Healing Law- Legal News and Information on Laws, Court Cases, and Police

50+ Police Memes and Cop Memes Reviewed [2022 Bonus Edition]

It’s no secret, these are crazy times! But something that can help: is memes!

Especially police memes.

So, without further ado…

Here are 50+ of the best cop memes, police memes, and officer memes.

These meme’s are legally reviewed by our patented points rating system.

Be sure to share your favorite cop and police memes with your friends and family by sharing this article!

Disclaimer: Most of the articles on Healing Law are serious, but today, we are doing something different. NOTHING in this meme article is intended to be taken seriously. So please enjoy yourself!

50. Police Officer or Drug Delivery? Police Meme

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Category: Police Meme
This meme is relatively decent. It features nice manners on both the part of the police officer, and the offender. Though, misunderstandings make me cringe.

Meme Rating: 5 out of 10

Rating Breakdown:

Rating Total:  5.0 Points

Category: Police Meme 

This meme is relatively decent. It features nice manners on both the part of the police officer, and the offender. Though, misunderstandings make me cringe.

Look, I can’t blame a guy for trying to fool the officer with a Yu-Gi-Oh card for his crack cocaine. I mean, at least he tried to do things legally, right? Isn’t that what really matters?

*Bonus! He Ain’t Gunna See Me Police Car Meme

Meme Rating: BONUS MEME!

Category: Bonus Police Car Meme

Coo, coo, coo it’s good ole’ Roscoe P. Coletrain trying get them Duke Boys again. Do you think they will see him?

49. The Yu-Gi-Oh Card Excuses All Cop Meme

Meme Rating: 5 out of 10

Rating Breakdown:

Rating Total:  5 Points

Category: Cop Meme

48. Gotta Collect ‘Em All! Officer Meme

Meme Rating: 5 out of 10

Rating Breakdown:

Rating Total: 5 Points

Category: Officer Meme 

Despite the fun joke in this meme, I can’t help but think about how many times that joke is used. Especially because I can only imagine how many times a day that question is asked.

47. Well, you see, what had happened was… Cop Meme

Meme Rating: 5.5 out of 10

Rating Total:  5.5 Points

Category: Cop Meme

Okay, we definitely all know one of those people whose stories take 30 years to finish… And if you don’t know one of those people. I hate to break it to you, but you probably are that person.

46. Stressed? No, Of Course I’m Not Stressed! Cop Meme

Meme Rating: 5.5 out of 10

Rating Breakdown:

Rating Total:  5.5 Points

Category: Cop Meme

This joke is nice and simple. It’s easy to understand and is good for a small chuckle. However, this makes me sad for all of those 39 year old cops that “feel great” and “aren’t stressed at all”.

45. Inspirational Captions Reign Over All Officer Meme

Meme Rating: 6 out of 10

Rating Breakdown:

Rating Total:  6 Points

Category: Officer Meme

Kudos to the 9-1-1 operators that have to deal with scenarios like this. Also, you have to appreciate the people that are sad about their life, post an inspirational quote about their issue, continue their lives the same way, and then are surprised that their problems keep happening. We love these people.

44. Dolphin With A Hat? Awesome! Cop Meme

Meme Rating: 6 out of 10

Rating Breakdown:

Rating Total:  6 Points

Category: Cop Meme 

Subcategory: “Funky Animal” Meme

We have to appreciate the dolphin in the hat. Even if we didn’t get to see it. I saw a platypus in a hat once. There was a whole tv show about his owners who were inventors.

43. Expectations Vs. Reality Police Meme

Meme Rating: 6 out of 10

Rating Breakdown:

Rating Total:  6 Points

Category: Police Meme 

This person followed their dreams. They had a vision when they were little, and based their life on that. Props to them, honestly. I’m glad they’re willing to dig through people’s butts for drugs, because I sure am not.

42. That’s Still A Traffic Violation, Right? State Trooper Meme

Meme Rating: 6 out of 10

Rating Breakdown:

Rating Total:  6 Points

Category: State Trooper Meme

Let’s face it, memes based on true facts of reality are generally good. Pointing out facts the not many people discuss, but everyone knows are true, just makes for good memes. I would just like to know if the tortoise was involved in this particular stabbing?

41. Felt Cute, Might Enforce The Law Later… Officer Meme

Meme Rating: 6 out of 10

Rating Breakdown:

Rating Total:  6 Points

Category: Officer Meme

This is a wholesome meme. It’s yet another attempt from cops to seem more relatable. And honestly? I’m kind feelin’ it.

40. C’s Get Degrees… And Less Tickets Cop Meme

Meme Rating: 6 out of 10

Rating Breakdown:

Rating Total:  6 Points

Category: Cop Meme 

Look, I’m sad for this lady. She has to rethink her whole “get out of ticket” approach. However, good for the cop for not falling for bribery… At least not small bribes.

39. My Couch Could Do It Better Cop Meme

Meme Rating: 6.5 out of 10

Rating Breakdown:

Rating Total:  6.5 Points

Category: Cop meme 

I have to admit. If I watch shows with people doing things and they mess up, I also have a tendency to judge them. Though, if anyone ever called me out for it, I’d definitely fail miserably.

38. My Car Is Faster Than Yours!

Meme Rating: 6.5 out of 10

Rating Breakdown:

Rating Total:  6.5 Points

Category: Escaping Daycare Police Chase Meme

This meme is simple. And I thoroughly enjoy it. It really speaks levels about those kids who just don’t want to go back to daycare. I would like to know who thought up this picture though. They seem like a cool person.

37. Star Wars Attempts to Strike Back Trooper Meme

Meme Rating: 6.5 out of 10

Rating Breakdown:

Rating Total:  6.5 Points

Category: Police Meme

Sub-Category: Roasting Star Wars Guys Meme 

Getting arrested is the least of his worries. What’s he going to do if he gets into a jail fight and he still can’t hit anything?

36. Less Paperwork = More Fun Cop Meme

Meme Rating: 6.5 out of 10

Rating Breakdown:

  • Less Paperwork = More Fun: +4 Points
  • Simplicity: +2 Points
  • Early Birds Get The Worm, They Wait For The Pizza: +.5 Points

Rating Total:  6.5 Points

Category: Cop Meme

This is a nice, simple meme. It’s not necessarily relatable to the layman, but it is extremely understandable why they’re so happy.

35. I Would Never Speed Of My Own Volition! Cop Meme

Meme Rating: 6.5 out of 10

Rating Breakdown:

  • It’s Always A Rough Day When The Russians Strike: +4 Points
  • Being Framed For The Russians’ Work: +3.5 Points
  • They Hacked Your Speedometer, Not Your Accelerator: -1 Point

Rating Total:  6.5 Points

Category: Cop Meme

When the Russians strike, and you’re framed for it, there’s no getting out of it. Though, if they hacked your speedometer, that doesn’t mean that your accelerator is also hacked.

34. Who Is You? Police Meme

Meme Rating: 7 out of 10

Rating Breakdown:

  • This Is A True Fact Of Life: +6 Points
  • Fun Meme Format: +2 Points
  • It’s So Relatable That It Hurts: -1 Point

Rating Total:  7 Points

Category: Police Meme

This meme is very relatable. Even if you’re not breaking the law, trying to figure out if there’s a cop behind you when you’re driving can be a stressful situation.

33. Dis Hat Is Making Me In Charge State Trooper Meme

Meme Rating: 7 out of 10

Rating Breakdown:

Rating Total:  7 Points

Category: State Trooper meme 

State troopers love their big hats. They also love feeling like they’re in charge. Unfortunately, their big hats don’t even begin to compare to the size of their egos.

32. It’s Not Illegal If You Don’t Get Caught! Cop Meme

Meme Rating: 7 out of 10

Rating Breakdown:

  • Driving Fast Is Fun: +4 Points
  • Driving Slow And Avoiding Tickets is Also Fun: +5 Points
  • PSA: Maybe Don’t Speed, We Don’t Encourage Speeding: -2 Points

Rating Total:  7 Points

Category: Cop Meme 

If you don’t drive the speed of molasses on a cold winter’s night when you see a cop, you’re basically asking for a ticket. This is another one of those memes that are so relatable that it’s almost too harsh a reminder of this situation.

31. Batman Gets A Breath Test Meme!

Meme Rating: 7 out of 10

Rating Breakdown:

  • BATMAN: +4 Points
  • This Is a Decent Joke From A Police Force: +5 Points
  • He Had To Get A Breath Test: -2 Points

Rating Total:  7 Points

Category: Police Stop Meme

Subcategory: Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na BATMAN Meme 

Batman got pulled over in his bat mobile and needed a breath test. Was he short of breath, or just drunk? Does he know anything about any particular bat soup that caused quite a stir?

30. Whale, You Know How It Goes

Meme Rating: 7.5 out of 10

Rating Breakdown:

Rating Total:  7.5 Points

Category: Officer Meme

Really? We’re reduced to fat shaming? Shamu! *Clears throat* Excuse me, I mean: Shamu’n you!

29. Karen Needs To Speak To The Man In Charge!

Meme Rating: 7.5 out of 10

Rating Breakdown:

  • Super Karen Is Back At It Again: +4 Points
  • Her Haircut Is ~En Pointe~: +3.5 Points

Rating Total:  7.5 Points

Category: Officer Meme

Oh gosh, this sergeant is in for an ear full. Whenever you’re summoned by the super Karen, you know you’re well on your way to having a rough day.

28. Let Me Go, I Need Sympathy!

Meme Rating: 7.5 out of 10

Rating Breakdown:

  • The Change In Attitude Is Fun: +4 Points
  • There’s A Lot Of Satisfaction That They’re In Jail: +3 Points
  • Hims Talks A Big Talk: +.5 Points

Rating Total:  7.5 Points

Category: Officer Arrest Meme

Subcategory: Matthew McConaughey Meme

This is one thing that would make me want to be a cop. I would absolutely relish in arresting the people who talk such a big game and then plead to be released as soon as they’re arrested. Those people are my favorite people.

27. Don’t Break The Law With That Tattoo Police Meme

Meme Rating: 7.5 out of 10

Rating Breakdown:

Rating Total:  7.5 Points

Category: Police Meme

This is another one of those “instant regret” memes. he seems like one of those guys from the last meme that talk such a big game out of cuffs. But then they plead for mercy later. At least he made Patrolman Adamson smile.

26. Pokemon Go Is Life Cop Meme

Meme Rating: 7.5 out of 10

Rating Breakdown:

  • Pikaaaaachuuuuuu: +4 Points
  • Pokemon Go Was Pretty Popular: +2.5 Points
  • Got Punished For Wasting The Officer’s Time: +1 Points

Rating Total:  7.5 Points

Category: Cop Meme

Look, Pikachu is adorable. And I’m all for going outside and playing Pokemon Go. But don’t go chasing waterfalls… or wasting the time of police officers.

25. All of The Sanitization You Can Ask For Officer Meme

Meme Rating: 7.5 out of 10

Rating Breakdown:

Rating Total:  7.5 Points

Category: Officer Meme 

Hey, if they’re making hand sanitizer, I’d definitely like to “cop” some. If they’re making moonshine… they probably shouldn’t be allowed to do that.

24. The Suspect Has Pants, Shoes, And Is Made of Paper Police Sketch Meme

Meme Rating: 8 out of 10

Rating Breakdown:

Rating Total:  8 Points

Category: Police Meme 

We should all be proud of this schoolboy for doing his local police a favor. He had nothing but the best intentions and that’s really what matters, honestly.

23. Stoner Boy Knows How It Is Police Meme

Meme Rating: 8 out of 10

Rating Breakdown:

  • Points For Trying To Make Good Conversation: +2 Points
  • The Police Officer’s Face Is Relatable: +7 Points
  • Nobody Likes The Person Who Corrects Everyone: -1 Points

Rating Total:  8 Points

Category: Police Meme

So, points were definitely given to this kid for trying to make a nice conversation. But we all know one of those people that corrects everything everyone says no matter how simple. And honestly? I’m not here for it.

22. When She Wants To Prove A Point… But Not Really Cop Meme

Meme Rating: 8 out of 10

Rating Breakdown:

  • This Meme Format Is A Good Format: +10 Points
  • Confused Internet Cat: +2 Points
  • Confused Internet Cat Got Arrested: -4 Points

Rating Total:  8 Points

Category: Cop Meme

Honestly, I love this meme format. Even if it’s been slightly overused, it will never lose points for that.

21. PUP Squad 4 Lyfe

Meme Rating: 8 out of 10

Rating Breakdown:

  • PUP Squad 4 Lyfe: +6 Points
  • Hims Name Is Fluffy: +1 Point
  • He Made A “Ur Mom” Joke: +1 Point

Rating Total:  8 Points

Category: PUP Squad 4 Lyfe Police Meme 

This doggo is a straight savage. And his name is Fluffy. I want to be friends with Fluffy.

Meme Rating: 8.5 out of 10

Rating Breakdown:

  • Relatability: +5 Points
  • Good Meme Format: +5.5 Points
  • His Seat Belt Strap Is Behind Him… Gonna Get Pulled: -2 Point

Rating Total:  8.5 Points

Category: State Trooper Meme

This is a decent, relatable meme. This meme is basically timeless. I’m pretty sure that: as long as there have been state troopers, people have felt like this when there’s one next to them at a red light. However, the question of why the trooper isn’t moving in this scenario can be answered by his seat belt strap being behind him, not in front of him. Totes not safe, dude.

19. Nobody Takes The Last Piece Of Pie From Me, Call the Law Meme

Meme Rating: 8.5 out of 10

Rating Breakdown:

  • Life advice for those that have friends with warrants: +6 Points
  • Mama’s Sweet Potato Pie: +4 Points
  • Polo’s are so out: -1.5 Points

Rating Total:  8.5 Points

Category: Call the law Meme 

When intellect and wit let you down, and your cousin goes for that last piece of pie. Take a quick visit to your favorite background check application. If he has warrants, tough decisions have to be made sometimes.

18. When the Situation Is Too Relatable Officer Meme

Meme Rating: 8.5 out of 10

Rating Breakdown:

  • Commitment To The Joke: +6.5 Points
  • Never Letting a Serious situation Get You Down: +3.5 Points
  • The image to text ratio is off: -1.5

Rating Total:  8.5 Points

Category: Officer Meme 

Getting pulled over sucks, but jokes are never out of the question. The officer may hit you with the night stick, or he may send you on your way. But hey, you only live once!

17. Good Puns Mean Good Law Meme

Meme Rating: 8.5 out of 10

Rating Breakdown:

Rating Total:  8.5 Points

Category: Law Meme 

Sometimes you just have to throw caution to the wind, and never before has such an emotion been so well described in one image. This meme not only has puns, it has gumption! Unfortunately there is now litter in that tree.

16. Ya Gotta Give ‘Em The Small Things, Or They’ll Get Ya For The Biguns Cop Meme

Meme Rating: 8.5 out of 10

Rating Breakdown:

Rating Total:  8.5 Points

Category: Cop Meme

Look, overlooking the little things could lead to much worse problems. But by focusing on the important things, we can bring about a just society. After all, we know if it is one law the police never break, it’s having window tint that is too dark.

15. It’s Funnier If You Know The Song Cop Meme

Meme Rating: 8.5 out of 10

Rating Breakdown:

Rating Total:  8.5 Points

Category: Cop Meme 

Facebook is a waste land of so called inspirational posts, sometimes you need one meme to be the sheriff of the self-righteous posts. This is the one. We all have to learn, but sometimes are the only way of reaching the newb on the force.

14. Karen Strikes Again Police Meme

Meme Rating: 8.75 out of 10

Rating Breakdown:

Rating Total:  8.75 Points

Category: Karen Director of Police Meme

Karen is everywhere, and if there is one Karen you need to look our for. Its the one with the police officer husband, and 3 children repping the thin blue line shirts. Look out owners of heavily tinted cars,, Karen is raising an army.

13. Maybe They’re Just Hugging? Cop Meme

Meme Rating: 9 out of 10

Rating Breakdown:

Rating Total:  9 Points

Category: Cop on Cop Live PD Meme

I would love to share stories with the officer on top. Hopefully this is the first time he messed up this bad, but I still think he has got stories. Either way, I am fairly certain he had to transfer departments after this one. There is no way he does not hear about this everyday!

12. At Least He Find Time To Talk To His Family Police Meme

Meme Rating: 9 Points out of 10

Rating Breakdown:

Rating Total:  9 Points

Category: Police Meme

Nothing goes along more naturally than police and donuts, well other than police and family of course. Family before donuts!

11. The Relatable Lip Sync Sing-Along Police Department Meme

Meme Rating: 9 out of 10

Rating Breakdown:

Rating Total:  9 Points

Category: Relatable PD Meme

We have all seen the local PD or fire department take things one step too far and make an attempt to relate to the public. This meme says it all! Nothing left to say.

COMING UP: Top 10!

You’ve made it this far, only 9 more to go until you get to see #1!

10. When Jesus Performs Another Miracle Police Meme

Meme Rating: 9 out of 10

Rating Breakdown:

Rating Total:  9 Points

Category: Police Meme

Sometimes miracles happen, very frequently they just so happen in the presence of a police officer. There is simple something about the presence of a cop that brings forth miracles from on high. Water into wine, happening to catch you speeding the very first time, and of course the classic, HE CAME OUT OF NOWHERE!

9. Thanks, Officers!

Meme Rating: 9 out of 10

Rating Breakdown:

  • Who got away with this: +7 Points
  • Public Service: +2 Points
  • Huge oversight on the part of the director: -2 Points

Rating Total:  9 Points

Category: Police Meme 

When a woman is in heat, she definitely needs help. Thank goodness these 4 officers were there to save the day! Seriously, who let this happen?!

8. When She Really Wants You Over State Trooper Meme.

Meme Rating: 9 out of 10

Rating Breakdown:

Rating Total:  9 Points

Category: State Trooper Meme

State troopers have very little to do, but what little is within their jurisdiction, you better bet they will be there anytime, anywhere, for anyone. Troopers keep a tough grip on the highways and interstates when it comes to scofflaws, even if their girlfriend is the culprit.

7. They Love Me For Me Cop Meme

Meme Rating: 9 out of 10

Rating Breakdown:

Rating Total:  9 Points

Category: Cop Meme 

It’s a very rare occasion when you find someone who really wants you for you. When it comes to warrants, no one wants you more than the local PD. You can’t escape true love!

As featured in our Jail Meme Review.

6. You Didn’t See That Coming! Police Meme

Meme Rating: 9 out of 10

Rating Breakdown:

Rating Total:  9 Points

Category: Police meme 

Never try to outrun the police. This meme says it all. Even when you think you are going to get away, an officer will snatch you seemingly out of thin air if you run. Instead, stand your ground, and if worse comes to worse… hire a lawyer.

5. Oh My… Look At Those Tiny Sandwiches Police Meme

Meme Rating: 9.5 out of 10

Rating Breakdown:

Rating Total:  9.5 Points

Category: Police Evidence Meme 

Never let anyone tell you anything is impossible! Those little baggies could be for anything. Even tiny sandwiches. No one can judge you for your hobbies! Not even the police.

4. These Are Tough Times For Gender Specifications Police Meme

Meme Rating: 9.5 out of 10

Rating Breakdown:

  • Identifying As A Mountain Panda: +5 Points
  • Respecting Modern Gender Guidelines: +5.5 Points
  • What’s a Mountain Panda?: -1 Point

Rating Total:  9.5 Points

Category: Police Meme

This cop gets mad respect for trying to respect today’s gender guidelines. Respecting people’s pronouns is all the rage. Though, it makes things slightly more confusing when you’re trying to describe a criminal.

3. Gotta Love People Who Shout Things Police Meme

Meme Rating: 9.5 out of 10

Rating Breakdown:

Rating Total:  9.5 Points

Category: Police Meme 

People yelling things out of car windows is seriously so 2015. You know, before people complained about it so much that it became a meme. However, using the Simpsons in this context is the best.

2. Don’t Stop The Owl, He’s Living His Life Meme

Meme Rating: 10 out of 10

Rating Breakdown:

Rating Total: 10 Friendly Owl Sounds

Category: Police meme

Sub-category: Don’t Stop The Owl From Living His Best Life Meme

Look, this owl has no time for being stopped by law enforcement. Unless he’s being detained, he has no time for your small talk.

It seems as though this article is about to meet its timely end…

You came here to see the BEST police meme though, and I’m afraid it wasn’t in the list above…

However, if you just scroll a little farther…

Without further ado… Here is the BEST police meme of 2020…

1. When The Corona Virus Keeps You Self-Distancing Ultimate Cop & Police Meme

Meme Rating: Sorry, The Rating is Self-Distancing So It’s Too Far Away to See…

Rating Breakdown:

Rating Total:  Infinite points out of 10

Category: Effective Cop Meme 

Look, this meme is relevant. It’s revolutionary. It’s got everything you want to see in a meme. It even has a nice procedure format for other officers to follow when they’re working from home.

Despite the jokes, Healing Law takes things seriously. Try following our Coronavirus Law Tracker for updates on the legislation surround COVID-19.

In Conclusion:

Did we miss any memes? Let us know! There are hundreds of thousands of police memes out there. So, please, share your favorite ones with us!

Even though our current time together is at an end, feel free to check out our other articles. Perhaps something more serious? Such as The Ultimate Guide to Working with A Public Defender.

Don’t hesitate to share this article, as well as your top police memes, with your friends and family and on social media! We are so grateful for the support!

Also, check out our new Covid-19 Law Tracker!

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