Looking for lawyers in Hampton?
Don’t worry here are the top ten lawyers and attorneys in Hampton, Virginia.
Find a lawyer in Hampton Virginia. Lawyers in Hampton, VA offer real estate law, criminal law, legal defenses for DWI, family law, traffic tickets, nursing law, business law and Hampton Criminal Defense.
Here are the Top Four Lawyers in Hampton!
Need a Lawyer to Offer Free Consultation?
The following Hampton Lawyers may Offer Free Consultation, and legal advice.
John Naumovski |
Criminal, DUI, Traffic Tickets and White Collar Crime | Free Consultation!* |
Richard Shapiro Esq
Medical Malpractice and Personal Injury | Free Consultation! | |
Jan F Hoen |
Medical Malpractice, Personal Injury and Workers’ Comp | Free Consultation! |
David C. Johnson Esq. |
Business, Criminal and DUI | Free Consultation! |
Find a lawyer in Hampton today! Here is a list of Lawyers that practice law in Hampton, VA. Whether you are currently in legal trouble, or just want to consult a lawyer, these are some of the best lawyers in Hampton!
More Top Ranking Lawyers in Hampton:
Kristina Marse Beavers |
Business, Criminal, Divorce and Elder | ||
Mario J Stellute |
Criminal, DUI, Medical Malpractice and Personal Injury |
John W. Lee |
Bankruptcy, Criminal and Divorce | ||
Jim Gochenour |
Criminal, DUI and Family | ||
Shawn M Cline |
Criminal, DUI, Domestic Violence and Military | |
Mr. Sheldon C. Worrell III |
Criminal, DUI, Estate Planning and Landlord Tenant |
Find Lawyers Near Hampton, VA
How we choose the best lawyers in Hampton, VA
Healing Law is your go to source for many of the greatest lawyers in the Hampton, VA and Hampton Roads capital region in the United States. Lawyers and attorneys are available around the clock, but finding them is a different story. Here’s an easy solution to find your favorite top-rated lawyers and attorneys, find them here! Whether you are looking for lawyers in the capital of Virginia, or Appalachia, or even the Hampton Roads region, find the best lawyers here. Whether you are looking for some DWI, DUI, drug possession, family, divorce or criminal defense lawyers in Hampton, Virginia.
The thing is we even have access to divorce attorneys, lawyers with free legal advice and other lawyers and attorneys near me. There are a lot of lawyers in Hampton, Virginia. Thee thing is that finding one you can trust and rely on is another challenge entirely. At our site you can find contact information on lawyers including phone numbers, emails and websites for the attorneys near you. If you need to find attorneys or lawyers for defense in court, or to give you other legal advice, you can turn here and find some of the best lawyers in Hampton, Virginia.
On this site you will find some of the highest rated and ranked lawyers in the region.
If you are looking for lawyers to help you in Hampton, VA or anywhere in the state of Virginia, look to us for more information on top rated lawyers. Whether you want to find information for legal defense practices, laws in your area, the best attorneys, or the best lawyers for you in your area. We are also always do our best to link to legal services which offer free legal consultations! Simply put some of these lawyers may offer free consultations for their legal services, and best of all that is just the start. You may want to seek legal counsel from multiple legal professionals before hiring a law professional you trust. Whether you were injured near the VCU Campus or are looking for a lawyer for a traffic ticket you received on I-64 0r 264 you can find some of the best of them here. From Shock hoe Bottom to the Virginia Tech Campus, we have done the best to discover the best lawyers in the capital region of Virginia.
Do you have information on your favorite lawyers in Hampton, or are a lawyer yourself? We would love to hear from you, reach out to us, we may be able to help you. Whether you are looking for divorce attorneys or traffic ticket defense find them here.
Welcome to your go to source for the best lawyers, attorneys and legal defense in Hampton.
About Hampton, VA:
Hampton, Virginia Beach and many of the cities in Hampton Roads is an independent city in the Commonwealth state of Virginia. According to the 2010 census, the population of Hampton was 137,436 people.
Hampton is one of the seven main cities which make up the metropolitan area of Hampton Roads. The city of Hampton is on located the southeastern end of the Virginia Peninsula.
The history of Hampton traces back to the city’s “Old Point Comfort”. This was the home of Fort Monroe for the better part of 400 years. The site was named in 1607 by the voyagers that found it. They were led by Captain Christopher Newport. Captain Newport, who first established, Jamestown established Jamestown as an English colonial settlement.
This university was responsible for providing an education for many newly-freed former slaves as well as Native Americans. In the 20th century this area in Hampton became the location of Langley Air Force Base. As well as other notable sites such as NASA Langley Research Center, and the Virginia Air and Space Museum. The city features many miles of waterfront properties and extensive beaches.
For both residents and visitors, the city of Hampton features an array of industrial enterprises and businesses, as well as retail stores, residential areas, and of course many historical sites. The “new” Peninsula Town Center was developed in the late 2000’s and opened in May of the year 2010 on the site which was the previous location of the former Coliseum Mall. Wikipedia
*At the time the list was created, this lawyer appeared to offer free consultations.