Natural law and Constitutional law are two very similar types of law.
While not completely interchangeable, they each offer a hint into the perspective of law most people may have.
For example, constitutional law is essential codified natural law in many regards. However, constitutional laws also include man made laws to direct governing bodies.
On the other hand, natural law is entirely self-evident and can be logically proven. For example, all have a right to their own personal property, and this natural right should be respected in an honest society.
But, which type of law is trending among the People of America?
Lets find out!

Natural Law Searches Since 2004
According to Google Trends, “Natural Law” reached peak popularity in October of 2004, right before the election of George W. Bush. The second biggest moment for natural law in Google search results was October of 2008, right before the election of Barrack Obama. Finally the 3rd biggest day for searches related to natural law was September of 2020, months prior to Biden’s election.
While search results for natural law seem to have peaked near election cycles. Regardless of whether or not there is an election, September and October are the most common times of the year people search for natural law.
Interest in natural law appears to have declined since 2004, but has been fairly steady since 2009.
Constitutional Law Searches Since 2004
Much like searches for natural law, searches for “Constitutional Law” have declined since 2004, although there appears to have been a light resurgence in popularity since September of 2020. Unlike natural law searches, Constitutional law searches don’t seem to have the same peaks during elections.
Strangely, July seems to be the least popular month for constitutional law searches. Odd considering that it is the month for independence day when conversations regarding the US constitution seem to be at an all time high.
So, Which is more popular?
While constitutional law did rise above natural law in 2006, overall natural law has retained a slightly more “trendy” position in Google search results. While that is true nationwide, when we break down search results on a state by state level, a slightly different story emerges.
Since 2004, natural law results have been more trendy in all but 2 states; North Carolina and Oklahoma. This is also true for the District of Columbia where the biggest distinction between constitutional law and natural law, with the former taking a wide lead.
Regardless, for whatever reason, searches for natural law and constitutional law seem to move nearly in tandem peaking and falling in near perfect synchronicity. And a different picture appears to be emerging as we start to look at a smaller and smaller time frame.
For example, searches over the last five years:
During the last five years, other states appear to be switching things up as well. With Missouri joining NC, OK, and DC. With Texas and Georgia being right on the cusp of flipping, which they eventually do.
This is shocking, look at the results over the last year:
Over the last year an entirely new trend is forming with Maine, New York, Ohio, Alabama, Georgia, Alaska, Arkansas, New Hampshire, joining the aforementioned states in the trend. So it would appear that constitutional law is either rising in popularity or natural law is falling. Whatever the case may be, it is interesting to see this shift occurring.
And while it may not be the most accurate forecast of long term trends, the last 90 days shows the trend may be picking up pace. Check this out:
What do search results of natural law vs. constitutional law suggest?
In my experience there is a huge distinction between constitutional law and natural law. Natural law is purely self-evident in nature. And while constitutional law attempts to capture and preserve some of the elements of natural law. Overall, natural law includes all self-evident rights such as the right to be heard, the right to travel, and many others. But constitutional law is flawed in nature, and while it can be useful to control governmental bodies, constitutional law does a poor job of governing the people themselves.
The People are of the natural law, as made by their Creator. As a result constitutional law is a flawed mechanism of controlling them. Alternatively, constitutional law does a good job of controlling governing bodies and other creatures of the state. And while the basics of governing these bodies may be pulled from the natural law, natural law is not an effective means of controlling man made entities.
Regardless, the shift from natural rights toward constitutional rights suggests that people are becoming less and less aware of where the law comes from.
In Conclusion: Which is more popular?
Constitutional law and natural law search result seem to trade the spot light from time to time Which is also the case for other types of law such as common law vs. case law which both have many more searches than either of the competitors in today’s article.
Future trends will be interesting to track between the two types of law, and they may lead to deeper insight into how people perceive laws, government and where authority derives from. Which according to the Declaration of Independence, “the government derives its just powers form the consent of the governed.”