With over 15 million civil cases filed annually, this infographic analyzes the data in an interesting fashion. Here’s the deal, some states have way more lawsuits than others, and no doubt about it, some fields get sued more than others. Let’s take a look at what the data in this infographic by eLocalLawyers has to say.
What states have the most lawsuits?
The states with the most civil actions are New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Illinois, New Jersey, Minnesota, Florida, and California.
Which states have the most lawyers per capita?
It is no surprise that the states with more lawsuits, also have more lawyers per capita. New York tops the list with 80 lawyers per 10,000 people. Massachusetts is second with 66 lawyers per 10,000.
Which states have the least lawsuits?
The states with the least lawsuits include Alaska, Hawaii, North Carolina, Virginia, Iowa, Wisconsin, North, and South Dakota, and Idaho.
Which states have the least lawyers per capita?
The states with the least lawyers per capita include Arizona (20 lawyers per 10,000 people), followed by Indiana, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Idaho which all have 21 lawyers per 10,0000 people.
Which medical fields have the highest chance of a malpractice lawsuit?
The most susceptible medical fields are neurology, plastic surgery, and vascular surgery
How frequently do plaintiffs win tort trials in the United States?
Plaintiffs win 55% of tort trials in the US.
What are some of the most frivolous lawsuits?
One couple in Florida sued a guide-dog school after a blind man stepped on the wife’s toe. One New York Woman sued “the clapper” for an injury she said came from having to “clap too hard”, to get the device to work. One California man sued a stadium because he felt uncomfortable using a bathroom that was also used by women.
At the end of the day, there is no shortage of lawsuits in the US. After all, 80% of the world’s lawyers reside in the US. No doubt many of these plaintiffs represent themselves. If you learned something, be sure to share this infographic with your friends and family.