarily expanding telemedicine and addressing certain licensing requirements to comb the effects of COVID-19
- Executive Order 20-09 Conditional and temporary relief from certain motor carrier rules and regulations in response to the COVID-19 pandemic
- Executive Order 20-10 Rescinding EO 20-06 and temporarily prohibiting certain foreclosures and evictions
- Executive Order 20-11 Temporarily requiring continuation of waste removal and recycling services
- Executive Order 20-12 Drivers’ license and vehicle registration and regulation during public health emergency
- Executive Order 20-13 Allowing certain deferred tax deadlines and payments during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Executive Order 20-14 Temporarily prohibiting mass gatherings of 10 or more people to limit the spread of COVID-19 and rescinding Executive Order 20-04
- Executive Order 20-15 Establishing the Kansas Essential Function Framework for COVID-19 response efforts
- Executive Order 20-16 Establishing a statewide “stay home” order in conjunction with the Kansas Essential Function Framework for COVID-19 response efforts
- Executive Order 20-17 Temporary relief from certain unemployment insurance requirements in response to the COVID-19 pandemic
- Governor Kelly announces resumption of State of Kansas operations
- Executive Order 20-18 Temporarily prohibiting mass gatherings of more than 10 people to limit the spread of COVID-19 and rescinding Executive Order 20-14
- Executive Order 20-19 Extending professional and occupational licenses during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Executive Order 20-20 Temporarily allowing notaries and witnesses to act via audio-video communication technology
- Executive Order 20-21 Suspending the issuance of general nonresident spring 2020 turkey permits
- Executive Order 20-22 Extending conditional and temporary relief from certain motor carrier rules and regulations in response to the COVID-19 pandemic
- Executive Order 20-23 Licensure, Certification, and Registration for persons and Licensure of “Adult Care Homes” during public health emergency
- Executive Order 20-24 Extending EO 20-16 to May 3, 2020
- Executive Order 20-25 Temporarily prohibiting mass gatherings of more than 10 people to limit the spread of COVID-19 and rescinding EO 20-18
- Executive Order 20-26 Temporary relief from certain restrictions and requirements governing the provision of medical services
- Executive Order 20-27 Temporarily suspending certain rules relating to sale alcoholic beverages
- Executive Order 20-28 Reissuing and extending certain Executive Orders relating to the COVID-19 pandemic
- Executive Order 20-29 Implementing Phase One of “Ad Astra: A Plan to Reopen KANSAS”
Executive Order No. 20-31, Implementing Phase 1.5 of “Ad Astra: A Plan to Reopen KANSAS”.
Executive Order No. 20-33, extending conditional and temporary relief from
certain motor carrier rules and regulations in response to the COVID-19
pandemic. - Executive Order No. 20-34, implementing Phase 2 of “Ad Astra: A Plan to Reopen KANSAS.”
Passed Covid-19 Kansas legislation:
HCR 5025 Ratifies and continues the March 12 state of disaster emergency declaration for Kansas in response to Coronavirus.
Stay-at-home order in Place in Kansas
Stay at home, starting March 30th
Kentucky executive orders passed due to coronavirus:
- State of Emergency declared
- Executive Order 2020-0215 State of Emergency Due to the Novel Corona Virus
- Executive Order 2020-0220 State of Emergency Relating to Insurance
- Executive Order 2020-0224 State of Emergency Relating to the Dispensing of Pharmaceuticals
- Executive Order 2020-0216 State of Emergency Relating to the Prohibition Against Price Gouging
Outlining specific steps all public-facing businesses should take regarding closures Executive Order 2020-215 - Executive Order 2020-0243 State of Emergency Relating to Social Distancing
Executive Order 2020-0317 Public-Facing Business Closure - Letter Prohibiting Mass Gatherings
- Executive Order 2020-246 Closing Nonessential Retail
- Executive Order 2020-00319 Order Permitting Carryout and Drive Thru Sales
- Ordering Ceasing all Elective Medical Procedures
- Executive Order 2020-257 Closing all but Life-Sustaining Business
- Unemployment Eligibility Expanded
- Executive Order 2020-258 State of Emergency Relating to Travel
- Telehealth and Nursing
- Executive Order 2020-253 Establishing “Team Kentucky Fund”
- Executive Order 2020-265 Allows Critical Workforce Sectors to Rehire Previously Retired Workers to Fill Key Roles
- Executive Order 2020-266 Expanded Travel Restriction Order
- Executive Order 2020-275 Limits number of Shoppers Allowed in Essential Retail Businesses
- Executive Order 2020-276 Dispensing of Pharmaceuticals
Executive Order 2020-277 State of Emergency Relating to Workers Compensation
Executive Order 2020-0278 Conditional Communication of Sentence
- Executive Order 2020-0285 State of Emergency (Prohibition Against Price Gouging)
- Executive Order 2020-0296 State of Emergency Relating to Kentucky Elections
- Executive Order 2020-0293 Conditional Commutation of Sentence
- Executive Order 2020-0311 State of Emergency Relating to Kentucky Election
- Executive Order 2020-0315 State of Emergency Relating to Travel
- Executive Order 2020-0316 State of Emergency Relating to the Prohibition Against Price Gouging
- Executive Order 2020-0322 Dispensing of Pharmaceuticals
- Executive Order 2020-315 State of Emergency Relating to Travel
Passed Covid-19 Kentucky legislation:
Pending Covid-19 bills and legislation in Kentucky:
SJR 246 Directs the Cabinet for Health and Family Services to study and reveiw Kentucky’s preparedness to address coronavirus .
SB 282 Directs employers to provide paid sick leave to employees. Additionally, provides a mechanism for employees to accrue paid sick leave. This bill also establishes guidelines for employers to calculate paid sick leave and creates a civil penalty for violations.
HB 356 Appropriates funding for the operation, as well as maintenance, and functioning of the Judicial Branch of the government of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. This bill authorizes the Chief Justice, during a state of emergency, to declare a judicial emergency to protect the health and safety of court employees, elected officials as well as the general public. Additionally it extends timelines for court filings.
Stay-at-home order in Place in Kentucky
Stay at home, starting March 26th
Stay-at-home order in place
- Banned public gatherings of 250 or more people.
Louisiana executive orders passed due to coronavirus:
- State of Emergency declared
- Proclamation No. JBE 2020-28- Elections Rescheduled Due to COVID-19
- Proclamation No. JBE 2020-29 COVID 19 Additional Measures RE: Transportation
- Proclamation No. JBE-2020-30 COVID-19 Additional Measures
- Proclamation No. JBE 2020-32 Additional Measures for COVID-19 Public Health Emergency
- Proclamation No. JBE 2020-23 Additional Measures for COVID-19 Stay at Home
- Proclamation No. 33 JBE 2020 Additional Measures for COVID-19 Stay at Home
- Proclamation No. 37 JBE 2020 Additional Measures for COVID-19 Provisions for First Responders Rulemaking, Law Enforcement Rehiring, Rehiring of Retired Public Employees
- Proclamation No. 37-JBE 2020 Additional Measures for COVID-19 Provisions for First Responders Rulemaking, Law Enforcement Rehiring, Rehiring of Retired Public Employees, Insurance Commissioner Emergency Authority, Shareholder Meetings and Remote Notarization
- Proclamation No. 4- JBE 2020 Renewal of State of Emergency; Stay at Home
- Proclamation No. 41 JBE 2020 State of Emergency for COVID-19 Extension of Emergency Provisions
- Proclamation No. 43 JBE 2020 Provisions for Emergency Unemployment and Necessary State Employees
- Proclamation No. 46 Elections Rescheduled Due to Statewide State of Emergency Caused by COVID-19
- Proclamation No. 52 Renewal of State of Emergency for COVID-19
- Proclamation No. 58 Phase I of Resilient Louisiana
- Proclamation No. 59 Renewal of State Emergency for COVID-19 Extension of Emergency Provisions
Passed Covid-19 Louisiana legislation:
HCR 27 Adjourns the 2020 Regular Session of the Legislature to minimize the spread of Coronavirus.
Pending Covid-19 bills and legislation in Louisiana:
SCR 22 Requests a suspention of statewide standardized assessments for the 2019-2020 school year due to COVID-19.
HCR 22 Urges the Public Service Commission to temporarily halt energy and water companies from disconnecting utilities.
SB 426 Requires health insurance companies to cover diagnostic testing of Covid-19.
HCR 23 Suspends laws regarding legal deadlines in recognition of COVID-19.
HCR 25 Provides for the suspension of all civil in response to the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency declared by the Governor.
Stay-at-home order in Place in Louisiana
Stay at home, starting March 23rd
Maine executive orders passed due to coronavirus:
- State of Emergency declared
- Proclamation of Insurance Emergency
- Proclamation Declaring Abnormal Market Disruption Caused by COVID-19 Emergency
- Executive Order 14: An Order to Protect Public Health
- Executive Order 15: An Order Regarding School Readiness
- Executive Order 16: An Order Suspending Provisions of Certain Health Care Professional Licensing Statutes and Rules in Order to Facilitate the Treatment and Containment of Covid-19
- Executive Order 17: An Order Regarding Certain Laws Enforced by Inland Fish & Wildlife
- Executive Order 18: An Order Extending Compliance Dates Under Certain Motor Vehicle Laws
- Executive Order 19: An Order Regarding Essential Businesses and Operations
- Executive Order 20: An Order Modifying Requirements Applicable to Family Child Care Providers in Order to Facilitate Employment of Persons Needed for the Treatment and Containment Of COVID-19
- Executive Order 21: An Order Regarding Certain Elver Fishing Laws
- Executive Order 22: An Order Increasing Flexibility in Scheduling Physical Exams for Children Ordered Into the Custody of DHHS for Their Protection and Containment Of COVID-19
- Executive Order 23: An Order Suspending Provisions of the Maine Pharmacy Act and Related Rules in Order to Facilitate the Continuation of Out-Of State Clinical Trials of Investigation al Drugs During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Executive Order 24: An Order Regarding Recycling and Solid Waste Facility Operating Hours Enforced by the Department of Environmental Protection
- Executive Order 25: An Order Regarding the Maine Quality Centers Program
- Executive Order 26: An Order Regarding Certain Watercraft Laws Enforced by the Department of Inland Fish & Wildlife
- Executive Order 27: An Order Regarding State Certified Hypodermic Apparatus Exchange Programs
- Executive Order 28: An Order Regarding Further Restrictions on Public Contact and Movement, Schools, Vehicle Travel and Retail Business Operations
- Executive Order 29: An Order Modifying Provisions of the Maine General Assistance Program and Related Rules in Order to Meet the Basic Needs of People During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Executive Order 30: An Order Regarding an Extension of the Current Use Taxation Deadline
- Executive Order 31: An Order Extending Deadlines Related to Certain Property Tax Exemptions
- Executive Order 32: An Order Regarding Fire Burn Permits
- Executive Order 33: An Order Regarding Expiration of Certain Licenses and Permits Issued by the Department of Marine Resources
- Executive Order 34: An Order Establishing Quarantine Restrictions on Travelers Arriving in Maine
- Executive Order 35: An Order Suspending Enforcement of Provisions of Certain Licensing Statutes and Rules in Order to Facilitate Health Care and Veterinary Care During the State of Emergency Created by COVID-19
- Executive Order 36: An Order Regarding Guide Licensing and Outdoor Ethics Laws Enforced by the Department of Inland Fish & Wildlife
- Executive Order 37: An Order Temporarily Modifying Certain In-Person Notarization and Acknowledgement Requirements
- Executive Order 38: An Order Regarding the Expiration of Optometric Lens Prescriptions
- Executive Order 39: An Order Modifying the Primary Election to Reduce Exposure to Covid-19
- Executive Order 40: An Order Regarding Unlawful Evictions, Writs of Possession and Initiation of Eviction Proceedings
- Executive Order 41: An Order Regarding Certain Laws Enforced by the Department of Inland Fish & Wildlife
- Executive Order 42: An Order Regarding a Covid-19 Related Loan Guarantee Program
- Executive Order 43: An Order Expediting Extraordinary Emergency Financial Orders and Allotments by Waiving the Thirty Day Waiting Period During the State of Emergency
- Executive Order 44: An Order Extending a Certain Reporting Period
- Executive Order 45: An Order to Expedite the Delivery of Certain Unclaimed Property
- Executive Order 46: An Order Regarding Certain Law Enforcement Related Licensing Requirements and Training Deadlines
- Executive Order 47: An Order Increasing Eligibility for Children’s Homeless Shelters During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Executive Order 49: An Order to Stay Safer at Home
- Executive Order 50: an Order Regarding Watercraft Excise Tax
- Executive Order 51: An Order Establishing the Economic Recovery Committee
- Executive Order 52: An Order Regarding Certain Education Matters
- Executive Order 53: An Order Regarding Certain Municipal and Taxation Matters
Passed Covid-19 Maine legislation:
HB 1547 Allows the transfer of up to $11 million by the State Controller to fund a response to COVID-19.
SB 789 Temporarily Provides the Governor with additional powers for the duration of the state of emergency due to the outbreak of COVID-19.
HB 1516 Sets appropriations expenditures of the general fund; including a one-time fund to respond to COVID-19.
Pending Covid-19 bills and legislation in Maine:
HB 1549 Requires a temporary suspension on classes and requires students, staff and faculty to remain of campus to prevent the spread of Covid-19.
Stay-at-home order in Place in Maine
Stay at home, starting April 2nd
- Prohibited all gatherings of 250 people or more.
- Told state workers to work from home/other the phone.
- Recommended that businesses have employees work from home.
- Closed the cruise terminal at the Port of Baltimore. With some exceptions.
Maryland executive orders passed due to coronavirus:
- State of Emergency declared
- EO Ordering Extending Certain Licenses, Permits, Registrations, and Other Governmental Authorizations, and Authorizing Suspension of Legal Time Requirements
- EO Order Calling the Maryland National Guard into State Active Duty
- EO Order for Implementation of Elevated Level II of Pandemic Flu and Other Infectious Diseases Attendance and Leave Policy for Executive Branch Employees
- EO Order Prohibiting the Movement of Persons to and from Certain Vessels Berthing at Terminals and Port Facilities in the Ports and Harbors of the State
- EO Order Prohibiting Large Gatherings and Events and Closing Senior Centers
- EO Emergency Order Closing Casinos, Racetracks and Simulcast Betting Facilities
- EO Emergency Order Expanding Child Care Access
- EO Order Amending Prohibition of Large Gatherings
- EO Order Relating to Various Health Care Matters
- EO Prohibiting Termination of Residential Services and Late Fees
- EO Temporarily Prohibiting Evictions
- EO Emergency Medical Services
- EO Beverage Delivery
- EO Restricting Gatherings Amended
- EO Lab Authorization
- EO Closed Some Non-essential Businesses
- EO Authorizing Reimbursement for Telehealth
- EO Prohibiting Price Gouging
- EO Child Care for Essential Personnel
- EO Vehicle Weights Limits
- EO Tax Deadlines and Oaths of Office
- EO Health Care Designation for Disabilities Services Providers
- EO Authorizing Telehealth
- EO Gatherings, Stay at Home Order
- EO Evictions and Mortgages
- EO Authorizing Actions for Nursing Homes
- EO Delegating Authority to Health Officials
- EO 10.01 Remote Witnessing and Electronic Signing
- EO 14.02 Shareholder Meetings
- EO 14.01 Pharmacy Matters
- EO 15.01 Masks and Physical Distancing
- EO 18.01 Alternative Correctional Detention and Supervision
- EO 20.01 Establishing Alternate Care Sites
- EO 29.01 Amended Authorizing Actions for Nursing Homes
- EO 29.03 Prohibiting Garnishment of CARES Recovery Rebates
- EO 29.02 Amended Utilities and Late Fees
- EO 06.01 Amended Stay at Home Order; Gatherings; Expanded Outdoor Recreation
- Gatherings, Reopening of Certain Businesses and Facilities
- Alternative Processes for Marriage Applications and Ceremonies
Passed Covid-19 Maryland legislation:
SB 1079 Gives Governor the authority to transfer up to $50,000,000 from the Revenue Stabilization Account in order to fund costs associated with the coronavirus.
SB 1080/HB 1663 Authorizes Governor to take certain actions in a state of emergency, which include the cost of testing and immunization related to disease. Also prevents “price gouging” by preventing a more than 10% increase in retail or service pricing.
Pending Covid-19 bills and legislation in Maryland:
SB 1001 Relates to sales and use tax revenue and provides that sales and use tax collected in fiscal year 2021 on the sale or use of a digital product or code will be distributed at least to some degree to expenditure accounts of State government to fund costs associated with COVID-19.
SB 2 HB 732 Relates to digital advertising expenditure and tax collection to repay covid-19 expenditure.
Stay-at-home order in Place in Kansas
Stay at home, starting March 30th
- Closed all nonessential establishments.
Massachusetts executive orders passed due to coronavirus:
- State of Emergency declared
- Order Prohibiting Gatherings of More than 250 People
- Order Extending the Registration of Certain Licensed Health Care Professionals
- Order Expanding Access to Physician Services
- Order of the Commissioner of Public Health Regarding the Administration of Certain Medications for the Treatment of Opiod Use Disorder
- Order of the Commissioner of Public Health Regarding the Flexible Reassignment of Physician Assistants
- Order of the Commissioner of Public Health Providing for Continuity of Emergency Medical Services Care
- Order temporarily closing all public and private Elementary and Secondary Schools
- Order expanding access to telehealth services and to protect health care providers
- Order Suspending Certain Provisions of the Open Meeting Law
- Sharing of Critical Information with First Responders haring of critical information with first responders
- Temporarily Closing all Child Care Programs
- Ordering nonessential businesses and organizations to close their physical workspaces and facilities to customers, workers and the public
- Ordering Permitting the Temporary Conditional Deferral of Certain Inspections of Residential Real Estate
- Order Authorizing Actions to Reduce In-Person Transactions Associated with the Licensing, Registration and Inspection of Motor Vehicles
- Department of Public Health Order Regarding Modification of Certain Requirements for Inspections by the Chief Medical Examiner
- Department of Public Health Order Permitting Facilities Licensed by the Massachusetts Cannabis Control Commission to Create and Donate Hand Sanitizer to Certain Entities
- Emergency Order Ordering Nonessential Businesses and Organizations to Close their Physical Workspaces and Facilities to Customers, Workers and the Public
- Department of Public Health Emergency Order Regarding Provision of Day Program Services Provided in Group Settings
- Department of Public Health Issued an Emergency Order Regarding Provision of Day Program Services Provided in Group Settings
- Department of Public Health Issued an Emergency Order Regarding Modifications to Pharmacy Practice
- Department of Public Health Issued an Emergency Order Exempting Certain Activities from Determination of Need Approval, that are Necessary to Address COVID-19
- Department of Public Health Issued an Emergency Order Exempting Hospitals from the Nurse Staffing Requirements of M.G.L. c. 111, §231
- Department of Public Health Issued an Emergency Order Addressing Operation of Grocery Stores and Pharmacies
- Department of Public Health issued an emergency order addressing independent prescriptive practice for advanced practice registered nurses
- Emergency order extending certain professional licenses, permits, and registrations issued by Commonwealth agencies
- Emergency order suspending state permitting deadlines and extending the validity of state permits
- Department of Public Health issued an emergency order authorizing DPH’s Office of Preparedness and Emergency Management to conduct BORI checks on volunteers who register with MA Responds to respond to the COVID-19 emergency without a notarized CORI Acknowledgement Form
- Department of Public Health issued an emergency order regarding long-term care facility resident transfers and discharges
- Department of Public Health issued an emergency order expanding the availability of certain health care providers
- Emergency order authorizing the Executive Office of Health and Human Services to adjust essential provider rates.
- Emergency order regarding the conduct of shareholder meetings by public companies
- Order extending the prohibition on gatherings of 10 or more people until May 4
- Order extending the closure of non-essential businesses and organizations for in-person operations until May 4
- Department of Public Health Emergency Order Regarding Administration of Certain Medications in Community Programs
- Department of Public Health issued an emergency order regarding the provision of skilled nursing care in Assisted Living Residences
- Department of Public Health issued an updated order permitting licensed pharmacies to create and sell hand sanitizer over the counter
- Department of Public Health issued an emergency order relative to expanded practice by advanced practice registered nurses at Department of Mental Health facilities
- Department of Public Health issued guidance related to the operation of nurseries, greenhouses, garden centers, and agricultural supply stores
- Department of Public Health issued an emergency order regarding the COVID Pharmacy Assistance Team
- Department of Public Health issued an order regarding submission of written follow up procedures for oral prescriptions
- Department of Public Health issued an emergency order regarding grocery store operations and occupancy limits
- Department of Public Health issued an emergency order regarding collection of complete demographic information on patients with confirmed or suspected COVID-19
- Emergency order mandating that insurers cover all medically required costs of COVID-19 treatment in out-of-network hospitals and or other medical facilities with no cost to the patient
- Emergency order authorizing nursing practice by nursing school graduates and students in their final semester of nursing education programs
- Emergency order providing accelerated licensing of physicians educated in foreign medical schools
- Emergency order authorizing the creation of and operation of emergency residential programs and emergency placement agencies for children
- Emergency order regarding crisis standards of care (CSC)
- Department of Public Health issued and emergency order related to the operation of farmers markets, farm stands, and CSAs
- Department of Public Health issued an emergency order relative to staffing ratios in out-of-hospital dialysis units
- Department of Public Health issued an emergency order allowing certain referrals to clinical laboratories for COVID-19 testing
- Order extending the authorization for the Governor’s Council to meet remotely
- Order extending the prohibition on gatherings of 10 or more people until May 18
- Order extending the closure of non-essential businesses and organizations for in-person operations until May 18
- Order requiring the use of masks or face coverings in public situations when appropriate social distancing measures are not possible
- Emergency order suspending mandatory school health screenings
- Emergency order relative to certified nurse aide training
Passed Covid-19 Massachusetts legislation:
Pending Covid-19 bills and legislation in Massachusetts:
Stay-at-home order in Place in Massachusetts
Stay at home, starting March 24th
Michigan issues stay-at-home order for non-life-sustaining activities. Bans any gatherings that are not household. Executive order No. 2020-21
Michigan executive orders passed due to coronavirus:
- State of Emergency declared
- Executive Order No. 2020-5 Temporary Prohibition on Large Assemblages and Events, Temporary School Closures
- Executive Order No. 2020-7 Temporary restrictions on entry into health care facilities, residential care facilities, congregate care facilities, and juvenile justice facilities
- Executive Order No. 2020-8 Enhanced restrictions on price gouging
- Executive Order No. 2020-9 Temporary restrictions on the use of places of public accommodation
- Executive Order 2020-10 Temporary expansions in unemployment eligibility and cost-sharing
- Executive Order 2020-11 Temporary prohibition on large assemblages and events, temporary school closures
- Executive Order 2020-12 Enhanced support for deliveries
Temporary enhancements to operational capacity and efficiency of health care facilities - Executive Order 2020-14 Temporary extension of deadline to redeem property for nonpayment of delinquent property taxes
- Executive Order 2020-15 Temporary authorization of remote participation in public meetings and hearings and temporary relief from monthly meeting requirements for school boards
- No. 2020-16 Expanding child care access during the COVID-19 emergency
- Executive Order No. 2020-17 Temporary restrictions on non-essential medical and dental procedures
- Executive Order No. 2020-18 Enhanced restrictions on price gouging
- Executive Order No. 2020-19 Temporary prohibition against entry to premises for the purpose of removing or excluding a tenant or mobile home owner from their home
- Executive Order No. 2020-20 Temporary restrictions on the use of places of public accommodation
- No. 2020-21 Temporary requirement to suspend activities that are not necessary to sustain or protect life
- No. 2020-22 Extension of county canvass deadlines for the March 10, 2020 Presidential Primary Election
- No. 2020-23 Enhanced Authorization of Remote Means for Carrying out State Administrative Procedures
- No. 2020-24 Temporary expansions in unemployment eligibility and cost-sharing Rescission of Executive Order 2020-10
- No. 2020-25 Temporary enhancements to operational capacity, flexibility, and efficiency of pharmacies
- No. 2020-26 Extension of April 2020 Michigan income tax filing deadlines
- No. 2020-27 Conducting elections on May 5, 2020 using absent voter ballots
- No. 2020-28 Restoring water service to occupied residences during the COVID-19 pandemic
- No. 2020-29 Temporary COVID-19 protocols for entry into Michigan Department of Corrections facilities and transfers to and from Department custody; temporary recommended COVID-19 protocols and enhanced early-release authorization for county jails, local lockups, and juvenile detention centers
- No. 2020-30 Temporary relief from certain restrictions and requirements governing the provision of medical services
- No. 2020-31 Temporary relief from standard vapor pressure restrictions on gasoline sales
- No. 2020-32 Temporary restrictions on non-essential veterinary services
- No. 2020-33 Expanded emergency and disaster declaration
- No. 2020-34 Temporary restrictions on veterinary services Rescission of Executive Order 2020-32
- No. 2020-35 Provision of K-12 education during the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year
- No. 2020-36 Protecting workers who stay home, stay safe when they or their close contacts are sick
- No. 2020-37 Temporary restrictions on entry into health care facilities, residential care facilities, congregate care facilities, and juvenile justice facilities Rescission of Executive Order 2020-7
- No. 2020-38 Temporary extensions of certain FOIA deadlines to facilitate COVID-19 emergency response efforts
- No. 2020-39 Temporary relief from certain restrictions and requirements governing the provision of emergency medical services
- No. 2020-40 Temporary relief from certain credentialing requirements for motor carriers transporting essential supplies, equipment, and persons
- No. 2020-41 Encouraging the use of electronic signatures and remote notarization, witnessing, and visitation during the COVID-19 pandemic
- No. 2020-42 Temporary requirement to suspend activities that are not necessary to sustain or protect life Rescission of Executive Order 2020-21
- No. 2020-43 Temporary restrictions on the use of places of public accommodation Rescission of Executive Order 2020-20
- No. 2020-44 Enhanced support for deliveries Rescission of Executive Order 2020-12
- No. 2020-45 Enhanced authorization of remote means for carrying out state administrative procedures
Rescission of Executive Order 2020-23 - No. 2020-46 Mitigating the economic harms of the COVID-19 pandemic through the creation of a spirits buyback program for restaurants and bars throughout the state
- No. 2020-47 Temporary extension of the validity of certain driver’s licenses, state identification cards, and vehicle registrations
- No. 2020-48 Temporary authorization of remote participation in public meetings and hearings and temporary relief from monthly meeting requirements for school boards Rescission of Executive Order 2020-15
- No. 2020-49 Temporary enhancements to operational capacity and efficiency of health care facilities
Rescission of Executive Order 2020-13 - No. 2020-50 Enhanced protections for residents and staff of long-term care facilities during the COVID-19 pandemic
No. 2020-51 Expanding child care access during the COVID-19 pandemicRescission of Executive Order 2020-16
No. 2020-52 Temporary extension of certain pesticide applicator certificates
No. 2020-53 Enhanced restrictions on price gouging Rescission of Executive Order 2020-18
No. 2020-54 Temporary prohibition against entry to premises for the purpose of removing or excluding a tenant or mobile home owner from their homeRescission of Executive Order 2020-19
No. 2020-55 Michigan Coronavirus Task Force on Racial Disparities
Department of Health and Human Services
No. 2020-63 Temporarily suspending the expiration of personal protection orders
Rescission of Executive Order 2020-60
Rescission of Executive Order 2020-40
Rescission of Executive Order 2020-41
No. 2020-79 Temporary suspension of youth work permit application requirements
No. 2020-80 Enhanced authorization of remote means for carrying out state administrative procedures
Rescission of Executive Order 2020-45
No. 2020-81 Enhanced support for deliveries Rescission of Executive Order 2020-44
No. 2020-82 Temporary enhancements to operational capacity and efficiency of health care facilities
Rescission of Executive Order 2020-49 - No. 2020-83 Expanding child care access during the COVID-19 pandemic Rescission of Executive Order 2020-51
- No. 2020-84 Enhanced protections for residents and staff of long-term care facilities during the COVID-19 pandemic Rescission of Executive Order 2020-50
Passed Covid-19 Michigan legislation:
SR 107 Urges US federal government funding of the medical costs which are associated with testing and mandatory hospital stays for coronavirus.
HB 4729 Provides appropriations for 2019-20 fiscal year which include a sum of $125 million to combat the coronavirus COVID-19. Awaiting Governor Approval.
SB 151 Provides appropriations for various state departments and agencies for dealing with a response to Coronavirus. Awaiting Governor Approval.
Pending Covid-19 bills and legislation in Michigan:
HB 5630 Provides funding for new Covid-19 reporting requirements. The bill also requires Department of Health and Human Services to pay for certain costs related to coronavirus.
HB 5631 Sets aside an appropriation of $10 million from the general fund in order pay for the costs related to the Coronavirus.
HB 5633 Would require insurance coverage on treatment for Coronavirus.
HR 242 UrgesCongress and CDC to fund a response to Coronavirus.
Stay-at-home order in Place in Michigan
Stay at home, starting March 24th
Minnesota executive orders passed due to coronavirus:
- State of Emergency declared
- Emergency Executive Order 20-02 Authorizing and Directing the Commissioner of Education to Temporarily Close Schools to Plan for a Safe Educational Environment
- Executive Order 20-03 Protecting Residents of Minnesota Veterans Homes during the COVID-19 Peacetime Emergency
- Executive Order 20-04 Providing for Temporary Closure of Bars, Restaurants and Other Places of Public Accommodation
- Executive Order 20-05 Providing Immediate Relief to Employers and Unemployed Workers During the COVID-19 Peacetime Emergency
- Executive Order 20-06 Providing for Emergency Relief from Regulations to Motor Carriers and Drivers Operating in Minnesota
- Executive Order 20-07 Providing for State Workforce Needs During the COVID-19 Peacetime Emergency
- Executive Order 20-08 Clarifying Public Accommodations Subject to Executive Order 20-04
- Executive Order 20-09 Directing Delay of Inpatient and Outpatient Elective Surgery and Procedural Cases during COVID-19 Peacetime Emergency
- Executive Order 20-10 Combatting Price Gouging During the COVID-19 Peacetime Emergency
- Executive Order 20-11 Securing Federal Authority to Continue Human Services Programs During the COVID-19 Peacetime Emergency
- Executive Order 20-12 Preserving Access to Human Services Programs During the COVID-19 Peacetime Emergency
- Emergency Executive Order 20-13 Authorizing National Guard Assistance to COVID-19 Response
- Emergency Executive Order 20-14 Suspending Evictions and Writs of Recovery During the COVID-19 Peacetime Emergency
- Emergency Executive Order 20-15 Providing Immediate Relief to Small Businesses During the COVID-19 Peacetime Emergency
- Emergency Executive Order 20-16 Directing Non-Hospital Entities to Inventory and Preserve Vital Medical Equipment During the COVID-19 Peacetime Emergency
- Emergency Executive Order 20-17 Clarifying Application of Executive Order 20-09 to Veterinary Surgeries and Procedures
- Emergency Executive Order 20-18 Continuing the Closure of Bars, Restaurants, and Other Places of Public Accommodation
- Emergency Executive Order 20-19 Authorizing and Directing the Commissioner of Education to Implement a Distance Learning Period and Continue to Provide a Safe Learning Environment for Minnesota’s Students
- Emergency Executive Order 20-20 Directing Minnesotans to Stay at Home
- Executive Order 20-21 Clarifying Application of Executive Order 20-07 to Allow for Coverage of Employees of Constitutional Officers
- Executive Order 20-22 Authorizing the State Auditor to Temporarily Suspend Reporting Requirements During the COVID-19 Peacetime Emergency
- Executive Order 20-23 Authorizing Minnesota Health-Related Licensing Boards to Modify Requirements During the COVID-19 Peacetime Emergency
- Executive Order 20-24 Providing for Emergency Relief from Regulations to Motor Carriers and Drivers Operating in Minnesota
- Executive Order 20-25 Authorizing Peace Officers, Firefighters, and Security-Related Licensing Boards to Modify Requirements During the COVID-19 Peacetime Emergency
- Executive Order 20-26 Ensuring Continuing Operations of the Medical Cannabis Program during the COVID-19 Peacetime Emergency
- Providing for Emergency Relief from Regulations to Motor Carriers and Drivers Operating in Minnesota
- Executive Order 20-28 Allowing Out-of-State Mental Health Providers to Render Telehealth Aid and Permitting Certain Licensing Boards to Provide License and Registration Relief During the COVID-19 Peacetime Emergency
- Executive Order 20-29 Amending Executive Order 20-05 to Expedite State Unemployment Insurance Benefits During the COVID-19 Peacetime Emergency
- Executive Order 20-33 Extending Stay at Home Order and Temporary Closure of Bars, Restaurants, and Other Places of Public Accommodation
- Executive Order 20-34 Protecting Minnesota’s First Responders by Directing the Commissioner of Health to Share Information with the Department of Public Safety, 911 Dispatchers, and First Responders
- Executive Order 20-36 Directing Salary Reductions for Certain Officials
Executive Order 20-38 Allowing for Safe Outdoor Recreation
Executive Order 20-39 Providing Administrative Flexibility to the Department of Human Rights
Executive Order 20-40 Allowing Workers in Certain Non-Critical Sectors to Return to Safe Workplaces
Executive Order 20-41 Authorizing and Directing the Commissioner of Education to Extend the Distance Learning Period and Continue to Provide a Safe Learning Environment for Minnesota’s Students
- Last Modified: April 24, 2020
- Executive Order 20-46 Authorizing Out-of-State Healthcare Professionals to Render Aid in Minnesota during the COVID-19 Peacetime Emergency
- Executive Order 20-48 Extending and Modifying Stay at Home Order, Continuing Temporary Closure of Bars, Restaurants, and Other Places of Public Accommodation, and Allowing Additional Workers in Certain Non-Critical Sectors to Return to Safe Work places
- Executive Order 20-49 Allowing Commercial Food Trucks to Operate at Highway Rest Areas in Minnesota During the COVID-19 Peacetime Emergency
- Executive Order 20-50 Ensuring the Protection of Emergency Government Support and Consumers’ Financial Security from Consumer Garnishment Actions During the COVID-19 Peacetime Emergency
- Executive Order 20-51 Requiring Facilities to Prioritize Surgeries and Procedures and Provide Safe Environment during COVID-19 Peacetime Emergency
- Executive Order 20-52 Authorizing Students in Critical Sectors to Return to Safe Higher Education Institutions for Completion of a Postsecondary Credential
- Executive Order 20-53 Extending the COVID-19 Peacetime Emergency Declared in Executive Order 20-01
- Executive Order 20-54 Protecting Workers from Unsafe Working Conditions and Retaliation During the COVID-19 Peacetime Emergency
- Executive Order 20-55 Protecting the Rights and Health of At-Risk Populations during the COVID19 Peacetime Emergency
- Executive Order 20-56 Safely Reopening Minnesota’s Economy and Ensuring Safe Non-Work Activities during the COVID-19 Peacetime Emergency
- Executive Order 20-57 Authorizing and Directing the Commissioner of Education to Allow for a Safe and Effective Summer Learning Environment for Minnesota’s Students
Passed Covid-19 Minnesota legislation:
SF 4334 Allocates $50 million for deposit in the public health response contingency account as well as an additional $150 million to fund the health care response fund.
Pending Covid-19 bills and legislation in Minnesota:
SF 4194 Relating to health law. This bill modifies employee protections related to isolation and quarantine required in response to Coronavirus.
HF 4415 Requires paid leave to hourly employees for school days canceled due to COVID-19. For the 2019-2020 school year.
SF 4425 Relates to modifing workers’ compensation and first responder benefits for the safety of firefighters.
SF 4200 Relates to human services and grants the commissioner of human services some temporary authority relating to a COVID-19 response.
SF 4194 This bill modifies employee protections related to compliance with isolation and quarantine provisions.
Stay-at-home order in Place in Minnesota
Stay at home, starting March 27th
Mississippi executive orders passed due to coronavirus:
- State of Emergency declared
- Executive order No. 1457 Mississippi COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Planning Steering Committee
- Executive Order No. 1458 Ensures Paid Leave for State/Local Employees and Determines Essential Employees and also directs MDE to work on Distance Learning solutions
- Executive Order No 1459 Activates the Mississippi National Guard to support mobile testing units
- Executive Order No. 1460 Closure of Public School
- Executive Order No. 1461 Congressional Elections Postponement
- Executive Order 1462 Tax Deadline Extension, Unemployment
- Executive Order 1463 Non-essential Gatherings, Restaurants, Nursing Homes
- Executive Order 1464 Transportation
- Executive Order No. 1465 Shelter in Place
- Executive Order No. 1466 Shelter in Place, Evictions Suspended
- Executive Order No. 1467 – Notary Services
- Executive Order No. 1468 Party Nominating Conventions
- Executive Order No. 1469 Shareholder Meetings
- Executive Order 1470 Medically Necessary Procedures
- Executive Order No. 1471 – Health Care Facilities and Professionals
- Executive Order No. 1472 – Reemployment after Retirement
- Executive Order No. 1473 – Amended Shelter In Place Order
- Executive Order No. 1474 – Licensing
- Executive Order No. 1475 – Public Service Commission
- Executive Order No. 1476 – School Closure
- Executive Order No. 1477 – Safer at Home Order
- Executive Order No. 1478 – Safer at Home
- Executive Order No. 1780 – Safer at Home
- Executive Order No. 1481 – Unemployment Insurance
- Executive Order 1484 Amendments to Order 1460
Passed Covid-19 Mississippi legislation:
HB 1647 Allows local governmental entities as well as local school districts to grant administrative leave with pay to those who work at local governmental entities and local school districts. Awaiting governor approval.
Pending Covid-19 bills and legislation in Mississippi:
Stay-at-home order in Place in Mississippi
State-wide order effective April 3rd
Missouri executive orders passed due to coronavirus:
- State of Emergency declared
- EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 20-04 CORONA VIRUS — Relieves the Public With Emergency Unemployment
- EXECUTIVE ORDER No. 20–05 CORONA VIRUS – order the suspension of any prohibition of the sale of un-prepared food by restaurants to the public
- EXECUTIVE ORDER No. 20-06 Offers Relief to Bars and Resturaunts
- EXECUTIVE ORDER 20-03 Postpones the General Municipal Election until June 2, 2020
- Executive Order 4 Temporarily waives or suspends the operation of any statutory requirement or administrative rule
- Executive Order 5 Suspends the Prohibition of the Sale of Unprepared Food by Restaurants to the Public During the Current State of Emergency
- Executive Order 6 Calls for the Activation of the State Militia
- Executive Order 7 late renewal applications for concealed carry permits are hereby waived for sixty days from the date of this order
- Executive Order 8 – Suspends the requirement of personal appearance before a notary public by authorizing the use of audio-video technology
- Stay at Home Order
- Executive Order 9 — State of Emergency declared in Executive Order 20-02 until June 15, 2020 and directs the Missouri State Emergency Operations Plan to remain activated
- Executive Order 10 — Extends Executive Orders 20-04, 20-05, 20-06, and 20-08 until June 15, 2020
Passed Covid-19 Missouri legislation:
Pending Covid-19 bills and legislation in Missouri:
HB 2014 Appropriates the funds of $445,516 to the Office of Emergency Coordination in order to address coronavirus preparedness and response.
HR 5497 Eliminates penalties for schools failing to meet minimal hourly requirements in response to COVID-19.
Stay-at-home order in Place in Missouri
State-wide order effective April 6th
Montana executive orders passed due to coronavirus:
- State of Emergency declared
- Executive Order 3-2020 Amending Executive Order 2-2020 and Providing that the State of Emergency Runs Concurrent with the President’s Emergency Declaration
- Directive implementing Executive Orders 2-2020 and 3-2020 and providing for measures to combat the spread of COVID-19 Novel Coronavirus
- Directive Implementing Executive Orders 2-2020 and 3-2020 and providing for measures to combat the spread of COVID-19 via food and beverage services or casinos
- Directive Implementing Executive Orders 2-2020 and 3-2020 and providing for measures to ease the procurement of medical supplies and hospital space and to ease the transfer of patients with COVID-19 to appropriate medical facilities
- Directive Implementing Executive Orders 2-2020 and 3-2020 providing measures for the operation of local government
- Directive Implementing Executive Orders 2-2020 and 3-2020 extending closures and updating social distancing requirements and guidance
- Directive Implementing Executive Orders 2-2020 and 3-2020 and providing for measures to implement the 2020 June primary election safely
- Directive Implementing Executive Orders 2-2020 and 3-2020 providing measures to stay at home and designating certain essential functions
- Directive Implementing Executive Orders 2-2020 and 3-2020 and providing for relief of certain regulatory requirements
- Directive Implementing Executive Orders 2-2020 and 3-2020 and providing mandatory quarantine for certain travelers arriving in Montana from another state or country
- Directive Implementing Executive Orders 2-2020 and 3-2020 and providing measures to allow loans to medical and health facilities for operating expenses
- Directive Implementing Executive Orders 2-2020 and 3-2020 designating childcare an Essential Business and Operation and Activity and imposing requirements for operation
- Directive implementing Executive Orders 2-2020 and 3-2020 and suspending certain requirements pertaining to online and mail-in driver’s licenses renewals
- Directive implementing Executive Orders 2-2020 and 3-2020 related to state correctional and state-contracted correctional facilities
- Directive implementing Executive Orders 2-2020 and 3-2020 and providing for certain notifications to emergency services providers
- Directive implementing Executive Orders 2-2020 and 3-2020 and suspending certain requirements related to local receipt of emergency relief funds
- Directive providing that certain magical creatures may travel throughout Montana to perform essential services
- Directive implementing Executive Orders 2-2020 and 3-2020 and providing additional guidance related to evictions and establishing relief funds for affected renters
- Directive implementing Executive Orders 2-2020 and 3- 2020 and providing for the use, delivery, and reimbursement of telemedicine and telehealth services
Passed Covid-19 Montana legislation:
Pending Covid-19 bills and legislation in Montana:
Stay-at-home order in Place in Montana
Stay at home, starting March 27th
Nebraska executive orders passed due to coronavirus:
- State of Emergency declared
- Executive Order 20-01 – Emergency Relief Due to COVID-19
- Executive Order 20-02 Out of State Travel Ban
- Executive Order 20-03 Corona virus- Public Meetings Requirement Limited Waiver
- Executive Order 20-07 Corona Virus – Temporary Residential Eviction Relief
- Executive Order 20-08 Corona Virus – Expanding Access to Child Care Options
- Executive Order 20-09 Corona Virus – Relief for Restaurant & Bar Operations
- Executive Order 20-10 Coronavirus – Additional Healthcare Workforce Capacity
- Executive Order 20-11 Coronavirus – Limiting Non-Resident Spring Turkey Hunting Permits
- Executive Order 20-12 Coronavirus – Relief for Hospitals & Health Care Facilities & Expanded Use of Telehealth Services
- Executive Order 20-13 Coronavirus – Accelerating Online Notary Access & Financial Institutions Regulator Flexibility
- Executive Order 20-14 Coronavirus – Emergency Unemployment Insurance Benefit Relief, Part 2
- Executive 20-15 Coronavirus – Health Information Disclosures
- Executive Order 20-16 Coronavirus – Elections
- Executive Order 20-17 Coronavirus – Personal Property Tax Penalty & Interest Waiver
- 20-18 Coronavirus – Network of Child Care Providers
- 20-19 Coronavirus – Emergency Unemployment Insurance Benefit Relief, Part 3
- 20-20 Coronavirus – Educational Assessment Waivers
- 20-21 Coronavirus – Continued Waiver of Motor Carrier Safety Regulations
- 20-22 Coronavirus – Emergency Unemployment Insurance Benefit Relief – Claims Processing
- 20-23 Coronavirus – Primary Election Poll Worker Flexibility
Passed Covid-19 Nebraska legislation:
Pending Covid-19 bills and legislation in Nebraska:
Nevada executive orders passed due to coronavirus:
- State of Emergency declared
- COVID-19 Declaration of Emergency Director 001 – School Closure for K-12 COVID-19
- Declaration of Emergency Directive 002 – Closing of Gaming Establishments
- Declaration of Emergency Directive 003 – Closing of Non-Essential Businesses
- Declaration of Emergency Directive 004 – Closing of DMV and Licensing Regulations
- Declaration of Emergency Directive 005 – Closing of All Schools Until April 16
- Declaration of Emergency Directive 006 – Restrictions on Gatherings
- Declaration of Emergency Directive 007 – Public Gatherings
- Declaration of Emergency Directive 008 – Foreclosures and Evictions
- Declaration of Emergency Directive 009 Licensing
- Declaration of Emergency Directive 010 Stay at Home Order
- Declaration of Emergency Directive 011 Licensing
- COVID-19 Declaration of Emergency Directive 012 re: Activation of the Nevada National Guard
- 2020-04-01 – COVID-19 Declaration of Emergency Directive 012 re: Activation of the Nevada National Guard
- 2020-04-08 Declaration of Emergency Directive 013
- 2020-04-14 – COVID-19 Declaration of Emergency Directive 014
- 2020-04-29 – COVID-19 Declaration of Emergency Directive 016
- 2020-04-30 – COVID-19 Declaration of Emergency Directive 017
- 2020-05-07 – COVID-19 Declaration of Emergency Directive 018 – Phase One Reopening
- 2020-05-10 – COVID-19 Declaration of Emergency Directive 019
- 2020-05-11 – Governor Sisolak declares State of Fiscal Emergency due to COVID-19 Pandemic
Stay-at-home order in Place in Nevada
Stay at home, starting April 1st
New Hampshire executive orders passed due to coronavirus:
- State of Emergency declared
- Executive Order 2020-04 – An order declaring a state of emergency due to Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- Emergency Order 1 – Temporary remote instruction and support for public K-12 school districts
- Emergency Order 2 – Temporary prohibition on scheduled gatherings of 50 or more attendees and onsite beverage consumption
- Emergency Order 3 – All providers of electric, gas, water, telephone, cable, VOIP, internet service, and deliverable fuel services will be prohibited from disconnecting or discontinuing service for non-payments for the duration of the State of Emergency
- Emergency Order 4 – Landlords will not be allowed to start eviction proceedings for those unable to pay due to their financial situations. To do so would be against the law. All judicial and non-judicial foreclosure actions will also be prohibited during the state of emergency
- Emergency Order 5 – Individuals who are unable to work or who have reduced hours due to the COVID-19 pandemic will have immediate access to unemployment benefits. Anyone in the following situations will now be eligible for state unemployment
- Emergency Order 6 – Temporary authorization for take-out or delivery beer or wine. All restaurants, diners, bars, saloons, private clubs or any other establishment that have both a restaurant license and on premise license from the New Hampshire liquor commission shall be temporarily authorized to allow for takeout or delivery of beer or wine.
- Emergency Order 7 – Temporary modification of data and privacy governance plans.
- Emergency Order 8 – Temporary expansion of access to Telehealth Services to protect the public and health care providers
- Emergency Order 9 – Establishes the COVID-19 Emergency Healthcare System Relief Fund
- Emergency Order 10 – Requiring all sellers of groceries to temporarily transition to use of single use paper or plastic bags.
- Emergency Order 11: Temporary authority to perform secure remote online notarization.
- Emergency Order 12: Temporary modification of public access to meetings under RSA 91-A.
- Emergency Order 13: Temporary allowance for New Hampshire pharmacists and pharmacies to compound and sell hand sanitizer over the counter (“OTC”) and to allow pharmacy technicians to perform non-dispensing tasks remotely.
- Emergency Order 14: Temporary authorization for out-of-state pharmacies to act as a licensed mail-order facility within the State of New Hampshire.
- Emergency Order 15: Temporary authorization for out of state medical providers to provide medically necessary services and provide services through telehealth.
- Emergency Order 16: Temporary prohibition on scheduled gatherings of 10 or more attendees.
- Emergency Order 17: Closure of non-essential businesses and requiring Granite Staters to stay at home
- Emergency Order 17 Exhibit A
- Emergency Orders 18: Temporary modification to Department of Safety Laws and Regulations
- Emergency Order 19: Extension of Remote Instruction and Support for Public K-12 Schools
- Emergency Order 20: Temporary emergency wage enhancement for New Hampshire Liquor Commission retail employees
- Emergency Order 21: Establishment of the COVID-19 Emergency Domestic and Sexual Violence Services Relief Fund
- Emergency Order 22: Authorization of emergency funding for child protection services
- Emergency Order 23: Temporary modification of municipal and local government statutory requirements
- Emergency Order 24: Modification and clarification of Emergency Order #4
- Emergency Order 25: Temporary modification of interest penalty for late payment of property taxes
- Extension of State of Emergency Declared in Executive Order 2020-04
- Emergency Order 26: Extension of Emergency Orders 2, 6, and 16
- Emergency Order 27: Restriction of hotels and other lodging providers to provision of lodging for vulnerable populations and essential workers
- Emergency Order 28: Temporary non-congregate sheltering order to reduce the spread of COVID-19
- Emergency Order 29: Temporary modification to executive branch deadlines and requirements
- Emergency Order 30: Temporary requirements regarding healthcare provided in alternate settings
- Emergency Order 31: Establishment of the COVID-19 Long Term Care Stabilization Program
- Emergency Order 32: Extension of Emergency Orders #1 and #19 (temporary remote instruction and support for public K-12 school districts)
- Emergency Order 33: Activation of the New Hampshire Crisis Standards of Care Plan
- Emergency Order 35: An order temporarily waiving the 28-day separation period before a retired public employee can return to work on a part-time basis
- Emergency Order 36: Ensuring Worker’s Compensation coverage of New Hampshire first responders exposed to COVID-19
- Emergency Order 37: An order relative to Executive Branch hiring and out-of-state travel
- Emergency Order 38: Temporary modification of school board and district statutory requirements
- Emergency Order 39: Temporary allowance for agents to consent to clinical trials
- Emergency Order 40: Extending and modifying Emergency Order #17 (Closure of non-essential businesses and requiring Granite Staters to stay at home)
- Emergency Order 41: Additional Medicaid Eligibility for Uninsured
- Emergency Order 42 – Authorizing temporary health partners to assist in responding to the COVID-19 in long-term care facilities
- Emergency Order 43 – Temporary modification to requirements for change of party affiliation
Stay-at-home order in Place in New Hampshire
Stay at home, starting March 27th
- March 16th Tri-state area bans gatherings of 50 or more.
- Bars, Movie theaters and other establishments to close.
New Jersey executive orders passed due to coronavirus:
- State of Emergency declared
- Executive Order No. 102 Executive Order Establish Coronavirus Task Force
- Executive Order No. 103 Declares State of Emergency and a Public Health Emergency, Effective Immediately
- Executive Order 104 Limits on Gatherings of 50 or more; Closure of all schools, Closure of Racetracks, Casinos, etc. ; Restaurant Restrictions
- Executive Order 105 Governor Murphy Announces Changes to Upcoming New Jersey Elections in Response to COVID-19
- Executive Order 106 Governor Murphy Enacts Moratorium on Removals of Individuals Due to Evictions or Foreclosures
- Executive Order 107 Governor Murphy directs all residents to stay at home until further notice
- Executive Order 108 Governor Murphy invalidates any county or municipal restriction that in any way will or might conflict with any of the provisions of Executive Order No. 107
- Executive Order 109 Governor Murphy Suspends All Elective Surgeries, Invasive Procedures to Preserve Essential Equipment and Hospital Capacity
- Executive 110 Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order Requiring Child Care Centers Close on April 1 Unless Serving Children of Essential Workers
- Executive Order 111 Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order Directing Health Care Facilities to Report Data, Including PPE Inventory and Bed Capacity, On a Daily Basis
- Executive Order 112 Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order to Remove Barriers to Health Care Professionals Joining New Jersey’s COVID-19 Response and Provide Protections for Front Line Health Care Responders
- Executive Order 113 Executive Order Authorizing Commandeering of Property Such as Medical Supplies
- Executive Order 114 U.S. and NJ Flags to Fly at Half-Staff Indefinitely
- Executive Order 115 – Executive Order to Strengthen COVID-19 Response Efforts by Allowing Certain Retirees to Return to Public Employment
- 116 Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order Extending Statutory Deadlines for School Districts Whose Elections Were Moved from April to May
- 117 Executive Order Waiving Student Assessment Requirements for 2019-2020 School Year
- 118 Executive Order Closing State and County Parks to Further Social Distancing
- 119 Executive Order Extending Public Health Emergency in New Jersey
- 120 Executive Order Postponement of June 2nd Primary Elections until July 7th
- 121 Executive Order Allowing Greater Weight Limit for Vehicles Carrying COVID-19 Relief Supplies
- 122 Executive Order to Cease All Non-Essential Construction Projects and Imposes Additional Mitigation Requirements on Essential Retail Businesses and Industries to Limit the Spread of COVID-19
- 123 Executive Order Extending Insurance Premium Grace Periods
- 124 Executive Order to Establish a Process to Grant Temporary Reprieve to Certain At-Risk Inmates
- 125 Executive Order to Implement Additional Mitigation Requirements on NJ TRANSIT, Private Carriers, and Restaurants to Limit the Spread of COVID-19
- 126 Executive Order Prohibiting Cable and Telecommunications Providers from Terminating Internet and Voice Service
- 127 Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order Extending Certain Deadlines Associated with Rulemaking
- 128 Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order Providing Critical Short-Term Support for Renters
- 129 Extends Retired Officer Carry Permits by a period of 90 days until after the ongoing Public Health Emergency ends
- 130 Allowing Municipalities to Extend Grace Period for May 1st Property Tax Payments until June 1st
- 131 Creating a commission charged with advising the administration on the timing and preparation for New Jersey’s recovery from the COVID-19 shutdown
- 132 Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order Allowing Electronic Petition Submission and Signature Collection for Initiatives and Referenda
- 133 Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order Reopening State Parks and Golf Courses
- 135 Suspending in-person requirements for receipt of a marriage license and marriage ceremonies, and for the receipt of working papers for minors
- 136 Order Extending Statutory Deadlines for Various Environmental Laws
- 137 Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order to Recognize New Fiscal Realities Due to COVID-19 Pandemic
- 140 Governor Murphy Names Restart and Recovery Advisory Council
- Executive Order No. 141 mandating that all local, county, and regional health departments use the CommCare platform to support their contact tracing efforts
- Executive Order 142 Permitting Resumption of Non-Essential Construction, Curbside Pickup at Non-Essential Retail Businesses, and Gatherings in Cars
- Executive Order 143 Allowing Beaches, Boardwalks, Lakes, and Lakeshores to Remain Open with Social Distancing Measures in Place
Passed Covid-19 New Jersey legislation:
ACR 165 Urges Department of Human Services to apply for federal waivers in order to facilitate and increase access to SNAP benefits during coronavirus outbreak.
Pending Covid-19 bills and legislation in New Jersey:
AB 3865 Limits grocery store returns during a state of emergency declared in response to COVID-19. Pending.
AB 3854 Would authorize licensed health care facilities and laboratories to collect specimens in order to test for coronavirus and other amendments.
AB 3846 Would create the Temporary Lost Wage Unemployment Program
AJR 158 Urges FCC to take extra temporary measures to secure broadband access for those affected by COVID-19.
SR 63 Urges mortgage holders to allow forebearance to martgauge holders during Covid-19.
AB 3839 Would create a supplemental appropriation up to $20 million to support school facility cleaning and sanitization.
AB 3840 Requires school districts to provide school meals or meal vouchers to studentsduring school closures due to COVID-19 epidemic.
AB 3841 Extends time to file gross income tax or corporation business tax return , if the federal government also does the same.
AB 3844 Legislation concerning businesses affected by Coronavirus.
AB 3843 Affects health insurance coverage and testing of Covid-19.
SB 2234 Would require insurance coverage for testing and treatment of coronavirus disease 2019.
SB 2307 Would establish sales tax credit and sales tax holiday for portion of state of emergency related to COVID-19 pandemic.
SB 2233 Would require Medicaid coverage for testing and treatment of coronavirus disease 2019.
AB 3846 Creates the Temporary Lost Wage Unemployment Program.
AB 3860 Establishes certain requirements to use telemedicine and telehealth.
AB 3856 Appropriates $10 million for healthcare and residential facility sanitation due to coronavirus outbreak.
AB 3847 Would provide paid leave
AB 3845 Allows the Economic Development Authority to make grants during periods of emergency declared by Governor.
Stay-at-home order in Place in New Jersey
Stay at home, starting March 21st
- Banned 100 people or more from gathering together in areas such as stadiums and auditoriums.
New Mexico executive orders passed due to coronavirus:
- State of Emergency declared
- Executive Order 2020-004 Declares a State of Public Health Emergency and Invoking the Power Provided by the All Hazard Emergency Management Act and the Emergency Licensing Act
- Executive Order 2020-005 Order Directing the Closure of all Public School Until April 6, 2020
- Executive Order 2020-006 Authorizes Money to National Guard
- Executive Order 2020-007 Authorizes Money for the Department of Homeland Security & Emergency Management
- Executive Order 2020-008 Authorizes Money to the Department of Health
- Executive Order 2020-009 Authorizes Money to the Public Education Department
- Executive Order 2020-010 Authorizes Money to the Children, Youth & Families Department
- Public Health Emergency Order Closing All Businesses and Non-Profit Entities Except for those Deemed Essential and Providing Additional Restrictions on Mass Gatherings Due to COVID-19
- Executive Order 2020-011 Authorizing Additional Emergency Funds for the New Mexico National Guard to Provide Humanitarian Assistance During the Statewide Public Health Emergency
- Executive Order 2020-012 Order Directing the Closure of All Public Schools for the Remainder of the 2019-2020 Academic Year
- Executive Order 2020-013 Directing Individuals Traveling to New Mexico Through an Airport to Self-Isolate or Self-Quarantine for a Limited Period and Directing the New Mexico Department of Health to Initiate Lawful Isolation and Quarantine Proceedings for Individuals Who Do Not Self-Isolate or Self-Quarantine
- Executive Order 2020-014 Authorizing Additional Emergency Funds for the Department of Health to Purchase Personal Protective Equipment, Testing Supplies, and Other Necessary Materials to Address the COVID-19 Epidemic
- Executive Order 2020-015 Order Temporarily Permitting Notarial Acts Through Audio-Visual Technology Under Certain Conditions
- Executive Order 2020-016 Directing the Motor Vehicle Division of the Taxation and Revenue Department to Temporarily Waive All Late Fees and Penalties That Could be Assessed Under the Motor Vehicle Code; Directing Law Enforcement Not to Issue Citations to Individuals Who Qualify for a Waiver of Late Fees and Penalties in This Order
- Executive Order 2020-017 Directing the New Mexico Department of Transportation to Create Emergency Expedited Special Permits
- Executive Order 2020-018 Authorizing Additional Emergency Funds for the Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management to Assist in and Coordinate Relief Efforts During the Statewide Public Health Emergency Due to COVID-19
- Executive Order 2020-019 Authorizing Emergency Funds for the Aging and Long-Term Services Department to Assist in Relief Efforts During the Statewide Public Health Emergency Due to COVID-19
- Executive Order 2020-020 Order Allowing Certain Canadian Nurses to Provide Care During the Pendency of the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Executive Order 2020-021 Commuting the Sentences of Incarcerated Individuals Who Meet Certain Criteria and Instructing the Department of Corrections to Release Those Individuals From Its Facilities
- Executive Order 2020-022 Renewing the State of Public Health Emergency Declared in Executive Order 2020-004, Other Powers Invoked in That Order, and All Other Orders and Directives Contained in Executive Orders Tied to the Public Health Emergency
- Executive Order 2020-023 Authorizing Further Additional Emergency Funds for Personal Protective Equipment, Testing Supplies, and Other Necessary Materials to Address the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Executive Order 2020-024 Order Clarifying That In-Person Shareholders’ and Members’ Meetings are Temporarily Unlawful and Directing that Such Meetings May Be Held Virtually
- Executive Order 2020-025 Directing All Executive Agencies to Afford a Presumption of a Compensable Occupational Disease and to Award Service Credit to Certain Qualifying State Employees and Volunteers
- Executive Order 2020-026 Renewing the State of Public Health Emergency Intially Declared in Executive Order 2020-004, Other Powers Invoked In That Order, and All Other Orders and Directives Contained in Executive Orders Tied to The Public Health Emergency
- Executive Order 2020-027 Granting City of Gallup’s Request for Declaration of Emergency; Imposing Business Closures; Closing Certain Roadways; Limiting Gatherings
- Executive Order 2020-028 Granting City of Gallup’s Second Request for Declaration of Emergency; Imposing Business Closures; Closing Certain Roadways; Limiting Gatherings
Stay-at-home order in Place in New Mexico
Stay at home, starting March 24th
Stay-at-home order in place
May close schools for the remainder for the academic year. Pending
For more laws, go to this link complete list of laws passed in NY.
- Trump declares NY a major disaster, granting it access to FEMA funds.
- Cuomo issues stay at home order for “nonessential” NY workers.
- March 16th Tri-state area bans gatherings of 50 or more.
- Bars, Movie theaters and other establishments to close.
- Just one day after Mayor Bill D’Blasio says New Yorker’s need to prepare for lock down. Governor Cumo makes it clear NY will not go into a lockdown and will not be quarantined.
- Cuomo signs a bill which will provide paid sick leave for all New Yorkers.
New York executive orders passed due to coronavirus:
- State of Emergency declared
- Executive Orders 202.3 and 202.4
- No. 202.5: Continuing Temporary Suspension and Modification of Laws Relating to the Disaster Emergency
- No. 202.6: Continuing Temporary Suspension and Modification of Laws Relating to the Disaster Emergency
- No. 202.7: Continuing Temporary Suspension and Modification of Laws Relating to the Disaster Emergency
- No. 202.8 Continuing Temporary Suspension and Modification of Laws Relating to the Disaster Emergency
- No. 202.9 Continuing Temporary Suspension and Modification of Laws Relating to the Disaster Emergency
- No. 202.10: Continuing Temporary Suspension and Modification of Laws Relating to the Disaster Emergency
- No. 202.11: Continuing Temporary Suspension and Modification of Laws Relating to the Disaster Emergency
- No. 202.12: Continuing Temporary Suspension and Modification of Laws Relating to the Disaster Emergency
- No. 202.13: Continuing Temporary Suspension and Modification of Laws Relating to the Disaster Emergency
- No. 202.14: Continuing Temporary Suspension and Modification of Laws Relating to the Disaster Emergency
- No. 202.15: Continuing Temporary Suspension and Modification of Laws Relating to the Disaster Emergency
- No. 202.16: Continuing Temporary Suspension and Modification of Laws Relating to the Disaster Emergency
- No. 202.17: Continuing Temporary Suspension and Modification of Laws Relating to the Disaster Emergency
- No. 202.18: Continuing Temporary Suspension and Modification of Laws Relating to the Disaster Emergency
- No. 202.19: Continuing Temporary Suspension and Modification of Laws Relating to the Disaster Emergency
- No. 202.20: Continuing Temporary Suspension and Modification of Laws Relating to the Disaster Emergency
- No. 202.21: Continuing Temporary Suspension and Modification of Laws Relating to the Disaster Emergency
- No. 202.22: Continuing Temporary Suspension and Modification of Laws Relating to the Disaster Emergency
- No. 202.23: Continuing Temporary Suspension and Modification of Laws Relating to the Disaster Emergency
- No. 202.24: Continuing Temporary Suspension and Modification of Laws Relating to the Disaster Emergency
- No. 202.25: Continuing Temporary Suspension and Modification of Laws Relating to the Disaster Emergency
- No. 202.26: Continuing Temporary Suspension and Modification of Laws Relating to the Disaster Emergency
- No. 202.27: Continuing Temporary Suspension and Modification of Laws Relating to the Disaster Emergency
- No. 202.29: Continuing Temporary Suspension and Modification of Laws Relating to the Disaster Emergency
- No. 202.30 Continuing Temporary Suspension and Modification of Laws Relating to the Disaster Emergency
Passed Covid-19 New York legislation:
SB 8091 Provides certain provisions for employee benefits when an employee is subject to mandatory or precautionary quarantine or isolation due to coronavirus.
Pending Covid-19 bills and legislation in New York:
AB 10152/SB 8090 Amends the Labor Law; and provides for paid sick leave requirements in response to Covid-19.
SB 8041 Amends volunteer first responders benefit law, in relation to COVID-19 exposure, during a state of emergency. Pending.
SB 8014 Would provide that certain schools receive tuition payments from the state when the school may be required to close in response to COVID-19.
SB 7919 Temporarily expands the definition of “disaster” under state law. This would allow the definition to include a disease outbreak and thus make an appropriation for $40 million from the States accounts.
Stay-at-home order in Place in New York
Stay at home, starting March 22nd
Schools Closed until May 15th
North Carolina executive orders passed due to coronavirus:
- State of Emergency declared
- Executive Order No. 116 Declaration of a State Emergency to Coordinate Response and Protective Actions to Prevent the Spread of COVID-19
- Executive Order No. 117 Prohibiting the Mass Gatherings and Directing the Statewide Closure of K-12 Public Schools to Limit the Spread of COVID-19
- Forthcoming Executive Order will close Restaurants and Bars for Dine-In
Executive Order No. 118 Limiting Operations of Restaurants and Bars and Broadening Unemployment Insurance Benefits in Response to COVID-19 - Executive Order No. 119 Facilitating Critical Motor Vehicle Operations and Delegating Authority to the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services to Waive Regulations in Order to Expand Access to Child Care and Support Local Health Departments
- Executive Order No. 120 Additional Limitations on Mass Gatherings, Restrictions on Venues and Long Term Care Facilities and Extension of School Closure Date
- Executive Order No. 121 Stay at Home Order
- Executive Order No. 122 Donation or Transfer of State Surplus Property to Assist State Agencies, Local Governments and School in Response to Public Health Emergency
- Executive Order No. 124 – Assisting North Carolinians by Prohibiting Utility Shut Offs, Late Fees and Reconnection Fees; Providing Guidance about Restrictions on Evictions and Encouraging Telecommunications Providers, Banks and Mortgage Services to Provide Assistance and Flexibility to Their Customers
- Executive Order No. 125: Authorizing and Encouraging Remote Shareholder Meetings
- Executive Order 129 Law Enforcement Training Flexibility
- Executive Order 130 – Provides more access to health care beds, expands the pool of health care workers and orders essential childcare services for workers responding to the crisis.
- Executive Order 131- Retail Long Term Care Unemployment Insurance
- Executive Order 133 – Extending Certain Transportation-Related Provisions in Previous Executive Orders
- Executive Order 134 – Allows furloughed employees to be eligible for unemployment benefits
- Executive Order 135 Extending Stay at Home Order
- Executive Order No. 138 – Eases some restrictions on travel, business operations and mass gatherings
- Executive Order 139 Provides additional regulatory flexibility to help ensure capacity in the state’s health care system and improve its ability to effectively respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Passed Covid-19 North Carolina legislation:
Pending Covid-19 bills and legislation in North Carolina:
Stay-at-home order in Place in North Carolina
Stay at home, starting March 30th
North Dakota executive orders passed due to coronavirus:
- Executive Order 2020-03 Declares a State of Emergency in Response to Public Health Crisis of COVID-19
- Executive Order 2020-04 Orders Schools to Close for One Week to Slow the Spread of COVID-19
- Executive Order 2020-04.1 Amends School Closure Order
- Executive Order 2020-05 Temporarily Suspending Certain Licensure Requirements
- Executive Order 2020-06 Closing Restaurants/Bars On-Site Dining and Recreational Facilities, Health Clubs, Theaters and Entertainment Venues through April 6
- Executive Order 2020-07 Asking State Agencies to Identify State Laws, Rules or Regulations that Hinder or Delay their Ability to Render Maximum Assistance
- Executive Order 2020-08 Requiring Immediate Changes to Unemployment Insurance Process
- Executive Order 2020-09 Expanding Testing Locations, Eliminating Proof-of-Delivery Requirements for Pharmacies and Allowing Pharmacists to Provide Emergency Refills
- Executive Order 2020-10 Giving K-12 School Districts until March 27 to Submit Plans for Resuming Instruction with Age-Appropriate, Distance Learning Methods
- Executive Order 20-11 Suspends In-Person NDDOT Administrative Hearings, Removes Load Restrictions on State Highways
- Executive Order 20-12 Extends Worker’s Compensation to First Responders, Health Workers who Contract COVID-19
- Executive Order 2020-13 Giving Counties the Option of Mail Ballot-Only Elections to Protect Public Health During the Coronavirus Emergency
- Executive Order 2020-06.1 Amends COVID-19 Related Business Closure Order to Include Salons, Tattoo, Massage Facilities
- Executive Order 2020-14 Related to Authority of State Health Officer
- Executive Order 2020-15 Suspends Unemployment Taxes Payments, Interest Charges
- Executive Order 2020-10.1 Burgum Amends School Facilities Closure to Accommodate Child Care Needs
- Executive Order 2020-16 Burgum Enables Remote Participation for Public Meetings to Promote Physical Distancing
- Executive Order 2020-17 Burgum Suspends Deadlines for Livestock Auctions, Pesticide Applicators, Public Libraries
- Executive Order 2020-18 Waiving the Mandatory One-Week Waiting Period for Unemployment Benefits
- Executive Order 2020-19 Waives Requirement of Physical Polling Location for School District Elections to Allow Mail Ballot Only
- Executive Order 2020-20 Suspends Licensing Requirements for Qualified Respiratory Therapists
- Executive Order 2020-21 Requires Individuals Who Test Positive for COVID-19, Household Members to Self-Quarantine
- Executive Order 2020-22 Suspends Visitation to Long-Term Care Facilities
- Executive Order 2020-17.1 Suspends Pesticide Applicator Certification for Non-restricted Disinfectants
- Executive Order 2020-19.1 Expands Mail Ballot Flexibility to School Board Special Elections
- Executive Order 2020-23 Extends Cutoff Date for Winter-grade Fuel
- Executive Order 2020-24 Suspends Required Written Performance Reviews for Some Teachers, Principals, Administrators
- Executive Order 2020-25 Allows for Remote PSC Public Hearings and Trust Lands Auctions
- Executive Order 2020-26 Permits Transfer of COVID-19 Medical Supplies from Agencies to ND Department of Health
- Executive Order 2020-21.1 Provides Exemptions to Self-Quarantine Order for Household Members
- Executive Order 2020-27 Outlines Modified Operating Procedures for Child Care Providers
- Executive Order 2020-28 Allows Changes to Maintain Critical Services for Services for Vulnerable Youths
- Extends Access Restrictions for Businesses and State Facilities to April 30
- Executive Order 2020-12.1 Extends Workers’ Compensation Coverage to Funeral Directors and Funeral Home Workers who Contract COVID-19
- Executive Order 2020-29 Waives Certain Rules Regarding Medicaid to Enhance Services During COVID-19 Crisis
- Executive Order 2020-21.2 Amends Order Regarding Self-Quarantine for COVID-19 Patients and Households
- Executive Order 2020-14.1 Amends Order Relating to Authority of Local Health Officers
- Executive Order 2020-06.4 Provides North Dakota Smart Restart Protocols for Businesses Resuming or Continuing Operations
- Executive Order 2020-06.5 Allows Graduation Ceremonies in School Facilities with Proper Social Distancing
- Executive Order 2020-31 Allows Department of Environmental Quality to Hold Remote Public Hearings on Proposed Permits
- Executive Order 2020-04.2 Allows Access to School Facilities for Specific Programs, Testing
Passed Covid-19 North Dakota legislation:
Pending Covid-19 bills and legislation in North Dakota:
Ohio executive orders passed due to coronavirus:
- State of Emergency declared
- Department of Health Director Ordered Polling Locations Closed for 3/17 Primary
- Director of Health Orders Non-Essential or Elective Surgeries to Cease Effective March 18
- Executive Order 2020-02D The Emergency Amendment of Rules
- Executive Order 2020-03D Lifting Certain Unemployment Compensation Benefit Restrictions
- Executive Order 2020-04D Establishing a Temporary Pandemic Child Care License
- Executive Order 2020-05D Expands Telehealth Services
- Health Director’s Order on Sale of Food and Beverage
- Health Director’s Order on Limited Access to Nursing Homes
- Health Director’s Order to Limit Mass Gatherings
- Governor Orders Temporary Closure of Barbershops, Hair Salons, Nail Salons and Tattoo Parlors
- Health Director’s Order to Cease Business Operations and Close Venues
- Health Director’s Order to Prohibit Adult Day Support or Vocational Habilitation Services in Congregate Setting
- Health Director’s Order to Close Facilities Providing Older Adult Day Care Services and Senior Centers
- Health Director’s Order to Stay at Home Unless Engaged in Essential Work or Activity
- Executive Order 2020-06D The Emergency Adoption of Rule 4729-5-30.2 of the Ohio Administrative Code by the State of Ohio Board of Pharmacy
- Executive Order 2020-07D The Emergency Adoption of Rule 5101:2-12-02.1, 5101:2-13-02.1 and 5101:2-14-02.1 of the Ohio Administrative Code by the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services
- Heath Director’s Order to Close Facilities Providing Child Care Services
- Health Director’s Amended Order to Close Facilities Providing Older Adult Day Care Services and Senior Centers
- Amended Health Director’s Order on School Closures
- Health Director’s Order to Require an Inventory of all Ventilators in Ohio
- EPA Director’s Emergency Order Regarding Public Water Systems
- Executive Order 2020-08D Commercial Evictions and Foreclosures
- Health Director’s Order for Non-Congregate Sheltering to be Utilized Throughout Ohio
- Health Director’s Order to Require an Inventory of all Ventilators in Ohio
- Amended Director’s Stay at Home Order
- Executive Order 2020-09D Expanding Telehealth Access to Individual Counselors, Social Workers, and Marriage and Family Counselors
- Executive Order 2020-10D Liquor Control Commission
- Executive Order 2020-12D Emergency Amendment of Rules
- Executive Order 2020-13D Directing Expenditure of Fiscal Year 2020 TANF Funds by the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services
- Health Director’s Order to Release Protected Health Information to Ohio’s First Responders
- Health Director’s Order to Facilities to Notify Residents, Guardians and Sponsor of Positive or Probable Cases of COVID-19
- Health Director’s Order Re: Rescinding Director’s Order for Performing COVID-19 Testing
- Health Director’s Second Amended Order for the Closure of all K-12 Schools in the State of Ohio
- Health Director’s Order that Reopens Businesses, with Exceptions, and Continues a Stay Healthy and Safe at Home Order
- Executive Order 2020-18D The Emergency Amendment of Rule 123:1-46-05 of the Ohio Administrative Code by the Ohio Department of Administrative Services
- Executive Order 2020-19D Implementing Additional Spending Controls to Balance the State Budget
- Health Director’s Order to Laboratories in Ohio to Report Results of COVID-19 Tests
- Health Director’s DineSafe Ohio Order
- Health Director’s Order that Reopens Hair Salons, Day Spas, Nail Salons, Barber Shops, Tattoo Parlors, Body Piercing Locations and Tanning Facilities, with Exceptions
Passed Covid-19 Ohio legislation:
Pending Covid-19 bills and legislation in Ohio:
HB 557 Authorizes public bodies to host meetings via teleconference and video conference during a public health state of emergency.
Stay-at-home order in Place in Ohio
Stay at home, starting March 23rd
- Oklahoma suspends state testing for school year.
Oklahoma executive orders passed due to coronavirus:
- State of Emergency declared
- Executive Order 2020-06 All State Agencies to Take Necessary Steps to Protect Vulnerable Populations
Amended Executive Order 2020-07 (State of Emergency Declaration) - Executive Order 2020-08 Urging Oklahomans to Follow CDC Guidelines
- Third Amended Executive Order 2020-07 Amended to Allow Labs at Oklahoma State University and University of Oklahoma to Conduct COVID-19 testing.
- Fourth Amended Executive Order 2020-07 Amended to Issue Statewide “Safer at Home” for Certain Citizens; Limits Gatherings; Postpones Elective Surgeries; Closes Some Businesses
- Fifth Amended Executive Order 2020-07 Places Moratorium on all Out-of-State Travel paid for by the State and Temporarily Relaxes Peace Officer and CLEET Certification Requirements
- Sixth Amended Executive Order 2020-07 Requires Travelers from Six States to Self-Quarantine; Requires Certain Personnel to Submit to Screenings; Protects Health Care Workers from Housing and Childcare Discrimination
- Seventh Amended Executive Order 2020-07 Closing All Non-Essential Businesses; Extending Order to all Counties
- Eighth Amended Executive Order 2020-07 Ensuring Support Staff of Public Schools can be Paid for the Remainder of their Current Contract
- Executive Order 2020-12 Declaring a State Health Emergency
- Executive Order 2020-13 Ensuring First Responders will Receive Guaranteed Paid Time Off if They Contract COVID-19
- Executive Memorandum 2020-02 Elective Surgery Acuity Scale
- Second Amended Executive Order 2020-13 Amended to Set Guidelines for Medical Providers to Determine Elective Surgeries
- Third Amended Executive Order 2020-13
- Fourth Amended Executive Order 2020-13
- Fifth Amended Executive Order 2020-13
- Amended Executive Order 2020-12 Convoking the First Special Session of the 57th Legislature
- Sixth Amended Executive Order 2020-13
Passed Covid-19 Oklahoma legislation:
HR 1033 Relates to a declaration of state of emergency.
HCR 1017 Allows legislature to adjourn for longer than 3 days in response to Covid-19.
Pending Covid-19 bills and legislation in Oklahoma:
Stay-at-home orders in Place in Oklahoma
No state order, some local orders.
Shelter in place, effective March 30
Stay at home, effective March 25
Oklahoma City
Shelter in place, effective March 28
Shelter in place, effective March 30
Shelter in place, effective March 28
Oregon executive orders passed due to coronavirus:
- State of Emergency declared
- Executive Order 20-05 Prohibiting Large Gatherings Due to Coronavirus (COVID-19) Outbreak in Oregon
- Executive Order 20-07 Prohibiting On-Premises Consumption of Food or Drink and Gatherings of More than 25 People
- Executive Order 20-08 School Closures and the Provision of School-Based and Child Care Services
- Executive Order 20-09 Suspension of In-Person Instructional Activities at Higher Education Institutions in Response to Coronavirus (COVID-19) Outbreak
- Executive Order 20-10 Preserving Personal Protective Equipment and Hospital Beds, Protecting Health Care Workers, Postponing Non-urgent Health Care Procedures, and Restricting Visitation in Response to Coronavirus (COVID-19) Outbreaks
- Executive Order 20-11 Temporary Moratorium on Residential Evictions for Nonpayment, in Response to Coronavirus
- Executive Order 20-12 Stay Home, Save Lives: Ordering Oregonians to Stay at Home, Closing Specified Retail Businesses, Requiring Social Distancing Measures for Other Public and Private Facilities , and Imposing Requirements for Outdoor Areas and Licensed Childcare Facilities
- Executive Order 20-13 Temporary Moratorium on Certain Evictions and Terminations of Rental Agreements
- Gov. Brown Announces Statewide Initiative to Support Small Businesses
- Executive Order 20-14 Extending the Duration of Executive Order No. 20-07 (Prohibiting On-Premises Consumption of Food or Drink)
- Executive Order 20-15 Extending the Duration of Executive Order No. 20-06 (Declaration of Abnormal Disruption of the Market Due to COVID-19)
- Executive Order 20-16 Keep Government Working: Ordering Necessary Measures to Ensure Safe Public Meetings and Continued Operations by Local Governments During Coronavirus
- Executive Order 20-17 Extending Executive Order No. 20-09 (Suspension of In-Person Instructional Activities at Higher Education Institutions)
- Executive Order 20-18 Protecting Cares Act Recovery Rebate Payments from Garnishments, so Those Funds can be Used for Essential Needs
- Executive Order 20-19 Extending Directives Regarding Closure of Licensed Childcare Facilities, in Response to Coronavirus
- Executive Order 20-20 Continued Suspension of In-Person K-12 Instructional Activities and the Provision of School-Based Services in Response to Coronavirus
- Executive Order 20-22 Allowing Measured Resumption of Non-Urgent Health Care Procedures using Personal Protective Equipment, and Continuing Restrictions on Visitation in Response to Coronavirus Outbreaks
- Executive Order 20-24 Extending the COVID-19 Declaration of Emergency for an Additional 60 Days, through July 6, 2020
- Executive Order 20-25 A Safe and Strong Oregon: Maintaining Essential Health Directives in Response to COVID-19, and Implementing a Phased Approach for Reopening Oregon’s Economy
Passed Covid-19 Oregon legislation:
Pending Covid-19 bills and legislation in Oregon:
Stay-at-home order in Place in Oregon
Stay at home, starting March 23rd
Pennsylvania executive orders passed due to coronavirus:
- State of Emergency declared
- Governor Ordered all Restaurants and Bars in Allegheny, Bucks, Chester, Delaware and Montgomery Counties to Close their Dine-In Services for 14 Days
- Governor Announced Statewide Mitigation Efforts
- Governor Requests the US Small Business Administration Implement a Disaster Delcaration
- Governor Orders Closure of Non-Life-Sustaining Businesses
- Secretary of Health’s Stay at Home Order
- Governor’s Amended Stay at Home Order
- Secretary of Health’s Amended Stay at Home Order
- Gov. Wolf Announces Funding for Small Businesses through the new COVID-19 Working Capital Access Program
- Gov. Wolf Urges FDA to Waive Eligibility Requirements for the Emergency Food Assistance Program
- Governor’s Amended Stay at Home Order
- Secretary of Health’s Amended Stay at Home Order
- Governor’s Amended Stay at Home Order – Now Includes 33 Counties
- Secretary of Health’s Order Directing Building Safety Measures
- Governor’s Order to Ensure the Efficient Allocation and Effective Use of Critical Medical Resources
- Secretary of Health’s Order Directing Public Safety Measures for Businesses Permitted to Maintain In-person Operations
- Amendment to Governor’s Order Regarding the Closure of Businesses that are not Life Sustaining
- Governor’s Amendment to Stay at Home Order
- Health Director’s Amendment to Stay at Home Order
- Amendment to Governor’s Stay at Home Order for Certain Counties
- Amendment to Secretary of Health’s Stay at Home Order for Certain Counties
- Order of the Governor for Limited Opening of Businesses, Lifting of Stay at Home Requirements, and Continued Aggressive Mitigation Efforts
- Secretary of Health’s Order for a Limited Opening of Businesses, Lifting of Stay at Home Requirements and Continued Aggressive Mitigation Efforts
- Amendment to the Order of the Governor for Limited Opening of Businesses, Lifting of Stay at Home Requirements, and Continued Aggressive Mitigation Efforts
- Amendment to the Order of the Secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Health for a Limited Opening of Businesses, Lifting of Stay Home Requirements and Continued Aggressive Mitigation Efforts
Passed Covid-19 Pennsylvania legislation:
Pending Covid-19 bills and legislation in Pennsylvania:
HR 834 Amends House of Representative’s Rules of Procedure
Stay-at-home order in Place in Pennsylvania
State-wide starting April 1st
Rhode Island executive orders passed due to coronavirus:
- State of Emergency declared
- Executive Order 20-04 Second Supplemental Declaration – Restaurants, Bars, Entertainment Venues, and Public Gatherings
- Executive Order 20-05 Third Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Public Meetings and Public Records Requests
- Executive Order 20-06 Fourth Supplemental Declaration – Expanding Access to Telemedicine Services
- Executive Order 20-07 Fifth Supplemental Declaration – Extension of Time for Weapon and Firearm Background Checks
- Executive Order 20-08 Sixth Supplemental Declaration – Economic Support for Restaurants, Bars and Establishments that Offer Food
- Executive Order 20-09 Seventh Supplemental Declaration – Public Gatherings, Close-Contact Businesses, Public Recreation and Business Service Providers
- Executive Order 20-10 Eighth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Quarantine Restrictions on Domestic Air Travelers
- Executive Order 20-11 Ninth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Delaying the Primary Elections and Preparing for a Predominantly Mail Ballot Election
- Executive Order 20-12 Tenth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Quarantine Restrictions on Travelers from New York State
Executive Order 20-13 Eleventh Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Staying At Home, Reducing Gatherings, Certain Retail Business Closures and Further Quarantine Provisions
Executive Order 20-14 Amended Eleventh Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Staying At Home, Reducing Gatherings, Certain Retail Business Closures and Further Quarantine Provisions
Executive Order 20-15 Twelfth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Extension of Executive Orders on the Operation of Food Establishments and Close Contact Businesses
- Executive Order 20-16 Thirteenth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Authorizing Waiver and Medicaid State Plan Amendments and Adjustments to Essential Provider Rates
- Executive Order 20-17 Fourteenth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Testing, Critical Supplies and Hospital Capacity Reporting
- Executive Order 20-18 Fifteenth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Extension of Declaration of Disaster Emergency
- Executive Order 20-19 Sixteenth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Increasing Access to Unemployment Insurance
- Executive Order 20-20 Seventeenth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Further Quarantine Order
- Executive Order 20-21 Eighteenth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Increasing Hospital and Nursing Facility Capacity, Extending Statutory Immunity
- Executive Order 20-22 Nineteenth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Shareholder Meetings
- Executive Order 20-23 Twentieth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Extension of Various Executive Orders
- Executive Order 20-24 Requiring Cloth Face Masks at Work
- Twenty-second Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Public Meetings and Public Records Requests
- Twenty-third Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Support for Young Adults Aging Out of State Care
- Executive Order 20-27 – Twenty-fourth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Further Preparations for a Predominantly Mail Ballot Election
- Executive Order 20-28 – Twenty-fifth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Extension of Executive Orders
- Executive Order 20-29 Twenty-sixth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Promoting Better Coordination of Health Care Coverage
- Executive Order 20-30 Twenty-Seventh Supplemental Emergency Declaration Requiring Cloth Face Coverings in Public
- Executive Order 20-31 Twenty-eighth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Extension of Various Executive Orders
- Executive Order 20-32 Twenty-ninth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Lifting Stay at Home Order, Leaving Certain Restrictions in Place, Limited Re-Openings with Stringent Health Regulations
- Executive Order 20-33 Thirtieth Supplemental Emergency Declaration – Hospital and Community-Based Health Care
Passed Covid-19 Rhode Island legislation:
SR 2770 Requests that President Trump declare a National Emergency in regards to Covid-19.
Pending Covid-19 bills and legislation in Rhode Island:
Stay-at-home order in Place in Rhode Island
Stay at home, starting March 28rd
South Carolina executive orders passed due to coronavirus:
- State of Emergency declared
- Executive Order No. 2020-06 Declaring State of Emergency in Response to COVID-19
- Executive Order No. 2020-07 Declaring State of Emergency in Response to COVID-19
- Executive Order No. 2020-08 Declaring State of Emergency in Response to COVID-19
Executive Order No. 2020-09 Closing Schools, Other Provisions in Response to COVID-19 - Executive Order No. 2020-10 Closing Dine-In Restaurants and Other Provisions in Response to COVID-19
- Executive Order 2020-11 Regarding Working from Home for State Employees; Unemployment Claims
- Executive Order 2020-12 Allows Restaurants to Include Sealed Containers of Beer and Wine for Curbside Pickup or To-Go Orders
- Executive Order 2020-13 Authorizing Law Enforcement to Maintain Order, Ensure Public Safety, and Preserve Public Health During the State of Emergency
- Executive Order 2020-14 Self-Quarantine for Individuals from High-Risk Areas
- Executive Order 2020-15 State of Emergency Due to COVID-19 Pandemic
- Executive Order 2020-16 Closure of Public Access Points to State’s Beaches, Public Boat Ramps, Landings and Other Access Points to State’s Waterways
- Executive Order 2020-17 Orders the Closure of Non-Essential Businesses
- Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation Extends Renewal Deadlines
- Executive Order 2020-18 Closure of Additional Non-Essential Businesses
- Executive Order 2020-19 Lodging & Travel Restrictions for Individuals from High-Risk Areas
- Executive Order 2020-21 Home or Work
- Executive Order 2020-22 Authorization for COVID-19 Support Payments by Employers
- Executive Order 2020-23 Third State of Emergency Due to COVID-19 Pandemic
- Executive Order 20-25 Modification of Emergency Restrictions for Public Waters & Emergency Measures for Unemployment Claims & Benefits
- Executive Order 2020-28 Modification of Restrictions for Public Beaches & Waters & Incremental Modification on Non-Essential Business Closures
- Executive Order 2020-29 State of Emergency Due to COVID-19 Pandemic Response, Other Measures
- Executive Order 2020-30 Rescinding Self-Quarantine, Lodging, & Travel Restrictions for Individuals Entering S.C. from High-Risk Areas
- Executive Order 2020-31 Modification of Home or Work Order & Authorization of Outdoor Dining Services
- Executive Order 2020-33 Rescheduling Elections Postponed by Executive Order 2020-09 & 2020-29
- Executive Order 2020-34 Authorization of Limited Indoor Dining Services & Rescission of Boating Restrictions
- Executive Order 2020-35 State of Emergency to Facilitate COVID-19 Pandemic Response, Testing, & Other Measures
Passed Covid-19 South Carolina legislation:
HB 4014 Appropriates $45 million to the Executive Budget Office for use by the Department of Health and Environmental Control for the state in order to response to coronavirus.
Pending Covid-19 bills and legislation in South Carolina:
HB 5419 Prohibits magistrate or circuit courts from pursuing an eviction proceeding for nonpayment of rent within a certain number of days grace period.
SB 1161 Requires individual and group health insurance plans, as well as state health plans to waive cost sharing requirements which would be associated with testing for COVID-19.
HB 5417 Prevents the US Congress from increasing federal unemployment taxes until a specified date.
Stay-at-home order in Place in Oregon
Some local orders
Stay at home, starting March 26
Stay at home, starting March 29
South Dakota executive orders passed due to coronavirus:
- State of Emergency declared
- Gov. Noem Statement Regarding Coronavirus in South Dakota
- Gov. Noem Works to Activate Small Business Administration’s Economic Injury Disaster Loan Fund Program in South Dakota
- Executive Order 2020-06 Extends Order for all Non-Essential Government Personnel to Work from Home
- Executive Order 2020-07 COVID-19 Medical Assistance
- Executive Order 2020-08 COVID-19 Personal, Business and Healthcare Precautions
- Executive Order 2020-09 Extends Order for all Non-Essential Government Personnel to Work from Home
- Executive Order 2020-10 COVID-19 Temporary Suspensions
- Executive Order 2020-11 COVID-19 Statewide Disaster
- Executive Order 2020-12 Extending EO 2020-08
- Executive Order 2020-13 COVID-19 Minnehaha & Lincoln Counties
- Executive Order 2020-14 Teacher Evaluations/Public Meeting Physical Locations/Sanctions for Parole Violations
- Executive Order 2020-15 State of Emergency Continuation
- Executive Order 20-16 Suspension of Regulatory Requirements
- Executive Order 2020-18 Extension and Restatement of EO 2020-13
- Executive Order 2020-19 Regulatory Requirements
- Executive Order 2020-20 Back to Normal Plan/Rescind EO 2020-12
- Executive Order 2020-21 Temporary Suspensions
- Executive Order 2020-22 Reopening of State Government
- Executive Order 2020-23 Alcoholic Beverage License and Deadwood
Passed Covid-19 South Dakota legislation:
Pending Covid-19 bills and legislation in South Dakota:
Tennessee executive orders passed due to coronavirus:
- State of Emergency declared
- Gov. Lee Establishes COVID-19 Unified Command
Passed Covid-19 Tennessee legislation:
SJR 1265 Urges the General Assembly to provide funding to children with no more public school due to coronavirus who are in need of food.
Pending Covid-19 bills and legislation in Tennessee:
HB 2818 Allows a waiver of a state board rule or statute that would otherwise hinder a local education agency’s ability to meet a goal due to the outbreak of Covid-19.
HB 2815 Pertains to the governing body of the city of Crossville. In order to allow public meetings held by electronic or other means, as necessary to prevent the spread of coronavirus.
HB 2915 Bill would enact the Coronavirus Public Protection Act of 2020.
Stay-at-home order in Place in Tennessee
Stay at home, starting March 31st
Stay-at-home order in place
Texas executive orders passed due to coronavirus:
- State of Emergency declared
- Gov. Abbott Declares State of Disaster in Texas Due to COVID-19
- Gov. Abbott Waives Certain State Trucking Regulations to Expedite Delivery of Resources Around Texas
- Gov. Abbott Fast Tracks Licensing for Out-of-State Medial Professionals
- Gov. Abbott Waives Laws to Allow Trucks from Alcohol Industry to Deliver Grocery Supplies
- Gov. Abbott Waives Regulations to Ensure Students in Work Study Programs Receive Critical Funding During School Closures
- Gov. Abbott Waives STAAR Testing Requirements
- Gov. Abbott Allows Virtual and Telephonic Open Meetings to Maintain Government Transparency
- Gov. Abbott Waives Certain Vehicle Registration, Titling and Parking Placard Regulations
- Executive Order GA-8 Regarding Social Gatherings, Closure of Restaurants, Bars, Gyms and Schools
Health Commissioner’s Declaration of Public Health Disaster - Gov. Abbott Waives Health Care Fees for Incarcerated Texans
- Texas Supreme Court Suspends Residential Eviction Proceedings
- Gov. Abbott Waives Regulations to Support Pharmacy Operations
- Gov. Abbott Takes Action to Expand Nursing Workforce
- Executive Order GA-09 Relating to Hospital Capacity During the COVID-19 Disaster
- Gov. Abbott Requests Major Disaster Declaration from White House
- Gov. Abbott Authorizes Restaurants to Sell Bulk Retail Product to the Public
- Executive Order to Strengthen Reporting Capabilities
- Executive Order GA-11 Relating to Airport Screening and Self-Qyarantine During the COVID-19 Disaster
- Gov. Abbott Removes Licensing Barriers for Advance Practice Registered Nurses
- Executive Order GA-12 Relating to Roadway Screening and Self-Quarantine During the COVID-19 Disaster
- Executive Order GA-13 Relating to Detention in County and Municipal Jails During the COVID-19 Disaster
- Executive Order GA-14 Relating to Statewide Continuity of Essential Services and Activities During the COVID-19 Disaster
- Gov. Abbott Proclamation Regarding Fort Worth Crime CPD Elections
- Gov. Abbott Suspends Regulations to Increase EMS, First Responder Workforce
- Disaster Proclamation Extended
- Executive Order GA-15 Relating to hospital capacity during the COVID-19 disaster
- Executive Order GA-17 Relating to the establishment of the Governor’s Strike Force to Open Texas
- Executive Order GA-16 Relating to the safe, strategic reopening of select services as the first step to Open Texas in response to tile COVID-19 disaster
- Executive Order GA-18 Relating to the Expanded Reopening of Services as Part of the Safe, Strategic Plan to Open Texas in Response to the COVID- 19 Disaster
- Executive Order GA-19 Relating to Hospital Capacity During the COVID-19 Disaster
- Executive Order GA-20 Relating to Expanding Travel without Restrictions as Part of the Safe, Strategic Plan to Open Texas in Response to the COVID-19 Disaster
- Executive Order GA-21 Relating to the expanded reopening of services as part of the safe, strategic plan to Open Texas in response to the COVID-19 disaster
- Executive Order GA-22 Relating to Confinement During the COVID-19 Disaster
Supreme Court Decisions
Utah executive orders passed due to coronavirus:
- State of Emergency declared
- Utah Executive Order 2020-1 Declaring a State of Emergency
Recommendations on slowing the spread of COVID-19 - Statement on Statewide Closure of Public Schools
- Governor Announces Recommendations to Help Slow the Spread of Novel Coronavirus
- Executive Order 2020-2 Supending the Enforcement of Code Due to COVID-19
- Executive Order 2020-3 Temporarily Suspending Utah Code Regarding Public Access to Board of Pardons & Parole Hearings
- Executive Order 2020-4 Temporarily Suspending Utah Code Regarding Liquor Returns, Refunds and Exchanges
- Executive Order 2020-5 Suspending the Enforcement of Provisions of Utah Code and Related State Agency Orders Due to COVID-19
- Department of Health and Governor Order Restaurants and Bars to Suspend Dine-In Services for Two Weeks
- Governor Issues Executive Orders to Help Government Function Optimally Amid Adjustments to Slow Spread of COVID-19
- State Public Health Order Restricting Non-Urgent Medical Procedures
- Executive Order 2020-07 Suspending Enforcement of Statutes Relating to Telehealth Services
- Executive Order 2020-08 Suspending Certain Provisions of the Utah Election Code Regarding Signature Gathering
- Executive Order 2020-10 Suspending the Enforcement of a Statute Related to the Industrial Assistance Account
- State Public Health Order Extending Dine-In Restaurant Closures
- Executive Order 2020-11 Suspending Certain Statutes Governing Eviction Proceedings
- Executive Order 2020-12 Temporarily Suspending Residential Evictions of Individuals Experiencing Wage or Job Loss as a Result of COVID-19
- Executive Order 2020-13 Temporarily Suspending Residential Evictions of Individuals Experiencing Wage or Job Loss as a Result of COVID-19
- Executive Order 2020-14 Suspending Certain Provision of the Utah Election Code Regarding Signature Gathering for Local Referenda
- Executive Order 2020-15 Establishing a Requirement for Individuals Entering Utah to Complete a Travel Declaration Form
- Executive Order 2020-16 Establishing a Requirement for Individuals Entering Utah to Complete a Travel Declaration Form (supersedes Executive Order 2020-15)
- Governor Extends Stay Safe, Stay Home Directive
- Executive Order 2020-18 Temporarily Suspending Certain Provisions of the Utah Code Regarding Vehicle Registration
- Executive Order 2020-19 Moving the State COVID-19 Public Health Risk Status From Red (High Risk) to Orange (Moderate Risk)
- Executive Order 2020-20 Updating the State COVID-19 Public Health Risk Status Phased Guidelines to Version 4.1
Passed Covid-19 Utah legislation:
HJR 24 Continues the state of emergency due to COVID-19.
HB 494 Allows Department of Administrative Services to transfer money to other departments, or agencies for the purposes of providing a state response to the coronavirus. Awaiting Governor approval.
HB 3 Part of a larger appropriations bill, which includes a one-time appropriation of up to$24 million to the Department of Administrative Services. Strictly for the purpose of responding to a disease. Awaiting Governor approval.
SCR 8 Expresses support for the Chinese people in response to Covid-19. Awaiting Governor approval.
Pending Covid-19 bills and legislation in Utah:
Stay-at-home order in Place in Utah
County Level Orders
Salt Lake County
Stay at home, starting March 30
Summit County
Stay at home, starting March 27
- Vermont house unanimously passes emergency response, the 47 page proposal was attached to H 742.
- Ban on gatherings of 250 people or more.
Vermont executive orders passed due to coronavirus:
- State of Emergency declared
- Executive Order 01-20 Declaration of State of Emergency in Response to COVID-10 and National Guard Call-Out
- Addendum to Executive Order 01-20
- Addendum to Executive Order 01-20 – Restricts gatherings to less than 50 people; Closure of Dine-In for Restaurants and Bars
- Gubernatorial Directive on Provision of Services to Children of Essential Persons During Closure Period in Response to COVID-19
- Gubernatorial Directive 3 – Department of Motor Vehicles Suspension of In-Person Transactions
- Gubernatorial Directive 4 – Department of Liquor and Lottery – Malt and Vinous Product Delivery and Take Out
- Addendum 3 to Executive Order 01-20 Suspension of all Non-Essential Adult Elective Surgery and Medical and Surgical Procedures
- Addendum 5 to Executive Order 01-20 Order to Work From Home for all Businesses and Non-Profits
- Addendum 6 to Executive Order 01-20 Stay Home/Stay Safe
- Gubernatorial Directive 5 – Continuity of Learning Plan
- Addendum 7 to Executive Order 01-20 Quarantine Restrictions on Travelers Arriving in Vermont
- Addendum 8 to Executive Order 01-20 Non-Congregate Sheltering in Vermont; Extension of Certain Deadlines Relating to Closures of DMV and Bars and Restaurants
- Addendum 9 to Executive Order 01-20 Extension of State of Emergency Declared March 13, 2020; Other COVID-19 Related Directives and Clarifications
- Addendum 10 to Executive Order 01-20 Work Smart & Stay Safe – Restart VT: Phase I
- Addendum 11 to Executive Order 01-20 Work Smart & Stay Safe — Restart VT: Phase II
- Addendum 12 to Executive Order 01-20
- Amendment to Addendum 3 to Executive Order 01-20
- Addendum 13 to Executive Order 01-20
Passed Covid-19 Vermont legislation:
HR 15 Requests the federal government refrain from arresting or detaining individuals due to their immigration status within any healthcare setting.
Pending Covid-19 bills and legislation in Vermont:
HB 681 Relates to employer registration for unemployment insurance and includes benefits for quarantined employees and family members.
Stay-at-home order in Place in Vermont
Stay at home, starting March 25th
Breaking News
Executive order 53 closed all public schools for the academic year.
Virginia executive orders passed due to coronavirus:
- State of Emergency declared
- Health Emergency Order Prohibiting More than 10 Patrons in Restaurants, Fitness Centers and Theaters
- Gov. Northam Announces Additional Actions to Address COVID-19
- Executive Order 52 Increases in Hospital Bed Capacity in Response to Novel Coronavirus
- Amended Order of the Governor and State Health Commissioner Declaration of Public Health Emergency
- Executive Order 53 Temporary Restrictions on Restaurants, Recreational, Entertainment, Gatherings, Non-essential Retail Businesses, and Closure of K-12 Schools Due to Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- Order of Public Health Emergency Two
- Executive Order 54 Delegation of Authority to Commissioner of the Virginia Employment Commission
- Executive Order 55 Temporary Stay at Home Order Due to Novel Coronavirus
- Executive Order 56 Postponing June 9, 2020 Primary Election to June 23, 2020 Due to Novel Coronavirus
- Executive Order 57 Licensing of Health Care Professionals in Response to Novel Coronavirus
- Amended Executive Order 57 Licensing of Health Care Professional in Response to Novel Coronavirus
- Executive Order 58 Access to Medicaid-Covered Health Care Services in Response to Novel Coronavirus
- Executive Order 59 Postponing May 5, 2020 General and Special Elections to May 19, 2020 Due to Novel Coronavirus
- Executive Order 60 Clarification of Certain Immunity from Liability for Healthcare Providers in Response to Novel Coronavirus
- Executive Order 61 Phase One Easing of Certain Temporary Restrictions Due to Novel Coronavirus
- Executive Order 62 and Order of Public Health Emergency Four – Jurisdictions Temporarily Delayed from Entering Phase One in Executive Order 61 and Permitted to Remain in Phase Zero Northern Virginia Region
Passed Covid-19 Virginia legislation:
Pending Covid-19 bills and legislation in Virginia:
Stay-at-home order in Place in Virginia
Stay at home, starting March 30st
12 inmates escape from Washington jail amid self-isolation.
Washington executive orders passed due to coronavirus:
- State of Emergency declared
- Proclaiming a State of Emergency, February 29
- Proclaiming an amendment to the State of Emergency, March 10
- Proclaiming additional amendments to the State of Emergency, March 11
- Proclamation for COVID-19 School Closures
- Proclamation for Statewide K-12 School Closures
- Proclamation for Long-Term Care Workers
- Proclamation for Gatherings Amendment
- Proclamation for College Closures
- Proclamation for Closure of Food and Beverage Services/Limiting Areas of Congregation
- Governor Signs COVID-19 Bill Package
Amending Proclamation 20-05 Restrictions on Non Urgent Medical Procedures - Governor Requests the U.S.S. Mercy to be Sent to the Puget Sound
- Governor Requests Federal Major Disaster Declaration
- Proclamation for State Home – Stay Healthy
- Proclamation for Moratorium on Evictions
- Proclamation for Open Public Meetings Act and Public Records Act
- Proclamation Waiving Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board Penalties
- Proclamation on Telemedicine
- Proclamation on Unemployment Benefits Job Search Requirements
- Proclamation on Childcare, Background Checks Governor Issues Stay Safe, Stay Home Directive
- Proclamation on Health Care Worker Licensing
- Proclamation on Child Visitation and Remedial Services
- Proclamation on State Auditor Financial Reports Filing
- Proclamation on Department of Corrections – Community Custody Violations
- Proclamation on Department of Health – Health Care Facilities and Hand Sanitizer
- Proclamation on Department of Social & Health Services – Facilities
- Proclamation on Post-Retirement Employment
- Proclamation 20-25.1 Extending Stay Home – Stay Healthy Order
- Proclamation 20-19.1 Evictions
- Proclamation 20-22.1 Extending Truck Driver Hours Relief
- Proclamation 20-23.2 Ratepayer Assistance and Preservation of Essential Services
- Proclamation 20-52 Extending Statewide Orders Relating to Long-Term Care
- Proclamation 20-25.3 Adjusting and Extending Stay Home-Stay Healthy to May 31, 2020. Safe Start Washington: Phase I – Re-Opening Washington
- Proclamation 20-53 Maintaining Access to the Ballot for All Candidates
- Proclamation 20-55 State Collective Bargaining Agreements
- Governor’s Directive 20-05 Freezing Hiring, Personal Services Contracts, and Equipment Purchases
Passed Covid-19 Washington legislation:
SB 6189 Establishes and clarifies school employees benefits during quarantine or school closures due to COVID-19.
SB 6248 Makes appropriations as well as authorizes expenditures for capital improvements, which include an appropriation for the Poison Center Emergency Response to COVID-19.
SR 8702 Encourages healthy practices which can reduce the spread of infectious diseases in Washington state.
HB 2739 Adjusts requirements of the shared leave program. This includes a provision of shared leave for employees in isolation or as a result of quarantine due to COVID-19.
HB 2965 Appropriates $175 million from the state’s budget to the state’s disaster response account. The bill allows for dispersal to disaster managment to state and local agencies in order to respond to the coronavirus outbreak. As well as an additional $25 million for expenditure into the COVID-19 unemployment account.
Pending Covid-19 bills and legislation in Washington:
SB 6696 Sets expenditures for catastrophic events.
Stay-at-home order in Place in Washington
Stay at home, starting March 23rd
West Virginia executive orders passed due to coronavirus:
- State of Emergency declared Proclamation on state preparedness
- Announcement of statewide school closures
- Governor Announces Closure of Restaurants and Bars
- Executive Oder 2-20
- Executive Order 3-20 Closure of Gyms and Recreational Facilities
- Executive Order 4-20 Providing Unemployment Benefits
- Executive Order 5-20 Declaring Counties Have Authority to Evaluate Courthouse Services
- Executive Order 6-20 Closure of Barbershops and Salons
- Executive Order 7-20 Suspending Specified Statutory Regulations for the Duration of the State of Emergency
- Executive Order 8-20 Statewide Closure of all State Park Lodges and Closure of Hatfield McCoy Trail to the General Public
- Executive Order 9-20 Declare And Order: Stay At Home Or Your Place Of Residence; Non-Essential Businesses And Operations Must Temporarily Cease Operations; Essential Businesses And Operations Shall Continue To Operate; Prohibited Activities; Avoid Social Gatherings
- Gov. Justice Appoints Clay Marsh as COVID-19 Czar
- Executive Order 10-20 Declare and Order that the Listed Statutory Regulations are to be Suspended for the Duration of the State of Emergency; and Declare and Order the Listed Paragraphs of Executive Order No. 7-20 are Amended
- Executive Order 11-20 Declare the Listed Statutory Regulations are to be Suspended for the Duration of the State of Emergency; and to Amend Paragraph 5 of Executive Order No. 7-20
- Executive Order 12-20 Declare and Order that the Listed Statutory Regulations are to be Reinstated Immediately
- Executive Order 13-20 Declare and Order the Suspension of Listed Statutory Regulations Regarding Taxes
- Executive Order 14-20 All State Park Campgrounds Shall Be Closed; That All Individuals Who Are Traveling From Areas With Substantial Spread Of Covid-19 Are Required To Isolate For 14 Days Upon Entry To WV
- Executive Order 15-20 Declare and Order that all Private Campgrounds Shall be Closed to Any New Arrivals to Such Private Campgrounds who Have Traveled from Outside of West Virginia, with Listed Exceptions
- Executive Order 16-20 Declare and Order that All Elective Medical Procedures are Hereby Prohibited
- Executive Order 17-20 Declare and Order that the Listed Statutory Regulations are to be Suspended for the Duration of the State of Emergency
- Executive Order 18-20 Declare and Order that the Primary Election Scheduled for May 12, 2020 Shall be Moved to June 9, 2020
- Executive Order 19-20 Declare and Order that the Listed Regulatory Statues are Suspended for the Duration of the State of Emergency
Executive Order 20-20 As a Necessary Measure to Respond to the Outbreak of the Covid-19 Virus, Declare and Order, for the Counties of Berkeley, Jefferson and Morgan, Certain Provisions of Executive Order 9-20 and Other Executive Orders are Amended as Listed
Executive Order 21-20 As a Necessary Measure to Respond to the Outbreak of the Covid-19 Virus, Declare and Order, for the Counties of Harrison, Kanawha, and Monongalia, Certain Provisions of Executive Order 9-20 and Other Executive Orders are Amended as Listed
Executive Order 23-20 Declare and Order the Listed Statutory Regulations and Provisions are Suspended; And, Declare and Order, Effective April 10, 2020, Procedures for All Public and Private Golf Courses; And Allowance for Municipality’s to Hold Elections on Primary Elections Day, June 9, 2020
Executive Order 20-26 Declare and Order that the Listed Statutory Regulations are Suspended for the Duration of the State of Emergency
- Executive Order 207-20 Declare and Order Testing of all Individuals Who Reside or Work in the Nursing Homes Throughout the State
- Executive Order 28-20 Declare an Amendment to EO 16-20, Outlining a Procedure to Allow More Urgent Elective Medical Procedures to be Resumed at a Hospital or Ambulatory Surgical Center that is Regulated by Ohflac
- Executive Order 30-20 Order and Declare that Provisions of Previous Executive Orders are Amended Regarding Certain Health Care Providers and Practitioners and Chapter 30 Health Care Boards
- Executive Order 31-20 Declare and Order that the Listed Statutory Regulations are Suspended for the Duration of the State of Emergency
- Executive Order 32-20 Declare and Order, Certain Provisions of Previous Executive Orders are Amended or Terminated
- Executive Order 33-20 Declare and Order Amending Executive Orders 21-20 and 24-20 by Terminating the Provisions that Pertain to Jackson County, Kanawha County, and Ohio County Only
- Executive Order 34-20 Declare and Order that Executive Order 24-20 is Terminated and without Further Effect on May 5, 2020
- Executive Order 35-20 Declare and Order Testing on all Individuals Who Reside or Work in Assisted Living Residences and Residential Care Communities Licensed by the DHHR; and Testing of all Individuals who Work in Child Care Centers Licensed by the DHHR
- Executive Order 36-20 Declare and Order, the Amendment of Certain Previous Executive Orders to Allow the Reopening of Wellness Center Facilities that Offer Exercise Therapy, Physical Therapy, Post-Operative Therapy, and/or Rehabilitative Therapy Programs to Individuals; and Allowing for the Reopening of Drive-In Movie Theaters
Passed Covid-19 West Virginia legislation:
Pending Covid-19 bills and legislation in West Virginia:
Stay-at-home order in Place in West Virginia
Stay at home, starting March 24th
Wisconsin executive orders passed due to coronavirus:
- State of Emergency declared
- Executive Order 72, Relating to Declaring a Health Emergency in Response to the COVID-19 Coronavirus
- Order for Statewide School Closure
- Department of Health Services Secretary Prohibits Gatherings of 50 or More
- Department of Health Emergency Order #5 Prohibiting Mass Gatherings of 10 People or More
- Emergency Order #6 Restricting the Size of Child Care Settings
- Emergency Order #7 to the Department of Workforce Development Regarding Unemployment Insurance
- Emergency Order #8 Updated Mass Gathering Ban
- Emergency Order #9 Order to the Department of Corrections
- Emergency Order #10 Department of Public Instruction Administrative Rule Suspension and Emergency
- Emergency Order #11 Public Service Commission Administrative Rules Suspension SUSPENSIONS
- Emergency Order #12 Safer at Home Order
- Gov. Evers Launches Wisconsin’s COVID-19 PPE Program
- Emergency Order #13 Order to the Department of Workforce Development Regarding Minor Work Permits
- Emergency Order #14 Relating to Extending the Department of Transportation Emergency Permits to Assist wit Grocery Supply Efforts
- Emergency Order #15 Temporary Ban on Evictions and Foreclosures
- Emergency Order #16 Relating to Certain Health Care Providers and the Department of Safety and Professional Services Credentialing
- Emergency Order #17 Department of Natural Resources Administrative Rule Suspension
- Emergency Order #18 Relating to Department of Children and Families Administrative Rule Suspensions
- Emergency Order #19 Appropriate Use Of COVID-19 Information by Law Enforcement Agencies, First Responders, and Public Safety Workers
- Executive Order #73 Relating to a Special Session of the Legislature to Provide for an All-Mail Spring Election and Special Election for the 7th Congressional District during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Emergency Order #20 Relating to Modification of Emergency Order # 16
- Emergency Order #21 Relating to the Department of Health Services Administrative Rule Suspensions and Order
- Executive Order #74 Relating to suspending in-person voting on April 7, 2020, due to the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Emergency Order 22: Related to Certain Timelines Established by the Department of Safety and Professional Services
- Emergency Order 23: Related to the Department of Veterans Affairs Assistance to Needy Veterans Program
- Emergency Order #25 Additional Safety Measures Related to the Department of Workforce Development and Migrant Labor Camps
- Emergency Order #26 Relating to Department of Children and Families Administrative Rules Suspension
- Emergency Order #27 Related to Joint Effort Marketing Administered by the Department of Tourism
- Emergency Order #28 Safer at Home Order
- Emergency Order 29: University of Wisconsin System Administrative Rule Suspensions
- Emergency Order 30: Department of Natural Resources Administrative Rule Suspensions
- Emergency Order #31 Badger Bounce Back
- Emergency Order 32 Relating to the Operations of the Alternative Care Facility
- Emergency Order 33 Department of Revenue Administrative Rule Suspension
- Emergency Order 34 Interim Order to Turn the Dial
- Emergency Order 35: Relating to the Department of Health Services and Department of Safety and Professional Services
- Emergency Order #36 Interim Order to Turn the Dial
Supreme Court Decisions
Wisconsin Supreme Court Ruling Overturning Covid-19 Executive order.
Wisconsin Supreme Court Opinion on Covid-19 Ruling
Wyoming executive orders passed due to coronavirus:
- State of Emergency declared
- Executive Order 2020-2 Declaration of a State of Emergency and a Public Health Emergency
- Governor Announces Coronavirus Task Forces
- Governor and State Health Officer Issue Statewide Closure for Public Spaces
- Executive Order 2020-3 Emergency Exemption from Permissible Operating Time Regulations and Waiver of Allowable Size and Weight Permit Fees
- Statewide Public Health Order #2 Forbidding Gatherings of Ten People or More
- Executive Order 2020-04 Suspension of Provisions of Certain Statutes and Rules Related to Driver Licenses Due to a Public Health Emergency
- Executive Order 2020-5 Restaurant/Bar & Grill Emergency Liquor Service
- Second Continuation of Public Health Order #3 closing non-essential personal services through April 30
- Second Continuation of Public Health Order #2 forbidding gatherings of 10 people or more through April 30
- Statewide Directive for Individuals Arriving in Wyoming From Another State or Country to Self-Quarantine through April 30
- Third Continuation of Public Health Order #1: Closing Bars, Restaurants, Theaters, Gymnasiums, Child Care Facilities, K-12 Schools, Colleges, Universities, and Trade Schools Statewide
- Third Continuation and Modification of Public Health Order #2: Forbidding Gatherings of Ten (10) People or More
- Third Continuation and Modification of Public Health Order #3: Temporary Closure of Nail Salons, Hair Salons, Barber Shops, Massage Therapy Services, Tattoo Body Art and Piercing Shops, and Cosmetology, Electrology, and Esthetic Services
- Fourth Continuation, and Modification, of Statewide Public Health Order Regarding Bars, Restaurants, Theaters, Gymnasiums, Child Care Facilities, K-12 Schools, Colleges, Universities, and Trade Schools
- Fourth Continuation, and Modification, of Statewide Public Health Order #3 Regarding Nail Salons, Hair Salons, Barber Shops, Massage Therapy Services, Tattoo, Body Art and Piercing Shops, and Cosmetology, Electrology, and Esthetic Services
- Fourth Continuation, and Modification, of Statewide Public Health Order #2: Forbidding Gatherings of More than Twenty-Five (25) People
Passed Covid-19 Wyoming legislation:
Pending Covid-19 bills and legislation in Wyoming:
Stay-at-home order in Place in Wyoming
Stay at home, starting March 28th
Ever Since the first Covid-19 Stimulus Package was signed into law on March 27th. Not much has happened to support the people and businesses impacted by the Covid-19 shut down.
But with the second Covid-19 Stimulus package right around the corner. What should you expect?
-A second $1,200 stimulus check is likely in the works for most Americans.
– $500 for each child in the household
-That is not to mention SBA loans, PPP (Paycheck Protection programs), and unemployment programs.
This bill is currently still being debated in the legislative branches of the government But it will likely be a repeat of the first stimulus package, with some added funding.
More info on the second 2020 Covid-19 Stimulus Package
In a shocking decision, the Supreme Court of Wisconsin overturned the Stay at Home order in Wisconsin in a 4-3 ruling. immediately overturning the lock down. See entire Wisconsin Supreme Court Ruling for more information.
Shelly Luther is released from jail after Texas Supreme Court Ruled her jailing was unconstitutional. See the Texas Supreme Court decision 20-0363.
What Schools are Closed Due to Coronavirus (Covid-19)?
The following table lists all school closures by state due to coronavirus.
Closure Start |
Closure End | Local Information | |
Alabama | March 18th | Closed for School Year | Closed for School Year |
Alaska | March 16th | May 1st | |
Arizona | March 16th | Closed for School Year | Closed for School Year |
Arkansas | March 16th | April 17th | |
California | March 16th | * | |
Colorado | March 18th | April 30th | |
Connecticut | March 16th | April 20th* | |
Delaware | March 16th | May 15th | |
Florida | Varies on district | * | |
Georgia | March 17th | Closed for School Year | Closed for School Year |
Hawaii | March 17th | April 30th | |
Idaho | Tuesday March 18th | April 20th* | |
Illinois | Tuesday March 17th | April 30th | |
Indiana | March 17th | Closed for school year | Closed for School Year |
Iowa | March 17th | April 30th | |
Kansas | March 13th | April 30th | Closed for School Year |
Kentucky | March 13th | * | |
Louisiana | March 16th | April 30th | |
Maryland | March 16th | April 24th | |
Maine | April 1st | May 1st | Maine School Closings and Delays |
Massachusetts | March 16th | May 1st | |
Michigan | March 13th | Closed for school year | Schools Closed for School Year |
Minnesota | March 17th | May 4th | |
Mississippi | March 20th | Closed for school year | Executive Order 1460 All Schools Closed |
Missouri | March 18th | April 24th | Executive Order 1460 All Schools Closed |
Montana | March 17th | April 10th | |
Nebraska | March 13th | * | |
Nevada | March 13th | April 30th | |
New Hampshire | March 13th | May 4th | |
New Mexico | March 13th | Closed for School Year | Closed for School Year |
New York | March 16th | April 15th | |
North Carolina | March 13th | May 15th | |
North Dakota | March 17th | * | |
Ohio | March 13th | May 1st | |
Oklahoma | March 16th | Closed for school year | Closed for School Year |
Oregon | March 16th | April 28th | |
Pennsylvania | March 16th | * | |
Rhode Island | March 16th | April 30th | |
South Carolina | March 13th | April 30th | |
South Dakota | March 13th | * | |
Tennessee | March 20th | * | |
Texas | March 19th | May 4th | |
Utah | March 13th | May 1st | |
Vermont | March 13th | Closed for School Year | Closed for School Year |
Virginia | March 13th | Closed for School year | All schools closed remainder of year Executive order 53. |
Washington | March 17th | April 24th | |
West Virginia | March 13th | April 30th | |
Wisconsin | March 18th | April 23rd | |
Wyoming | March 16th | April 30th |
State-to-State Travel Ban
At this time there is no federal ban on state to state travel. Although some jobs and military members may have travel restrictions from their employers.
There are some local travel bans such as a temporary ban on non-residence to the Outer Banks.
If you feel like your rights have been violated, contact a lawyer immediately.

International Travel Bans Enacted Due to Coronavirus(Covid-19)
The United States has enacted multiple travel bans that have taken place over the recent Coronavirus spread. If you are stuck overseas, or have other legal issues, contact a lawyer today.
As of March 20th
Travel to Mexico and Canada will be restricted to “essential” travel only.
- Non-essential travel to Mexico will likely be restricted starting March 20th.
- On March 18th Non-essential travel to Canada was restricted.
March 16th
On March 16th the European travel ban will expand to foreign nationals traveling out of the United Kingdom and Ireland
March 13th
As of March 13th, any American citizens and permanent residents that are traveling back from any high-risk areas are to only travel back to the United States through following airports. There they will be tested for Covid-19…
- Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport, Georgia (ATL)
- Newark Liberty International Airport, New Jersey (EWR)
- Dallas Fort Worth International Airport, Texas (DFW)
- Boston-Logan International Airport, Massachusetts (BOS)
- Chicago O’Hare International Airport, Illinois (ORD)
- Los Angeles International Airport, California (LAX)
- John F. Kennedy International Airport, New York (JFK)
- Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, Washington (SEA)
- Washington-Dulles International Airport, Virginia (IAD)
- Detroit Metropolitan Airport, Michigan (DTW)
- Daniel K. Inouye International Airport, Hawaii (HNL)
- Miami International Airport, Florida (MIA)
- San Francisco International Airport, California (SFO)
March 11th
Any foreign nationals that have visited the following countries within the past 14 days are barred from visiting the U.S. for at least 30 days. This is subject to change based on the track of the virus…
- China
- Iran
- Austria
- Belgium
- Czech Republic
- Denmark
- Estonia
- Finland
- France
- Germany
- Greece
- Hungary
- Iceland
- Italy
- Latvia
- And Other European Countries in the Schengen Area (Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland)
As of March 13th a military travel ban will also come into effect. This ban prevents those in the military, and their families, from traveling within the United States unless otherwise allowed to do so. This ban has been enacted to prevent the spread of Coronavirus and to limit those with high clearance from entering areas such as the Pentagon.
Covid-19 Self-Quarantines by State
Current “quarantines” in the US are voluntary or restrictive to businesses. A few states have mandated “quarantines” or restricted nonessential businesses.
Please search laws by state menu above. If you have a tip we missed, email us here.
If your city or state has mandated a quarantine, and you feel your rights have been violated, contact a lawyer immediately.
Disclaimer– Due to the nature of constantly changing information we make no guarantees about the accuracy of information. With 50 states to track, its nearly impossible, but we are doing our best! Please see sources for more information about each state.
More Resources
Due to the massive nature of the laws being passed, we can’t keep up with everything. Here are more resources to help you find what you need about Covid-19: